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  Lunar history


  EARTHS moon has a split personality. One half of its surfacethe half which, thanks to thevagaries of orbital mechanics, always faces Earthis dominated by dark, smooth expanses ofancient, frozen lava known as maria . The contrast between the darkness of themaria and the brightness of the surrounding highlands forms a pattern popularly known,depending on the culture of the observer, as the man in the moon, the rabbit on the moon orone of many other optical illusions.

  地球的卫星---月球有着分裂的人格。其表面的一半 ---由于轨道力学的变幻莫测,这一半总是面对地球---一直处于黑暗之中。这片黑暗的地方被称为月海,不仅平坦广阔,而且由古老而冻结的火山岩形成。根据观察者不同的文化,月海的黑暗和周围群山的明亮对比形成了一种众所周知的模式,比如嫦娥,月兔或许多其它视错觉之一。

  When astronomers got their first glimpses of the moons far side, however, they saw astrikingly different landscape. Early lunar probes revealed a surface that was mountainous,rugged, heavily cratered and virtually devoid of maria. To quote Bill Anders, one of theastronauts on Apollo 8 and thus one of the first three people to see the far side of the moondirectly, it looks like a sand pile my kids have been playing in...all beat up, no definition, just alot of bumps and holes.


  Selenologists, as those who study the moon callthemselves, have kicked around many theories toexplain the differences between the moons twofaces: Earth partly shielding the moon frommeteoritic impacts; uneven heating from beneath;the collision that excavated a 2,500km-wide craterat the lunar south pole, one of the biggest in thesolar system. None seems satisfactory. But in apaper just published in Nature Martin Jutzi and ErikAsphaug of the University of California, Santa Cruz,examine yet another idea. This is that the mountainsof the lunar far side may be debris left over from an even bigger collision than the one at thesouth polea collision that left lumps on the lunar surface rather than digging holes in it.




  The most widely accepted theory of how the moon formed suggests it is the result of a cosmicsmash-up between Earth and an object roughly the size of Mars that happened about 4.5 billionyears ago during the solar systems turbulent youth. This impact would have sprayed hugequantities of material into space, forming a ring around Earth similar to, but much thicker than,those that now adorn Saturn.


  The moon is thought to have condensed rapidly from this ring. Computer simulation of theprocess suggests, however, that several smaller moons may have formed at the same time.Some would then have collided with Earth or the moon, while others would have been ejectedfrom the system altogether. But one or more of them often end up, according to thesimulations, in what are known as Trojan orbits, where they followed the proto-moon endlesslyaround Earth.


  Or, rather, almost endlessly. For the hypothesis of Dr Jutzi and Dr Asphaug is that a largemoonlet did eventually catch up and collide with the proto-moonat a relatively low speedgiven that they shared an orbitand produced the highlands on its far side as a result.


  To test their theory, the two researchers simulated such a collision on a computer. They foundthat, assuming the second moon was indeed smaller than the main one, and was made ofsimilar stuff , then a comparatively low-speed collision at around 2.4 kilometres asecond would mean that much more material from the moonlet was deposited on the lunarsurface than was blasted off by the impact. Most of the excess rock, moreover, would havestayed near the point of impact, covering about half of the moon with a thicker,mountainous layer of crustjust what is seen on the real moon.

  为了测试他们的理论,这两位研究者在计算机上模拟了这样一次大碰撞。他们发现,假设第二个月球确实比最大的月球要小,并且由相似的物质组成。然后,以大约每秒2.4公里的相对低速碰撞意味着,小卫星上更多的物质被沉积在月球表面而不是因碰撞而喷射出来。此外,过多的岩石将留落在碰撞点附近,且以更厚、多山的外壳层占了月球约为一半的面积 ---正如真正月球上所见到的一样。

  Of course, computer simulations can say only whatcould have happened, not what did. For that,physical evidence is required. Some suggestiveevidence does exist, though. For a start, the cruston the far side of the moon is indeed much thickerthan that on the nearside. Also, because the secondmoon would have been smaller than the main one, itwould have cooled and solidified more quickly,meaning that its rocks would be older. Sure enough,different parts of the present moons crust,recovered by various missions to the lunar surface,differ in age by up to 200m years, a fact that has long puzzled selenologists but which theimpact theory neatly explains. Moreover, such a huge collision on the far side would haveshifted much of the magma ocean that then underlay the moons surface to the near side,which led to the formation of the maria.

