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  FANS of the China model frequently say that, for all the disadvantages of a one-party state, there are also benefits. Enforcing basic health care is oneand by no means a small one. Last year Chinas mortality rate for children under five years old was just one-fifth the rate it was in 1991, down from 61 deaths per 1,000 live births to 12. Thematernal mortality rate has also dropped substantiallyby 71%since 1991. In 1992, one in ten Chinese children under five contracted hepatitis B. Today fewer than one in 100 of them carry the disease.   欣赏中国模式的人认为这种模式是有不少可取之处的,其中重要的一点就是推行了基础医疗保健系统。去年,中国5岁以下儿童死亡率仅为1991年的五分之一,从每1000名活产儿中死亡61例下降到了12例。产妇死亡率相比1991年则下降了71%之多。1992年,每10个5岁以下的中国儿童中就有一个感染乙肝。如今,5岁以下儿童的乙肝发病率则下降到了1%以下。   Chinas advances have not gone unnoticed. Last month a group of four international bodies, including the World Health Organisation and the World Bank, said China was one of ten countries to have made exceptional progress in reducing infant and maternal mortality .   中国的进步并非无人发觉。上个月,包括世界卫生组织和世界银行在内的四大国际组织称,世界有十个国家在降低婴儿死亡率和产妇死亡率方面成就卓越,中国即其中之一。   Chinas improvement lies in two basic, connected areas: better care at birth and countrywide immunisation. Since 2000 the government has offered subsidies to mothers who give birth in hospitals, thereby reducing health dangers from complicationsespecially the risk of neonatal tetanus.   中国的进步体现在两个戚戚相关的基本方面:生产医护和全国免疫工作。自2000年起,中国政府开始向在医院生产的孕妇发放补贴,降低了并发症风险,特别是新生儿破伤风的患病风险。


  FANS of the China model frequently say that, for all the disadvantages of a one-party state, there are also benefits. Enforcing basic health care is oneand by no means a small one. Last year Chinas mortality rate for children under five years old was just one-fifth the rate it was in 1991, down from 61 deaths per 1,000 live births to 12. Thematernal mortality rate has also dropped substantiallyby 71%since 1991. In 1992, one in ten Chinese children under five contracted hepatitis B. Today fewer than one in 100 of them carry the disease.   欣赏中国模式的人认为这种模式是有不少可取之处的,其中重要的一点就是推行了基础医疗保健系统。去年,中国5岁以下儿童死亡率仅为1991年的五分之一,从每1000名活产儿中死亡61例下降到了12例。产妇死亡率相比1991年则下降了71%之多。1992年,每10个5岁以下的中国儿童中就有一个感染乙肝。如今,5岁以下儿童的乙肝发病率则下降到了1%以下。   Chinas advances have not gone unnoticed. Last month a group of four international bodies, including the World Health Organisation and the World Bank, said China was one of ten countries to have made exceptional progress in reducing infant and maternal mortality .   中国的进步并非无人发觉。上个月,包括世界卫生组织和世界银行在内的四大国际组织称,世界有十个国家在降低婴儿死亡率和产妇死亡率方面成就卓越,中国即其中之一。   Chinas improvement lies in two basic, connected areas: better care at birth and countrywide immunisation. Since 2000 the government has offered subsidies to mothers who give birth in hospitals, thereby reducing health dangers from complicationsespecially the risk of neonatal tetanus.   中国的进步体现在两个戚戚相关的基本方面:生产医护和全国免疫工作。自2000年起,中国政府开始向在医院生产的孕妇发放补贴,降低了并发症风险,特别是新生儿破伤风的患病风险。