雅思口语天天练:接电话 1. leaving a Message 学习重点:找某人听电话 表示某人不在 表示要留话 留下自己的联络处 询问怎样拼对方的姓名 会话1 留下联络处 A:This is DengRobert Deng from Taiwan. Id like to speak with your Director. 我姓邓,台湾的Robert邓。请您们主任听电话。 B:Mr. Jones is not in right now. May I take a message? Jones 先生现在不在,您要不要留话? A:Yes. Could you ask him to call me at the Hilton Hotel, Room No. 579? 好,请转告他打电话到希尔顿店,579号房来找我,好吗? B:Certainly, Mr. Deng. Hilton Hotel, Room 579? 没问题,邓先生,希尔顿579号房吗? A:Thats right. Thank you. 没错,谢谢您。 词语 1.This is我是。在电话中说明我是谁时,是用This is,而不是I am。 2.Id like to等于I would like to我想。would like为want的客气用法。 3.speak with 找听电话;与讲话 4.in 在中。此处的in不是介系词,而是副词。 5.right now 现在。right为副词,意思是正是,为强调的用法。 6.take a message 留话。take是记下;记录,message是口信;传话。 7.No n. No是number的缩写,通常放在数目字的前面,表示第号,如No. 3,即是第三号。 8. certainly adv. 当然可以;好 CALLER:请转告他打到找我 Could you ask him to call me at? 这句型适用于找不到对方,或对方有事不能前来接听时,留下自己的联络处,请其回电。 at之后可接地点或电话号码。could是请求或征询时的助动词,用于请求、委 托时,语气谦和客气。 同义句 Would you tell him to call me at? Could you inform him that I can be reached at? Would you have him get back to me at? inform v. 通知 reach v. 能联络得到 get back to 回电话 RECEIVER:他不在,您要留话吗? I take a message? 这句话适用于某人只是暂时不在,而仍会回来之时。请对方留话即表示自己将告知 某人,请其主动联络,而不必劳烦对方再打来。may是用于请求或征询时的助 动词,也可用can代替,不过may在语气上较为客气。 同义句 Mr. Jones is out at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? Mr. Jones is not available right now. May I give him a message for you? Mr. Jones is away from his desk. Can I take a message? out adv. 外出;不在 at the moment 现在;此刻 available a.是指找得到人;在此处的意思 away from ones desk不在位子上
雅思口语天天练:接电话 1. leaving a Message 学习重点:找某人听电话 表示某人不在 表示要留话 留下自己的联络处 询问怎样拼对方的姓名 会话1 留下联络处 A:This is DengRobert Deng from Taiwan. Id like to speak with your Director. 我姓邓,台湾的Robert邓。请您们主任听电话。 B:Mr. Jones is not in right now. May I take a message? Jones 先生现在不在,您要不要留话? A:Yes. Could you ask him to call me at the Hilton Hotel, Room No. 579? 好,请转告他打电话到希尔顿店,579号房来找我,好吗? B:Certainly, Mr. Deng. Hilton Hotel, Room 579? 没问题,邓先生,希尔顿579号房吗? A:Thats right. Thank you. 没错,谢谢您。 词语 1.This is我是。在电话中说明我是谁时,是用This is,而不是I am。 2.Id like to等于I would like to我想。would like为want的客气用法。 3.speak with 找听电话;与讲话 4.in 在中。此处的in不是介系词,而是副词。 5.right now 现在。right为副词,意思是正是,为强调的用法。 6.take a message 留话。take是记下;记录,message是口信;传话。 7.No n. No是number的缩写,通常放在数目字的前面,表示第号,如No. 3,即是第三号。 8. certainly adv. 当然可以;好 CALLER:请转告他打到找我 Could you ask him to call me at? 这句型适用于找不到对方,或对方有事不能前来接听时,留下自己的联络处,请其回电。 at之后可接地点或电话号码。could是请求或征询时的助动词,用于请求、委 托时,语气谦和客气。 同义句 Would you tell him to call me at? Could you inform him that I can be reached at? Would you have him get back to me at? inform v. 通知 reach v. 能联络得到 get back to 回电话 RECEIVER:他不在,您要留话吗? I take a message? 这句话适用于某人只是暂时不在,而仍会回来之时。请对方留话即表示自己将告知 某人,请其主动联络,而不必劳烦对方再打来。may是用于请求或征询时的助 动词,也可用can代替,不过may在语气上较为客气。 同义句 Mr. Jones is out at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? Mr. Jones is not available right now. May I give him a message for you? Mr. Jones is away from his desk. Can I take a message? out adv. 外出;不在 at the moment 现在;此刻 available a.是指找得到人;在此处的意思 away from ones desk不在位子上