第9课 幽默的 - 9
第9课:幽默的 - 9
A: You really like my stupid jokes?
B: Yes, they just tear me up! You have such a dry sense of humor and you keep such a straight face that it takes minutes for the joke to dawn on me.
A: Yes, well such jokes aren’t funny if the wisecracker laughs. My father was a great jokester. It sometimes took hours for me and my brother to get the joke.
A: 你真的喜欢我讲的这些愚蠢的笑话吗?
B: 是的,它们都快让我肚皮笑破了!你还真能装,板着个脸,我是过了一会儿才领悟你的笑话的。
A: 讲俏皮话的人自己先笑了,就没意思了。我爸可会讲笑话了,有的时候我和我哥得花上半天功夫才能明白过来。
tear sb. up: 指某人或某事非常搞笑,或某人或某事令人非常伤心或沮丧。
dry sense of humor: 冷笑话。dry,不漏感情的,冷面的。
keep a straight face: 忍住不笑出来,板着脸。
dawn on me: 指某人突然获得了某个想法或念头,或者突然间明白了某件事。dawn,原意是黎明、破晓。
wisecracker: 爱说俏皮话的人。
jokester: 爱逗乐的人。
get the joke: 明白了这个笑话。get,这里的意思是理解。