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  Introduction:What does it mean to obey?To obey means to do what you are told to do. Can you think of at least two people you are supposed to obey when you are at school?What about when you are at home?There are others whom God has chosen to teach and watch out for you also. Lets say this verse about obeying:Presentation:Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves. Hebrews 13:17.

  小朋友们?什么是顺服呢?顺服就是听话。 你能不能想到在学校的时候, 你应该听谁的话呢?在家的时候, 你要听谁的话呢?还有一些神派来照顾你们的人, 你们也要听。让我们来看有关顺服的圣经经节。希伯来书13:17说:你们要依从那些引导你们的, 且要顺服。

  Explanation:God wants us to obey and show respect for all those in authority over us, so long as they do not ask us to do something against Gods Word. We are to especially respect and honor those who are Gods workers. Obey and submit are words that mean almost the same thing.


  Application:If you know the Lord Jesus, are you quick to obey your parents and teachers without complaining?Do you listen without interrupting or arguing?  Do you show respect for them and what they tell you?Especially you should honor and obey those who know the Lord Jesus and work for Him. Some of Gods workers include your pastor and Bible teachers, and your Christian parents.

  如果你相信主耶稣, 你是不是愿意很快地顺服你的父母和老师, 而且不报怨呢?他们说话的时候, 你有没有打岔或顶嘴呢?你有没有尊重他们并听他们的话呢?你们特别要尊重那些服侍神的人。这些神的仆人包括你们的牧师, 主日学老师, 而且还有你们信主的父母。

  If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you are not part of Gods family. But when God created you, He loved you and planned that you would believe on Him and become part of His forever family. If you miss His invitation to join that family, you will regret it for eternity. Why not go now to How to Be a Child of God and see what you must do to be in Gods family!

  如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 你就不是他家里的一员。在神创造你的时候, 他就已经爱你了, 就有这个计划让你去相信他, 并成为他家里的一员, 直到永远。如果你错过了他的邀请, 没有加入神的家庭, 你就会在永世里为这个懊悔。请你现在就去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 并看看你要怎样做才能够成为神家里的一员。

  Repetition:Will you right now get your paper and pencil and write down this important Bible verse. Then list those whom God has put in authority over you, especially Gods workers. Write down ways you could show respect for them this week. Put a check mark each time you show respect in one of those ways. Now, lets learn a song you can sing to yourself to help you remember your verse.There are rules in my home, there are rules in my school, There are rules when I go out to play.Some I dont understand, But I know Gods command, So Ill cheerfully trust and obey.

  请现在拿纸和笔, 写下这句重要的圣经经节, 然后再把神要你顺服的人的名字写下来, 特别是神的仆人。写下来这个星期你要怎样表现出你对他们的尊敬。每做一件, 就在旁边打一个勾。让我们现在来唱这首歌, 让它来帮助你记住我们今天所讲的。


  Introduction:What does it mean to obey?To obey means to do what you are told to do. Can you think of at least two people you are supposed to obey when you are at school?What about when you are at home?There are others whom God has chosen to teach and watch out for you also. Lets say this verse about obeying:Presentation:Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves. Hebrews 13:17.

  小朋友们?什么是顺服呢?顺服就是听话。 你能不能想到在学校的时候, 你应该听谁的话呢?在家的时候, 你要听谁的话呢?还有一些神派来照顾你们的人, 你们也要听。让我们来看有关顺服的圣经经节。希伯来书13:17说:你们要依从那些引导你们的, 且要顺服。

  Explanation:God wants us to obey and show respect for all those in authority over us, so long as they do not ask us to do something against Gods Word. We are to especially respect and honor those who are Gods workers. Obey and submit are words that mean almost the same thing.


  Application:If you know the Lord Jesus, are you quick to obey your parents and teachers without complaining?Do you listen without interrupting or arguing?  Do you show respect for them and what they tell you?Especially you should honor and obey those who know the Lord Jesus and work for Him. Some of Gods workers include your pastor and Bible teachers, and your Christian parents.

  如果你相信主耶稣, 你是不是愿意很快地顺服你的父母和老师, 而且不报怨呢?他们说话的时候, 你有没有打岔或顶嘴呢?你有没有尊重他们并听他们的话呢?你们特别要尊重那些服侍神的人。这些神的仆人包括你们的牧师, 主日学老师, 而且还有你们信主的父母。

  If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you are not part of Gods family. But when God created you, He loved you and planned that you would believe on Him and become part of His forever family. If you miss His invitation to join that family, you will regret it for eternity. Why not go now to How to Be a Child of God and see what you must do to be in Gods family!

  如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 你就不是他家里的一员。在神创造你的时候, 他就已经爱你了, 就有这个计划让你去相信他, 并成为他家里的一员, 直到永远。如果你错过了他的邀请, 没有加入神的家庭, 你就会在永世里为这个懊悔。请你现在就去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 并看看你要怎样做才能够成为神家里的一员。

  Repetition:Will you right now get your paper and pencil and write down this important Bible verse. Then list those whom God has put in authority over you, especially Gods workers. Write down ways you could show respect for them this week. Put a check mark each time you show respect in one of those ways. Now, lets learn a song you can sing to yourself to help you remember your verse.There are rules in my home, there are rules in my school, There are rules when I go out to play.Some I dont understand, But I know Gods command, So Ill cheerfully trust and obey.

  请现在拿纸和笔, 写下这句重要的圣经经节, 然后再把神要你顺服的人的名字写下来, 特别是神的仆人。写下来这个星期你要怎样表现出你对他们的尊敬。每做一件, 就在旁边打一个勾。让我们现在来唱这首歌, 让它来帮助你记住我们今天所讲的。