Jennifer Lawrence Brings Christmas Cheer to Children at Louisville Hospital.
Jennifer Lawrence带给路易斯维尔医院的小孩子们圣诞的欢乐
Jennifer Lawrence is spreading Christmas cheer in her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.
Jennifer Lowrence正在她的家乡路易斯维儿肯塔基州度过欢乐的圣诞节。
The 27-year-old Oscar winner made a visit to Norton Children's Hospital on Sunday, where she spent time with patients, family, and staff members.
“This visit has become a tradition for Lawrence each Christmas,” the hospital wrote on its Instagram page. “Thank you, Jennifer! You sure do bring a smile to all!”As ABC News notes, it's least the fifth time Lawrence has visited during the holiday season.
Last year, the actress donated $2 million to the hospital to establish the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. “My family and I have met so many wonderful children on our visits to the hospital. Their strength and courage is inspiring,” Lawrence said in a statement at the time.
去年,这位女演员捐了200万美元给当地的医院建立Jennifer Lawrence 心脏防护中心。“我和我的家人在拜访医院期间见到了很多活泼可爱的小孩子。他们的坚强和勇气鼓舞人心,”劳伦斯那时说到。
Jennifer Lawrence Brings Christmas Cheer to Children at Louisville Hospital.
Jennifer Lawrence带给路易斯维尔医院的小孩子们圣诞的欢乐
Jennifer Lawrence is spreading Christmas cheer in her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.
Jennifer Lowrence正在她的家乡路易斯维儿肯塔基州度过欢乐的圣诞节。
The 27-year-old Oscar winner made a visit to Norton Children's Hospital on Sunday, where she spent time with patients, family, and staff members.
“This visit has become a tradition for Lawrence each Christmas,” the hospital wrote on its Instagram page. “Thank you, Jennifer! You sure do bring a smile to all!”As ABC News notes, it's least the fifth time Lawrence has visited during the holiday season.
Last year, the actress donated $2 million to the hospital to establish the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. “My family and I have met so many wonderful children on our visits to the hospital. Their strength and courage is inspiring,” Lawrence said in a statement at the time.
去年,这位女演员捐了200万美元给当地的医院建立Jennifer Lawrence 心脏防护中心。“我和我的家人在拜访医院期间见到了很多活泼可爱的小孩子。他们的坚强和勇气鼓舞人心,”劳伦斯那时说到。