比如:The growing importance of themiddle classes leds to an increased demandfor dictionaries。
Johnson set up an academy to helpwith thewriting of hisDictionary。
这两道题为判断题,同时都是考察对关键词的正确理解程度。首先academy 解释为学术团队,middle class为中产阶级。如果认识这两个词,那么解这道题就会变得简单许多,可以直接将该两个词作为定位词,回原文快速定位。
又如:The expected statistical outcome。
再如:What is thewritersmain pointabout lobby groups in paragraph 6?
A.Some aremore active than others。
B.Some are better organised than others。
C.Some receive more criticism thanothers。
D.Some supportmore important issuesthan others。
根据题目指示,回第6段定位That would matter less if people applied the same degree of scepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields。这题的解题关键就是对原文这句话中scepticism的理解。其词义为怀疑,对应的是C选项中的criticism,因此答案应为C。
如 :It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the pure science that they study at school。
该题为判断题,回原文定位Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about pure, curriculum science.,这句话中curriculum对应的即为题目中的at school,因此为True。
又如:Which species swims upside down while eating?
该题为简答题,原文中...freshwater dolphins,which often swim on their side or upside down while feeding... 该句中feeding即为题目中的eating,所以可以完全肯定答案为freshwater dolphins。
如:Australians have been turning to al-ternative therapies in increasing numbersover the past 20 years。
该题为判断题,在原文中可以找到相对应的句子为 Disenchantment with orthodox medicine has seen the popularity of alternative therapies in Australia climb steadily during the past 20 years。大多数考生普遍不认识disenchantment,但通过该词前缀dis-,可以推断出其感情色彩应为负面;相对应的是popularity为正面感情色彩,因此可以推断出原文该句理解为在过去20年澳大利亚alternative therapies越来越受欢迎,而orthodox medicine越来越受冷落,所以该题为True。并且,从中可以推测出 alternative therapies与 orthodox medicine为一对相反词,alternative为选择性,借助整句句义,可以推测出orthodox为传统性,这对之后其他题型的解题帮助甚大。考试大的美女编辑们
又如:In the past,Australians had a high-er opinion of doctors than they do today。
该题同样为判断题,原文相对应句子为The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence. 这句中consequence意为不好的结果,是负面单词,因此推断出erode也为负面单词,那么这句句义就可以理解为医生的地位现在结果不好。所以,答案为True。
比如:The growing importance of themiddle classes leds to an increased demandfor dictionaries。
Johnson set up an academy to helpwith thewriting of hisDictionary。
这两道题为判断题,同时都是考察对关键词的正确理解程度。首先academy 解释为学术团队,middle class为中产阶级。如果认识这两个词,那么解这道题就会变得简单许多,可以直接将该两个词作为定位词,回原文快速定位。
又如:The expected statistical outcome。
再如:What is thewritersmain pointabout lobby groups in paragraph 6?
A.Some aremore active than others。
B.Some are better organised than others。
C.Some receive more criticism thanothers。
D.Some supportmore important issuesthan others。
根据题目指示,回第6段定位That would matter less if people applied the same degree of scepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields。这题的解题关键就是对原文这句话中scepticism的理解。其词义为怀疑,对应的是C选项中的criticism,因此答案应为C。
如 :It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the pure science that they study at school。
该题为判断题,回原文定位Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about pure, curriculum science.,这句话中curriculum对应的即为题目中的at school,因此为True。
又如:Which species swims upside down while eating?
该题为简答题,原文中...freshwater dolphins,which often swim on their side or upside down while feeding... 该句中feeding即为题目中的eating,所以可以完全肯定答案为freshwater dolphins。
如:Australians have been turning to al-ternative therapies in increasing numbersover the past 20 years。
该题为判断题,在原文中可以找到相对应的句子为 Disenchantment with orthodox medicine has seen the popularity of alternative therapies in Australia climb steadily during the past 20 years。大多数考生普遍不认识disenchantment,但通过该词前缀dis-,可以推断出其感情色彩应为负面;相对应的是popularity为正面感情色彩,因此可以推断出原文该句理解为在过去20年澳大利亚alternative therapies越来越受欢迎,而orthodox medicine越来越受冷落,所以该题为True。并且,从中可以推测出 alternative therapies与 orthodox medicine为一对相反词,alternative为选择性,借助整句句义,可以推测出orthodox为传统性,这对之后其他题型的解题帮助甚大。考试大的美女编辑们
又如:In the past,Australians had a high-er opinion of doctors than they do today。
该题同样为判断题,原文相对应句子为The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence. 这句中consequence意为不好的结果,是负面单词,因此推断出erode也为负面单词,那么这句句义就可以理解为医生的地位现在结果不好。所以,答案为True。