6 boycott v to refrain from buying or using拒绝购买;抵制To put pressure on grape growers to stop using pesticides that harmed the farm workershealth, Cesar Chavez called for consumers to boycott grapes.为了给葡萄种植者施压以迫使其停止使用危害农场工人健康的杀虫剂,西泽查维斯号召消费者拒绝购买葡萄。also n.
1braggadocio n. boasting自夸,吹牛He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio.因为他总是自吹自擂,狂妄自大,所以很受人讨厌。cf braggart n. boaster自吹者,吹牛者Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.她天性谦虚,从不自吹,喜欢以自己的成就来表明一切。
2GRE的神话和历史词汇都有什么? chauvinist n. blindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group or cause盲目的爱国主义者;狂热的信徒A chauvinist cannot recognize his faults in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be. Likewise, a male chauvinist cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no matter how flagrant that bias may be.无论自己国家中的缺点有多么明显,沙文主义者对此一概视而不见。同样地,无论对自己性别的偏袒有多么明显,大男子主义者对那种偏见也是视若无睹。GRE的神话和历史词汇都有什么?
3chimerical adj. was a fire- breathing monster, usually represented as having a lions head, a goats body, and a serpents tail.) fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative异想天开的;空想的;幻想的As everyone expected, Teds chimerical scheme to make a fortune by raising ermines in his backyard proved a dismal failure.不出大家所料,泰德想在后院饲养白鼬来发财的荒诞不经的计划以惨败告终。chimera n.
4. GRE的神话和历史词汇都有什么?chortle v. , prob. chuckle + snort) to chuckle with delight咯咯地欢笑When she heard that her rival had just been jailed for embezzlement, she chortled with joy. She was not a nice lady.当她听说对手因贪污而被监禁时,她开心得咯咯地笑。她是个幸灾乐祸的女人。
6 boycott v to refrain from buying or using拒绝购买;抵制To put pressure on grape growers to stop using pesticides that harmed the farm workershealth, Cesar Chavez called for consumers to boycott grapes.为了给葡萄种植者施压以迫使其停止使用危害农场工人健康的杀虫剂,西泽查维斯号召消费者拒绝购买葡萄。also n.
1braggadocio n. boasting自夸,吹牛He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio.因为他总是自吹自擂,狂妄自大,所以很受人讨厌。cf braggart n. boaster自吹者,吹牛者Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.她天性谦虚,从不自吹,喜欢以自己的成就来表明一切。
2GRE的神话和历史词汇都有什么? chauvinist n. blindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group or cause盲目的爱国主义者;狂热的信徒A chauvinist cannot recognize his faults in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be. Likewise, a male chauvinist cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no matter how flagrant that bias may be.无论自己国家中的缺点有多么明显,沙文主义者对此一概视而不见。同样地,无论对自己性别的偏袒有多么明显,大男子主义者对那种偏见也是视若无睹。GRE的神话和历史词汇都有什么?
3chimerical adj. was a fire- breathing monster, usually represented as having a lions head, a goats body, and a serpents tail.) fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative异想天开的;空想的;幻想的As everyone expected, Teds chimerical scheme to make a fortune by raising ermines in his backyard proved a dismal failure.不出大家所料,泰德想在后院饲养白鼬来发财的荒诞不经的计划以惨败告终。chimera n.
4. GRE的神话和历史词汇都有什么?chortle v. , prob. chuckle + snort) to chuckle with delight咯咯地欢笑When she heard that her rival had just been jailed for embezzlement, she chortled with joy. She was not a nice lady.当她听说对手因贪污而被监禁时,她开心得咯咯地笑。她是个幸灾乐祸的女人。