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  Aable - v having the power to do somethingabout - ad almost ; of or having a relation to ; of or having a relation to

  above - ad. at a higher place

  accept - v. to agree to receive

  accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event

  accuse - v. to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; to make a statement against someone

  across - ad. from side to side; to the other side

  act - v. to do something

  activist - n. one who seeks change through action

  actor - n. someone acting in a play or show

  add - v. to put with another to make it larger; to say more

  administration - n. the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister

  admit - v. to accept ; to express ones guilt or responsibility

  adult - n. a grown person

  advise - v. to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision

  affect - v. to produce an effect on; to influence

  afraid - ad. feeling fear

  after - ad. later; behind

  again - ad. another time; as before

  against - ad. opposed to; not agreeing with something

  age - n. how old a person or thing is

  agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group

  aggression - n. an attack against a person or country; the violation of a countrys borders

  ago - ad. of time past; before now

  agree - v. to have the same belief as someone; to be willing to do something

  agriculture - n. farming

  aid - v. to help; to support; n. help, assistance

  aim - v. to point a gun at; n. a goal or purpose

  air - n. the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe

  air force - n. a military organization using airplanes

  airplane - n. a vehicle with wings that flies

  airport - n. a place where airplanes take off and land

  album- n. a collection of recorded music

  alcohol- n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in industrial products

  alive - ad. having life; not dead

  all - ad. everything; everyone; the complete amount

  ally - n. a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose

  almost - ad. a little less than completely

  alone - ad. separated from others

  along - ad. near or on

  already - ad. before now; even now

  also - ad. added to; too

  although - conj. even if it is true that

  always - ad. at all times; every time

  ambassador - n. a nations highest diplomatic representative

  amend- v. to add to or to change

  ammunition- n. the bullets or shells fired from guns

  among - ad. in or part of

  amount - n. the number, size or weight of anything

  anarchy- n. a lack of order; lawlessness

  ancestor - n. a family member from the past

  ancient - ad. very old; long ago

  and - conj. also; in addition to; with

  anger - n. a strong emotion against someone or something

  animal - n. a living creature that moves, such as a dog or cat

  anniversary - n. a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past

  announce - v. to make known publicly; to declare officially

  another - ad. one more; a different one

  answer - n. a statement produced by a question; v. to make a statement after being asked a question

  any - ad. one or more of no special kind

  apologize - v. to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility

  appeal - v. to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; to call on somebody for help

  appear - v. to show oneself; to come into sight; to seem

  appoint - v. to name; to choose

  approve - v. to agree with; to agree to support

  archeology - n. the scientific study of past human life and activities

  area - n. any place or part of it

  argue - v. to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree

  arms - n. military equipment; weapons

  army - n. military ground forces

  around - ad. on every side

  arrest - v. to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner

  arrive - v. to come to a place, especially at the end of a trip

  art - n. expressions or creations by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statues

  artillery- n. big guns

  as - conj. equally ; when; while

  ash- n. the part left after something burns

  ask - v. to question; to say something is wanted

  assist - v. to help

  astronaut- n. a person who travels in space

  astronomy - n. the scientific study of stars and the universe

  asylum -n. political protection given by a government to a person from another country

  at - prep. in or near ; where ; when

  atmosphere - n. the gases surrounding any star or planet

  attach - v. to tie together; to connect

  attack - n. a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; v. to start a fight

  attempt - v. to work toward something; to try; to make an effort

  attend - v. to be present at

  automobile - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a car

  autumn - n. the time of the year between summer and winter

  average - n. something representing the middle; ad. common; normal

  avoid - v. to stay away from

  awake - ad. not sleeping

  award - n. an honor or prize for an act or service

  away - ad. not near


  Aable - v having the power to do somethingabout - ad almost ; of or having a relation to ; of or having a relation to

  above - ad. at a higher place

  accept - v. to agree to receive

  accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event

  accuse - v. to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; to make a statement against someone

  across - ad. from side to side; to the other side

  act - v. to do something

  activist - n. one who seeks change through action

  actor - n. someone acting in a play or show

  add - v. to put with another to make it larger; to say more

  administration - n. the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister

  admit - v. to accept ; to express ones guilt or responsibility

  adult - n. a grown person

  advise - v. to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision

  affect - v. to produce an effect on; to influence

  afraid - ad. feeling fear

  after - ad. later; behind

  again - ad. another time; as before

  against - ad. opposed to; not agreeing with something

  age - n. how old a person or thing is

  agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group

  aggression - n. an attack against a person or country; the violation of a countrys borders

  ago - ad. of time past; before now

  agree - v. to have the same belief as someone; to be willing to do something

  agriculture - n. farming

  aid - v. to help; to support; n. help, assistance

  aim - v. to point a gun at; n. a goal or purpose

  air - n. the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breathe

  air force - n. a military organization using airplanes

  airplane - n. a vehicle with wings that flies

  airport - n. a place where airplanes take off and land

  album- n. a collection of recorded music

  alcohol- n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in industrial products

  alive - ad. having life; not dead

  all - ad. everything; everyone; the complete amount

  ally - n. a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose

  almost - ad. a little less than completely

  alone - ad. separated from others

  along - ad. near or on

  already - ad. before now; even now

  also - ad. added to; too

  although - conj. even if it is true that

  always - ad. at all times; every time

  ambassador - n. a nations highest diplomatic representative

  amend- v. to add to or to change

  ammunition- n. the bullets or shells fired from guns

  among - ad. in or part of

  amount - n. the number, size or weight of anything

  anarchy- n. a lack of order; lawlessness

  ancestor - n. a family member from the past

  ancient - ad. very old; long ago

  and - conj. also; in addition to; with

  anger - n. a strong emotion against someone or something

  animal - n. a living creature that moves, such as a dog or cat

  anniversary - n. a yearly celebration or observance of an event that happened in the past

  announce - v. to make known publicly; to declare officially

  another - ad. one more; a different one

  answer - n. a statement produced by a question; v. to make a statement after being asked a question

  any - ad. one or more of no special kind

  apologize - v. to express regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibility

  appeal - v. to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; to call on somebody for help

  appear - v. to show oneself; to come into sight; to seem

  appoint - v. to name; to choose

  approve - v. to agree with; to agree to support

  archeology - n. the scientific study of past human life and activities

  area - n. any place or part of it

  argue - v. to offer reasons for or against something; to dispute; to disagree

  arms - n. military equipment; weapons

  army - n. military ground forces

  around - ad. on every side

  arrest - v. to seize a person for legal action; to take as a prisoner

  arrive - v. to come to a place, especially at the end of a trip

  art - n. expressions or creations by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statues

  artillery- n. big guns

  as - conj. equally ; when; while

  ash- n. the part left after something burns

  ask - v. to question; to say something is wanted

  assist - v. to help

  astronaut- n. a person who travels in space

  astronomy - n. the scientific study of stars and the universe

  asylum -n. political protection given by a government to a person from another country

  at - prep. in or near ; where ; when

  atmosphere - n. the gases surrounding any star or planet

  attach - v. to tie together; to connect

  attack - n. a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; v. to start a fight

  attempt - v. to work toward something; to try; to make an effort

  attend - v. to be present at

  automobile - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a car

  autumn - n. the time of the year between summer and winter

  average - n. something representing the middle; ad. common; normal

  avoid - v. to stay away from

  awake - ad. not sleeping

  award - n. an honor or prize for an act or service

  away - ad. not near