Foreign policy
Home alone
As China rises, must Australia tremble?
BACK IN THE days of the tyranny of distance, the primal terror of Australians was the fear ofabandonment. During the countrys first few decades it looked for its security to Britain, afriendly but far-off power. After Singapore fell to the Japanese in 1942, Britain abandoned itsformer colony. Fortunately, America took its place and has been guaranteeing Australiassecurity ever since. Even so, Australia is once again feeling nervous about finding itself alone,prompted by three changes. The first is the growing economic power of China, followed closelyby its growing political and military power. The second is that Americas role as the single poleof a unipolar world is inevitably coming to an end. And third, Australias new pattern of trademeans that for the first time its main commercial partner, China, is not a strategic ally. Noneof this involves an immediate threat to Australians, but it makes life more complicated.
Not yet on their doorstep. For years Australia wasneurotically concerned about Indonesia, a hugeneighbour that has sometimes looked violent orunstable but now seems benign, democratic andrather successful. Smaller neighbours, however, aremore worrying. In Papua New Guinea, for example,administered by Australia from 1906 to 1973, manyof the social indicators are heading down and it isbecoming increasingly violent. Some of the tinyisland states that speckle the map of the Pacific alsomake uncomfortable neighbours. Fiji has coups, theSolomons has scandals, and almost all have struggling economies. Since poverty and sizemake them potentially easy to influence, they need care and attention.
The wider region is the larger worry, partly because it encompasses so many poor, autocratic orunstable countries, partly because Australia does not fit in very comfortably. It has never reallytried to pass itself off as an Asian country, nor been accepted as such. Instead, it has madeitself seem less out of place by joining, and sometimes helping to create, various regionalgroups. Many of these are fine as far as they go, but some accept too many nasty members to allow useful agreement, and even the more discriminating clubs havetheir tensions. Mr Rudd, as prime minister, worked hard to promote the creation of an Asia-Pacific Community in which everything from security, trade and terrorism to energy, diseaseand natural disasters would be discussed, filling a large gap in the other arrangements. It mayprove useful if it comes off.
The political task, though, has to some extent been taken over by the G20, in whose creationMr Rudd played a role, helping to ensure that it was not confined to just 14 countries. This isthe natural forum for a middle-ranking power, such as Australia, with global as well as regionalinterests. Australia, remember, has sent its troops to fight in wars from South Africa toVietnam. Nowadays they go to Iraq and Afghanistan. It is clearly right that it should have aplace among democracies of a certain economic weight, such as Canada, Mexico, South Koreaand Turkey.
Foreign policy
Home alone
As China rises, must Australia tremble?
BACK IN THE days of the tyranny of distance, the primal terror of Australians was the fear ofabandonment. During the countrys first few decades it looked for its security to Britain, afriendly but far-off power. After Singapore fell to the Japanese in 1942, Britain abandoned itsformer colony. Fortunately, America took its place and has been guaranteeing Australiassecurity ever since. Even so, Australia is once again feeling nervous about finding itself alone,prompted by three changes. The first is the growing economic power of China, followed closelyby its growing political and military power. The second is that Americas role as the single poleof a unipolar world is inevitably coming to an end. And third, Australias new pattern of trademeans that for the first time its main commercial partner, China, is not a strategic ally. Noneof this involves an immediate threat to Australians, but it makes life more complicated.
Not yet on their doorstep. For years Australia wasneurotically concerned about Indonesia, a hugeneighbour that has sometimes looked violent orunstable but now seems benign, democratic andrather successful. Smaller neighbours, however, aremore worrying. In Papua New Guinea, for example,administered by Australia from 1906 to 1973, manyof the social indicators are heading down and it isbecoming increasingly violent. Some of the tinyisland states that speckle the map of the Pacific alsomake uncomfortable neighbours. Fiji has coups, theSolomons has scandals, and almost all have struggling economies. Since poverty and sizemake them potentially easy to influence, they need care and attention.
The wider region is the larger worry, partly because it encompasses so many poor, autocratic orunstable countries, partly because Australia does not fit in very comfortably. It has never reallytried to pass itself off as an Asian country, nor been accepted as such. Instead, it has madeitself seem less out of place by joining, and sometimes helping to create, various regionalgroups. Many of these are fine as far as they go, but some accept too many nasty members to allow useful agreement, and even the more discriminating clubs havetheir tensions. Mr Rudd, as prime minister, worked hard to promote the creation of an Asia-Pacific Community in which everything from security, trade and terrorism to energy, diseaseand natural disasters would be discussed, filling a large gap in the other arrangements. It mayprove useful if it comes off.
The political task, though, has to some extent been taken over by the G20, in whose creationMr Rudd played a role, helping to ensure that it was not confined to just 14 countries. This isthe natural forum for a middle-ranking power, such as Australia, with global as well as regionalinterests. Australia, remember, has sent its troops to fight in wars from South Africa toVietnam. Nowadays they go to Iraq and Afghanistan. It is clearly right that it should have aplace among democracies of a certain economic weight, such as Canada, Mexico, South Koreaand Turkey.