SEE A TEMPLE法解决雅思写作没有思路的题目

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SEE A TEMPLE法解决雅思写作没有思路的题目



  【雅思真题】In Canada, the average child between the ages of 6 and 15 watches more than 22 hours of television a week, while only spending about 8 hours a week on physical exercise. This is a worrying situation, and parents have a duty to ensure their children get enough exercise. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers.

  考题评点:本题最近出现是2005年03月19日/2005年12月18日亚太区IELTS G类考题;该题很容易被考生错误的简单处理成一个A1,即看电视甚至是television的利弊讨论,而造成离题;但其实出题者真实的意图是一道A2的题型即,特别值得一体的是,要考虑到这个考题在思考中心句的裸奔逛庙法时,要把object具体的处理为 children,而不是任何群体,此题很显然限制了裸奔逛庙法扫描时的思路,但也给考生提供了很好的单一练习部分;

  SEE A TEMPLE 法应用范例:



  Subject:A=watching television; B=doing exercise regularly

  可以预期的是因为object已经限定为人,所以中心句S+V+O+to do结构将比较多


  A . watching television作用于children上:

  2 Arguments

   Television provides enormous possibilities for education, like school programmes via closed-circuit television.

   economic problems and parents and children seem at breaking point.

  2 Counter-arguments

  Television prevents people from communicating with each other. It has done a lot of harm to the relationship between family members.

   A lot of parents use television as a pacifier for their children. They put their children in front of the set and dont care whether the children are exposed to rubbishy commercials or spectacles of violence as long as the children are quiet. Some people think television leads to violence, immorality, and greed for possessions.

  B . doing exercise 作用于children上:


  u children should be encouraged to watch TV to gain knowledge through media, in their spare time which is left after studying;

  u children should be restricted from watching TV because Television is a great time-waster. Television takes up too much of our time.

  u Watching TV is educationally pernicious for the reason that Television makes the viewer completely passive because everything is presented to him without any effort on his part.




  【雅思真题】In Canada, the average child between the ages of 6 and 15 watches more than 22 hours of television a week, while only spending about 8 hours a week on physical exercise. This is a worrying situation, and parents have a duty to ensure their children get enough exercise. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers.

  考题评点:本题最近出现是2005年03月19日/2005年12月18日亚太区IELTS G类考题;该题很容易被考生错误的简单处理成一个A1,即看电视甚至是television的利弊讨论,而造成离题;但其实出题者真实的意图是一道A2的题型即,特别值得一体的是,要考虑到这个考题在思考中心句的裸奔逛庙法时,要把object具体的处理为 children,而不是任何群体,此题很显然限制了裸奔逛庙法扫描时的思路,但也给考生提供了很好的单一练习部分;

  SEE A TEMPLE 法应用范例:



  Subject:A=watching television; B=doing exercise regularly

  可以预期的是因为object已经限定为人,所以中心句S+V+O+to do结构将比较多


  A . watching television作用于children上:

  2 Arguments

   Television provides enormous possibilities for education, like school programmes via closed-circuit television.

   economic problems and parents and children seem at breaking point.

  2 Counter-arguments

  Television prevents people from communicating with each other. It has done a lot of harm to the relationship between family members.

   A lot of parents use television as a pacifier for their children. They put their children in front of the set and dont care whether the children are exposed to rubbishy commercials or spectacles of violence as long as the children are quiet. Some people think television leads to violence, immorality, and greed for possessions.

  B . doing exercise 作用于children上:


  u children should be encouraged to watch TV to gain knowledge through media, in their spare time which is left after studying;

  u children should be restricted from watching TV because Television is a great time-waster. Television takes up too much of our time.

  u Watching TV is educationally pernicious for the reason that Television makes the viewer completely passive because everything is presented to him without any effort on his part.