arouse,awake,evoke,wake,waken都含有一定的 唤醒,唤起 之意
arouse vt.引起,唤起,激起;唤醒=awaken
awake adj.醒着的 vt.唤醒,觉醒 vi.醒,觉醒,意识到
evoke vt.唤起,引起,使人想到
wake vi.醒来 vt.唤醒,唤起,激起,使认识到 wake to 认识到,意识到
waken vi.醒来,睡醒;觉醒,振奋 vt.唤醒,弄醒;使觉醒;使振奋,激发;激起
1.I wish I could __C__ some interest in English grammar in my students.要是我能够激发起学生学习英语语法的兴趣该多好.
A.wake up B.wake C.awaken D.waken
2.When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want,the question__A__ a variety of answer.当问及人们需要什么样的住房时,得到的答案有各种各样.
A.evokes B.mediates C.defies D.magnifies
3.You must __C__ the fact that you have failed in business.你必须清楚你的事业已经失败了.
A.awake B.be awake C.awake to D.waken
4.During the night a persons temperature may drop one or two degrees,and it can be difficult to __B__ him in the morning if his body hasnt become hot yet.夜间人的体温会降低一至二度,如果早晨温度还不升高的话,就很难叫醒他.
A.arise B.arouse C.raise D.rise
5.He __D__ to find himself in the hospital.他醒来发现自己在医院里.
A.arouse B.awoke C.awaken D.woke
6.What time do you usually __D__ ?你平时在什么时候醒来?
A.evoke B.arouse C.awake D.wake
arouse,awake,evoke,wake,waken都含有一定的 唤醒,唤起 之意
arouse vt.引起,唤起,激起;唤醒=awaken
awake adj.醒着的 vt.唤醒,觉醒 vi.醒,觉醒,意识到
evoke vt.唤起,引起,使人想到
wake vi.醒来 vt.唤醒,唤起,激起,使认识到 wake to 认识到,意识到
waken vi.醒来,睡醒;觉醒,振奋 vt.唤醒,弄醒;使觉醒;使振奋,激发;激起
1.I wish I could __C__ some interest in English grammar in my students.要是我能够激发起学生学习英语语法的兴趣该多好.
A.wake up B.wake C.awaken D.waken
2.When people are asked what kind of housing they need or want,the question__A__ a variety of answer.当问及人们需要什么样的住房时,得到的答案有各种各样.
A.evokes B.mediates C.defies D.magnifies
3.You must __C__ the fact that you have failed in business.你必须清楚你的事业已经失败了.
A.awake B.be awake C.awake to D.waken
4.During the night a persons temperature may drop one or two degrees,and it can be difficult to __B__ him in the morning if his body hasnt become hot yet.夜间人的体温会降低一至二度,如果早晨温度还不升高的话,就很难叫醒他.
A.arise B.arouse C.raise D.rise
5.He __D__ to find himself in the hospital.他醒来发现自己在医院里.
A.arouse B.awoke C.awaken D.woke
6.What time do you usually __D__ ?你平时在什么时候醒来?
A.evoke B.arouse C.awake D.wake