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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Romanian politics   罗马尼亚的政局   Oh, brother   兄弟之情   Traian Basescu is ending his presidency amid acorruption scandal   特拉扬伯塞斯库因腐败丑闻结束总统任期   Left or right in Bucharest   布加勒斯特,向左走,向右走。   THERE is no shortage of drama and intrigue in Romanian politics. Traian Basescu, a formersea captain, was elected in December 2004 after an anti-corruption campaign thatdeliberately echoed Ukraine s Orange revolution at the same time. On June 19th, in tears,he said: Between the need to ensure an independent justice system and the natural reflexof protecting your brother, I choose justice. His younger brother, Mircea, had been put inpreventive custody after being accused of taking a 250,000 bribe from a convictedcriminal, Sandu Anghel, who hoped that a president s brother might help to get him out ofan eight-year prison sentence for stabbing his nephew.   罗马尼亚政治体系中高潮迭起,阴谋不断。曾任船长的特拉扬伯塞斯库于2004年12月反腐倡廉运动之后当选为总统,那次运动是用以呼应当时乌克兰的橙色革命的。在6月19日,他满含泪水的说:在维护司法系统独立的召唤与爱护手足之情的天性面前,我选择前者。他的弟弟米尔恰被控受贿25万欧元。行贿的是一个被判刑的罪犯桑杜安格尔,他原本指望总统的弟弟可以帮他逃脱因刺伤侄子而面临的八年有期徒刑。米尔恰之后便因此被防范性拘留。   Mircea Basescu claims that he is the victim of blackmail and that he never approached thepresident about the case. The president blames his brother for mingling with the wrongpeople and insists he did not take any money and never intervened in favour of anyone withlegal problems. Mircea Basescu, who owns a meat-import business in the port of Constantaat the Black Sea, in 2010 became the godfather of one of Mr Anghel s granddaughters. Heclaims that this was a purely Christian thing to do. Mr Anghel is an illiterate local gangsterfrom Constanta who made his fortune selling scrap metal from stolen railway tracks andother installations left in decay after the fall of communism.   米尔恰伯塞斯库声称自己是被勒索的,并且自己从未因桑杜的案子找过总统。总统责怪弟弟与错误的人搅合在一起并且坚称自己并未收取任何财物也从未因帮助任何人而干涉任何法律问题。米尔恰伯塞斯库在黑海的康斯坦察港做肉类进口的生意,于2010年成为安格尔其中一个孙女的教父。他称这是一个纯粹的基督教徒所做的事。安格尔是康斯坦察当地一个从未受过教育的恶棍,他在东欧剧变之后通过售卖从铁轨和其他废气设施偷得的废金属而发家。   The scandal comes just five months before presidential elections in which Mr Basescu cannotrun again. It is a final blow to a scattered centre-right and a boon to the Social Democraticprime minister, Victor Ponta, who now hopes to become president himself. Mr Ponta and hisallies have called on Mr Basescu to step down early in order to preserve the independenceof the judiciary. I think that not only Traian Basescu, but any president in a Europeancountry, faced with such a situation, should resign immediately in order to dispel anydoubts that from his position he can influence the probe, he said.   丑闻在离总统选举前仅五个月的时候曝光,而伯塞斯库也无法再参选了。这是给原本已经支离破碎的中右翼政党的最后一击,也是给社会民主党的总理维克多彭塔的福利,他希望自己可以当选总理。庞塔和他的伙伴曾拜访伯塞斯库希望他早点辞职以维护司法独立性。我认为不仅仅是特拉扬伯塞斯库,欧洲所有国家面临过这种境况的总统都会立即辞职来打消认为他利用职位之便影响调查的任何怀疑。他认为。   Yet at least for now, Mr Basescu refuses to quit, since there is no evidence of his interveningin the Anghel case. His election in 2004 was based not just on his popular stand againstcorruption, but also on hopes that he would help to shepherd Romania into the EuropeanUnion, which it joined three years later. His nemesis and predecessor, Adrian Nastase, wasput behind bars for corruption, along with many other ministers, MPs and judges caughtred-handed.   但至少目前,伯塞斯库拒绝辞职,因为并没有他干涉安格尔案子的证据。他赢得2004年选举不仅是因为他反对腐败这个受欢迎的立场,还因为他希望他可以带领罗马尼亚加入欧盟,三年之后他确实做到了这一点。他的主要对手同时也是前辈艾德里安纳斯塔斯曾因为贪污被监禁,与艾德里安一起被抓正在作案的还有很多其他的部长、国会议员与法官。   Yet his rivals and opponents have always accused Mr Basescu of going only after politicalenemies, turning a blind eye to corruption in his own party ranks. Laura Stefan from ExpertForum, a Bucharest-based think-tank, says the Anghel case shows that justice is finallyworking independently, since even the president s brother is being put behind bars. Surelythis is no pleasant situation. Many politicians would choose differently and rather back theirfriends and relatives, she says. She is sceptical that the case will be a big issue in thepresidential election.   但他的对手和反对者们经常指责伯塞斯库只顾对政敌揪着不放,对于自己党派的贪污视而不见。位于布加勒斯特的智库专家论坛的专家劳拉斯蒂芬认为安格尔的案子说明司法体系最终正在独立运行,因为就连总统的弟弟也没能逃脱制裁。这确实不是一个好境况。很多政治家会做出其他选择而而宁愿袒护他们犯错的亲友。她称。同时她也怀疑这个案子会成为总统选举的一个大事件。   