  当然,计算机模拟只能估计已经发生的情形,而不是确实发生的情况。为此,实物证据是需要的。虽然,某些提示性的证据确实存在。因为从一开始,较远那侧的月球外壳确实比较近侧的外壳要厚实的多。此外,因为这第二个月球应该比最大的月球要小的多,所以这个月球应该冷却、凝固要快得多。这也意味着这个月球的岩石要年久的多。果真如此,现在月球外壳的不同部分,各次去月球表面的探测任务发现,这些岩石年代的不同达到 2亿年之久。一个长期困扰月球学家的客观事实被碰撞理论巧妙地解释了。此外,在月球较远那侧如此巨大的一次碰撞应该迅速移动很多岩浆洋,然后在月球表面一直铺到近地侧,这就导致了月海的形成。

  More evidence may surface when the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission, anAmerican spacecraft designed to map the moons gravitational field, arrives in lunar orbit inaround six months time. That should yield a detailed map of the lunar crust, and how itsthickness varies from place to place. But the best way to check the new hypothesis would befor selenologists to get their hands on rocks from the far side.


  Sadly, that is unlikely to happen soon. Neither America nor Russia has any sample-recoverymissions planned for the moon. China does . But, like the American andSoviet missions of the 1960s and 1970s, the Chinese are expected to opt for the safety of alanding on the near side. Selenologists may therefore have to wait a long time before they cantest the Jutzi-Asphaug model properly.



  Lunar history


  EARTHS moon has a split personality. One half of its surfacethe half which, thanks to thevagaries of orbital mechanics, always faces Earthis dominated by dark, smooth expanses ofancient, frozen lava known as maria . The contrast between the darkness of themaria and the brightness of the surrounding highlands forms a pattern popularly known,depending on the culture of the observer, as the man in the moon, the rabbit on the moon orone of many other optical illusions.

  地球的卫星---月球有着分裂的人格。其表面的一半 ---由于轨道力学的变幻莫测,这一半总是面对地球---一直处于黑暗之中。这片黑暗的地方被称为月海,不仅平坦广阔,而且由古老而冻结的火山岩形成。根据观察者不同的文化,月海的黑暗和周围群山的明亮对比形成了一种众所周知的模式,比如嫦娥,月兔或许多其它视错觉之一。

  When astronomers got their first glimpses of the moons far side, however, they saw astrikingly different landscape. Early lunar probes revealed a surface that was mountainous,rugged, heavily cratered and virtually devoid of maria. To quote Bill Anders, one of theastronauts on Apollo 8 and thus one of the first three people to see the far side of the moondirectly, it looks like a sand pile my kids have been playing in...all beat up, no definition, just alot of bumps and holes.


  Selenologists, as those who study the moon callthemselves, have kicked around many theories toexplain the differences between the moons twofaces: Earth partly shielding the moon frommeteoritic impacts; uneven heating from beneath;the collision that excavated a 2,500km-wide craterat the lunar south pole, one of the biggest in thesolar system. None seems satisfactory. But in apaper just published in Nature Martin Jutzi and ErikAsphaug of the University of California, Santa Cruz,examine yet another idea. This is that the mountainsof the lunar far side may be debris left over from an even bigger collision than the one at thesouth polea collision that left lumps on the lunar surface rather than digging holes in it.




