4月19日雅思作文真题:Some countries have ever-increasing proportion of population of those aged 15 or younger. What are the current and future effects for the society?
一级预测: 青少年教育类
入选理由: 鉴于四月的考题以政府类话题为主,五月份的考题极有可能转入两大最常考话题之中的另一类Topic,即教育类话题。根据往年经验,教育类每年在所有考题中都要占到相当大的一个比重,而今年至今考的频率却相对较少,因此在接下来的一段时间该类话题估计会大量出现,而且极有可能都是新题!
参考练习题:Some people think students should take the subjects which are decided by the government in the university. Others think students can apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your opinion.
二级预测: 抽象话题类
入选理由: 对某种抽象观点展开讨论的该类话题近期考的较少,推荐适度关注。
参考练习题:Some people think male leaders always lead us to violence and conflict, but female leaders are better to give us a more governed and peaceful society, do you agree or disagree?
三级预测类: 政府决策类
入选理由: 毕竟是两大常考话题之一,不可不防。
参考练习题: Somebody argue that good health is basic human needs, so the medical service should be run by the government instead of profit-making companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
4月19日雅思作文真题:Some countries have ever-increasing proportion of population of those aged 15 or younger. What are the current and future effects for the society?
一级预测: 青少年教育类
入选理由: 鉴于四月的考题以政府类话题为主,五月份的考题极有可能转入两大最常考话题之中的另一类Topic,即教育类话题。根据往年经验,教育类每年在所有考题中都要占到相当大的一个比重,而今年至今考的频率却相对较少,因此在接下来的一段时间该类话题估计会大量出现,而且极有可能都是新题!
参考练习题:Some people think students should take the subjects which are decided by the government in the university. Others think students can apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your opinion.
二级预测: 抽象话题类
入选理由: 对某种抽象观点展开讨论的该类话题近期考的较少,推荐适度关注。
参考练习题:Some people think male leaders always lead us to violence and conflict, but female leaders are better to give us a more governed and peaceful society, do you agree or disagree?
三级预测类: 政府决策类
入选理由: 毕竟是两大常考话题之一,不可不防。
参考练习题: Somebody argue that good health is basic human needs, so the medical service should be run by the government instead of profit-making companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?