What is it for
Scinece in the 20th century and beyond; by JonAgar;
SCIENCE works with problems by making them into manageable, manipulableabstractions. Jon Agar s ambitious new book sets out to synthesise the insights of manyrecent historians of science. These might be anything from a field biologist s notes of lemmingpopulations on Spitzbergen to a physicist s creation of muon tracks in a cloud chamber, orfrom a set of equations in the mathematical imagination to a vast computer model of theworld s climate.
Doing science is making these abstractions. The history of science is understanding howparticular abstractions come to be accepted as the right way of producing solutionsandhow problems get chosen in the first place. Sometimes the problems are those of the peoplepaying for the science; sometimes they are posed by developments the scientists areinterested in; sometimes they are problems that grow out of science itself.
As Mr Agar shows, the great problem-posing processes of the 20th century were its wars.The two world wars and the cold war ratcheted up the spending on science, changing itsorganisational basis, its political setting and its subject matter. The less obvious aspects ofwar and sciencefor example, the introduction of psychoanalysis into British medicinecourtesy of shellshockare given their due, as well as the central Faustian tragedy of thedevelopment of the atom bomb.
The bomb that graces the cover of the book has come to stand for the power of science.But Mr Agar s history is more illuminating on the less obvious story of science s role inproblems of control. Throughout the book, the reader is struck by how much people haveseen a lack of control over others as a problem, and science as a source of solutions.
Lewis Terman, developer of intelligence tests, for example, dreamed of psychology asa science of human engineering in the 1920s. Eugenicists sought, by combining, in thewords of J.B.S. Haldane, the offices of the policeman, the priest and the procurer, tocontrol both the actions of their social inferiors and the course of evolution. Devotees andfellow travellers, such as Julian Huxley and H.G. Wells, saw in the biological sciences theultimate collective control of human destinies. The Rockefeller Foundation dreamed ofbringing the dangerous psychobiology of sex under rational control as part of itsScience of Man programme. And Norbert Wiener, father of cybernetics, sought to combinethe human and the machine into a systeminitially, but not only, an anti-aircraft systemthat was defined by the way in which it controlled itself.
At first blush these look like futures that simply failed. But the story is more complex.The Rockefeller Foundation s vision of a Science of Man led it to foster a new molecularbiology at CalTech and other institutions. Today s control of crops through their genes andchildren through their pharmaceuticals can both be traced back, in part, to thatintervention. And then there is the remarkable story of Song Jian. A Chinese engineer whohad been schooled in control theory in Moscow just after Stalin s death , he rose to pre-eminence in China s military-industrial complex. Attending a meeting on control theory inHelsinki in the 1970s, he became convinced of the power of crude computer models likethose of the Club of Rome s Limits to Growth. Importing such modelling to his power baseat the Chinese missile and space-flight ministry he became crucial in the enactment ofthe one-child policy in the 1980s.
Mr Agar s book is somewhat biased towards the physical sciences and it has some oddgaps. Seeing the molecular biology of the 1960s as an information science, Mr Agar overlooksPeter Mitchell, whose breakthrough in understanding that cells store energy, not inmolecules, but in potential differences revealed an aspect of life hitherto undreamed of.There is nothing on the fluoridation of water, and too little on nutrition.
Some of the later material on trends too close to the present might well have beenomitted. Given the central role of war, a book limited to what Eric Hobsbawm has called theshort 20th century1914 to 1991might have served better. But overall, Mr Agar hasabstracted and made manageable a range of rich and informed analysis. Anyone whothinks seriously about science, and about how it is used, will find it a very useful source ofnew ways to appreciate both problems and solutions.
What is it for
Scinece in the 20th century and beyond; by JonAgar;
SCIENCE works with problems by making them into manageable, manipulableabstractions. Jon Agar s ambitious new book sets out to synthesise the insights of manyrecent historians of science. These might be anything from a field biologist s notes of lemmingpopulations on Spitzbergen to a physicist s creation of muon tracks in a cloud chamber, orfrom a set of equations in the mathematical imagination to a vast computer model of theworld s climate.
Doing science is making these abstractions. The history of science is understanding howparticular abstractions come to be accepted as the right way of producing solutionsandhow problems get chosen in the first place. Sometimes the problems are those of the peoplepaying for the science; sometimes they are posed by developments the scientists areinterested in; sometimes they are problems that grow out of science itself.
As Mr Agar shows, the great problem-posing processes of the 20th century were its wars.The two world wars and the cold war ratcheted up the spending on science, changing itsorganisational basis, its political setting and its subject matter. The less obvious aspects ofwar and sciencefor example, the introduction of psychoanalysis into British medicinecourtesy of shellshockare given their due, as well as the central Faustian tragedy of thedevelopment of the atom bomb.
The bomb that graces the cover of the book has come to stand for the power of science.But Mr Agar s history is more illuminating on the less obvious story of science s role inproblems of control. Throughout the book, the reader is struck by how much people haveseen a lack of control over others as a problem, and science as a source of solutions.
Lewis Terman, developer of intelligence tests, for example, dreamed of psychology asa science of human engineering in the 1920s. Eugenicists sought, by combining, in thewords of J.B.S. Haldane, the offices of the policeman, the priest and the procurer, tocontrol both the actions of their social inferiors and the course of evolution. Devotees andfellow travellers, such as Julian Huxley and H.G. Wells, saw in the biological sciences theultimate collective control of human destinies. The Rockefeller Foundation dreamed ofbringing the dangerous psychobiology of sex under rational control as part of itsScience of Man programme. And Norbert Wiener, father of cybernetics, sought to combinethe human and the machine into a systeminitially, but not only, an anti-aircraft systemthat was defined by the way in which it controlled itself.
At first blush these look like futures that simply failed. But the story is more complex.The Rockefeller Foundation s vision of a Science of Man led it to foster a new molecularbiology at CalTech and other institutions. Today s control of crops through their genes andchildren through their pharmaceuticals can both be traced back, in part, to thatintervention. And then there is the remarkable story of Song Jian. A Chinese engineer whohad been schooled in control theory in Moscow just after Stalin s death , he rose to pre-eminence in China s military-industrial complex. Attending a meeting on control theory inHelsinki in the 1970s, he became convinced of the power of crude computer models likethose of the Club of Rome s Limits to Growth. Importing such modelling to his power baseat the Chinese missile and space-flight ministry he became crucial in the enactment ofthe one-child policy in the 1980s.
Mr Agar s book is somewhat biased towards the physical sciences and it has some oddgaps. Seeing the molecular biology of the 1960s as an information science, Mr Agar overlooksPeter Mitchell, whose breakthrough in understanding that cells store energy, not inmolecules, but in potential differences revealed an aspect of life hitherto undreamed of.There is nothing on the fluoridation of water, and too little on nutrition.
Some of the later material on trends too close to the present might well have beenomitted. Given the central role of war, a book limited to what Eric Hobsbawm has called theshort 20th century1914 to 1991might have served better. But overall, Mr Agar hasabstracted and made manageable a range of rich and informed analysis. Anyone whothinks seriously about science, and about how it is used, will find it a very useful source ofnew ways to appreciate both problems and solutions.