Sore throats can be a pain and are often the first signs of a cold. Here's a few of our best tips to help you get rid of it quickly including marshmallows and chicken soup. There's nothing worse than a sore throat, well, except a hacking cough.
Most sore throats, also known as pharyngitis, are caused by minor illnesses like a cold or flu and will go away with time, but there are few things you can try to speed up the process or ease the pain.
Whatever the cause is, the first concern of most people is to ease the pain. It's tempting to run to a doctor, but give some of these home remedies a go first.
A sore throat refers to pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat. You may have difficulty swallowing food and liquids, and the pain may get worse when you try to swallow. It can be caused by either a viral or bacterial infection.
How to get rid of or ease a sore throat
1. Take anti-inflammatories. Paracetamol is better for children, but adults can take ibuprofen to get any swelling down. Children under 16 shouldn't take aspirin.
1. 服用消炎药。儿童可以吃扑热息痛药,但成人可以服用布洛芬治疗吞咽问题。16岁以下的儿童不宜服用阿司匹林。
2. Lozenges and sprays. These can work, as lozenges encourage saliva production, helping keep the throat moist. Choose ones with a cooling ingredient for extra relief. Hard sweets, ice cubes or ice lollies also work.
2. 锭剂和喷雾剂。这两种也有效,因为锭剂能促进唾液的分泌,有助于保持喉咙湿润。选择含有令喉咙舒爽的药剂也能让你更好受一些。硬糖果、冰块或冰棍也同样有效。
Other ways to ease a sore throat
1. Gargle in saltwater. Gargling in salt water several times a day helps reduce swelling in the throat and losens any mucus helping to flush out your bacteria. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. If the salt is too much add a small touch of honey. Spit the water out after gargling and do not swallow it.
1. 用盐水漱口。每天用盐水漱几次口能缓解喉咙肿胀、减少粘液、冲走细菌。在一杯水中融入半茶匙盐。如果盐放多了,那就加少量蜂蜜。漱完口之后,记得把水吐出来,可不要吞下去哦。
2. Drink more fluids. Drink plenty of cool or warm fluids, as you need to keep hydrated. Avoid very hot drinks. To test if you are drinking enough, check your urine. If it's clear or pale that means you are drinking enough. Darker urine means you need to drink more. Water works, ice cubes, you can also have watered down fruit juice or a broth.
2. 多喝流体。喝大量冷的或温的流体,因为你需要保持水分。不要喝太烫的饮品。想了解自己是否喝了足够多的水?看看自己的尿液吧。如果尿液呈浅色或无色,那就意味着你喝的水足够了。尿液浑浊意味着你需要喝更多的水。水、冰块都有效,你还可以喝果汁或热汤。
Sore throats can be a pain and are often the first signs of a cold. Here's a few of our best tips to help you get rid of it quickly including marshmallows and chicken soup. There's nothing worse than a sore throat, well, except a hacking cough.
Most sore throats, also known as pharyngitis, are caused by minor illnesses like a cold or flu and will go away with time, but there are few things you can try to speed up the process or ease the pain.
Whatever the cause is, the first concern of most people is to ease the pain. It's tempting to run to a doctor, but give some of these home remedies a go first.
A sore throat refers to pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat. You may have difficulty swallowing food and liquids, and the pain may get worse when you try to swallow. It can be caused by either a viral or bacterial infection.
How to get rid of or ease a sore throat
1. Take anti-inflammatories. Paracetamol is better for children, but adults can take ibuprofen to get any swelling down. Children under 16 shouldn't take aspirin.
1. 服用消炎药。儿童可以吃扑热息痛药,但成人可以服用布洛芬治疗吞咽问题。16岁以下的儿童不宜服用阿司匹林。
2. Lozenges and sprays. These can work, as lozenges encourage saliva production, helping keep the throat moist. Choose ones with a cooling ingredient for extra relief. Hard sweets, ice cubes or ice lollies also work.
2. 锭剂和喷雾剂。这两种也有效,因为锭剂能促进唾液的分泌,有助于保持喉咙湿润。选择含有令喉咙舒爽的药剂也能让你更好受一些。硬糖果、冰块或冰棍也同样有效。
Other ways to ease a sore throat
1. Gargle in saltwater. Gargling in salt water several times a day helps reduce swelling in the throat and losens any mucus helping to flush out your bacteria. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. If the salt is too much add a small touch of honey. Spit the water out after gargling and do not swallow it.
1. 用盐水漱口。每天用盐水漱几次口能缓解喉咙肿胀、减少粘液、冲走细菌。在一杯水中融入半茶匙盐。如果盐放多了,那就加少量蜂蜜。漱完口之后,记得把水吐出来,可不要吞下去哦。
2. Drink more fluids. Drink plenty of cool or warm fluids, as you need to keep hydrated. Avoid very hot drinks. To test if you are drinking enough, check your urine. If it's clear or pale that means you are drinking enough. Darker urine means you need to drink more. Water works, ice cubes, you can also have watered down fruit juice or a broth.
2. 多喝流体。喝大量冷的或温的流体,因为你需要保持水分。不要喝太烫的饮品。想了解自己是否喝了足够多的水?看看自己的尿液吧。如果尿液呈浅色或无色,那就意味着你喝的水足够了。尿液浑浊意味着你需要喝更多的水。水、冰块都有效,你还可以喝果汁或热汤。