  The most widely accepted theory of how the moon formed suggests it is the result of a cosmicsmash-up between Earth and an object roughly the size of Mars that happened about 4.5 billionyears ago during the solar systems turbulent youth. This impact would have sprayed hugequantities of material into space, forming a ring around Earth similar to, but much thicker than,those that now adorn Saturn.


  The moon is thought to have condensed rapidly from this ring. Computer simulation of theprocess suggests, however, that several smaller moons may have formed at the same time.Some would then have collided with Earth or the moon, while others would have been ejectedfrom the system altogether. But one or more of them often end up, according to thesimulations, in what are known as Trojan orbits, where they followed the proto-moon endlesslyaround Earth.


  Or, rather, almost endlessly. For the hypothesis of Dr Jutzi and Dr Asphaug is that a largemoonlet did eventually catch up and collide with the proto-moonat a relatively low speedgiven that they shared an orbitand produced the highlands on its far side as a result.


  To test their theory, the two researchers simulated such a collision on a computer. They foundthat, assuming the second moon was indeed smaller than the main one, and was made ofsimilar stuff , then a comparatively low-speed collision at around 2.4 kilometres asecond would mean that much more material from the moonlet was deposited on the lunarsurface than was blasted off by the impact. Most of the excess rock, moreover, would havestayed near the point of impact, covering about half of the moon with a thicker,mountainous layer of crustjust what is seen on the real moon.

  为了测试他们的理论,这两位研究者在计算机上模拟了这样一次大碰撞。他们发现,假设第二个月球确实比最大的月球要小,并且由相似的物质组成。然后,以大约每秒2.4公里的相对低速碰撞意味着,小卫星上更多的物质被沉积在月球表面而不是因碰撞而喷射出来。此外,过多的岩石将留落在碰撞点附近,且以更厚、多山的外壳层占了月球约为一半的面积 ---正如真正月球上所见到的一样。

  Of course, computer simulations can say only whatcould have happened, not what did. For that,physical evidence is required. Some suggestiveevidence does exist, though. For a start, the cruston the far side of the moon is indeed much thickerthan that on the nearside. Also, because the secondmoon would have been smaller than the main one, itwould have cooled and solidified more quickly,meaning that its rocks would be older. Sure enough,different parts of the present moons crust,recovered by various missions to the lunar surface,differ in age by up to 200m years, a fact that has long puzzled selenologists but which theimpact theory neatly explains. Moreover, such a huge collision on the far side would haveshifted much of the magma ocean that then underlay the moons surface to the near side,which led to the formation of the maria.

  当然,计算机模拟只能估计已经发生的情形,而不是确实发生的情况。为此,实物证据是需要的。虽然,某些提示性的证据确实存在。因为从一开始,较远那侧的月球外壳确实比较近侧的外壳要厚实的多。此外,因为这第二个月球应该比最大的月球要小的多,所以这个月球应该冷却、凝固要快得多。这也意味着这个月球的岩石要年久的多。果真如此,现在月球外壳的不同部分,各次去月球表面的探测任务发现,这些岩石年代的不同达到 2亿年之久。一个长期困扰月球学家的客观事实被碰撞理论巧妙地解释了。此外,在月球较远那侧如此巨大的一次碰撞应该迅速移动很多岩浆洋,然后在月球表面一直铺到近地侧,这就导致了月海的形成。

  More evidence may surface when the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission, anAmerican spacecraft designed to map the moons gravitational field, arrives in lunar orbit inaround six months time. That should yield a detailed map of the lunar crust, and how itsthickness varies from place to place. But the best way to check the new hypothesis would befor selenologists to get their hands on rocks from the far side.


  Sadly, that is unlikely to happen soon. Neither America nor Russia has any sample-recoverymissions planned for the moon. China does . But, like the American andSoviet missions of the 1960s and 1970s, the Chinese are expected to opt for the safety of alanding on the near side. Selenologists may therefore have to wait a long time before they cantest the Jutzi-Asphaug model properly.