The Social Democrats are riding high in opinion polls, they don t need this agenda. Mr Pontabasically has no counter-candidate, says Ms Stefan. Opinion polls put Mr Ponta at over 45-51% in voters preference. The economy is improving, as is the country s ability to absorbEU funds. The recent arrest of a media-owning businessman has stirred concerns overfreedom of the press, but to many voters it is a welcome sign of an improving judicialsystem.   社会民主党在民意调查中遥遥领先,他们不需要操心工作议程。庞塔基本没有重要对手。斯蒂芬认为。民意调查显示庞塔拥有约45%50%的民意支持。经济正在提升,这也是罗马尼亚吸收欧盟基金的能力体现。最近对经营媒体的商人引发了人们对资讯自由的担忧,但对于很多选民来讲,这正是司法体系正在改进的体现。   An attempt to reunite parts of the centre-right, with the Liberal Democrats joining forces withthe Liberals, formerly allies of Mr Ponta s, may be the only real threat. This group wants toput Klaus Johannis, an ethnic German who is mayor of the Transylvanian city of Sibiu,forward against Mr Ponta. Mr Johannis has done some controversial property deals, but heis the country s second-most popular politician. Even so, at around 23-26%, he is farbehind Mr Ponta, who looks almost certain to succeed the sea captain in the winter.   将中右翼党派团结起来的一个尝试因为自由民主党加入自由党,即庞塔党派之前的同盟党,这或许是唯一真正的威胁。这个组织想要将一个德意志民族的人、同时也是锡比乌县特兰西瓦尼亚市市长克劳斯约翰尼斯推出来对抗庞塔。约翰尼斯有过一些有争议的房地产交易,但他是罗马尼亚第二受欢迎的政治家。即便这样,他的支持率只有23%26%,远低于庞塔的支持率。看样子庞塔已经基本上可以确定今年冬天可以获得胜利了。   词语解释   1.need to 需要做   Cmos need to get personally involved.   首席营销官需要亲身参与。   That s all you need to do!   别的什么都不用做!   2.accuse of 指责,控告   Even the salafis while able to mobilize hundreds for protests against people who they accuseof insulting their religion have yet to convene around a single political ideology or party.   即使是沙拉菲派-同时能够调动人们谁对他们的侮辱他们的宗教指责抗议数百-尚未召开围绕一个单一的政治意识形态或政党。   In cairo, as in alexandria, protesters marched on presidential palaces determined toremove a leader they accuse of oppressing them.   在开罗和亚历山大,抗议者涌向总统官邸,决心要把这位领导人赶下台,他们指控穆巴拉克压迫人民。   3.help to 有助于,促进   But the following may help to visualize one conception.   但是,以下观点将帮助人们更形象地了解一个观点。   If the fund is repackaged in that way, it may help to ease investor fears.   如果该基金能据此重新设计,将有助于缓解投资者的忧虑情绪。   4.hope to 希望   I expect and hope to see more companies started.   我预计、而且也希望看到更多的企业进入这个领域。   What do you hope to learn from this boss?   你想从这位上司身上学到什么?


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Romanian politics   罗马尼亚的政局   Oh, brother   兄弟之情   Traian Basescu is ending his presidency amid acorruption scandal   特拉扬伯塞斯库因腐败丑闻结束总统任期   Left or right in Bucharest   布加勒斯特,向左走,向右走。   THERE is no shortage of drama and intrigue in Romanian politics. Traian Basescu, a formersea captain, was elected in December 2004 after an anti-corruption campaign thatdeliberately echoed Ukraine s Orange revolution at the same time. On June 19th, in tears,he said: Between the need to ensure an independent justice system and the natural reflexof protecting your brother, I choose justice. His younger brother, Mircea, had been put inpreventive custody after being accused of taking a 250,000 bribe from a convictedcriminal, Sandu Anghel, who hoped that a president s brother might help to get him out ofan eight-year prison sentence for stabbing his nephew.   罗马尼亚政治体系中高潮迭起,阴谋不断。曾任船长的特拉扬伯塞斯库于2004年12月反腐倡廉运动之后当选为总统,那次运动是用以呼应当时乌克兰的橙色革命的。在6月19日,他满含泪水的说:在维护司法系统独立的召唤与爱护手足之情的天性面前,我选择前者。他的弟弟米尔恰被控受贿25万欧元。行贿的是一个被判刑的罪犯桑杜安格尔,他原本指望总统的弟弟可以帮他逃脱因刺伤侄子而面临的八年有期徒刑。米尔恰之后便因此被防范性拘留。   Mircea Basescu claims that he is the victim of blackmail and that he never approached thepresident about the case. The president blames his brother for mingling with the wrongpeople and insists he did not take any money and never intervened in favour of anyone withlegal problems. Mircea Basescu, who owns a meat-import business in the port of Constantaat the Black Sea, in 2010 became the godfather of one of Mr Anghel s granddaughters. Heclaims that this was a purely Christian thing to do. Mr Anghel is an illiterate local gangsterfrom Constanta who made his fortune selling scrap metal from stolen railway tracks andother installations left in decay after the fall of communism.   米尔恰伯塞斯库声称自己是被勒索的,并且自己从未因桑杜的案子找过总统。总统责怪弟弟与错误的人搅合在一起并且坚称自己并未收取任何财物也从未因帮助任何人而干涉任何法律问题。米尔恰伯塞斯库在黑海的康斯坦察港做肉类进口的生意,于2010年成为安格尔其中一个孙女的教父。他称这是一个纯粹的基督教徒所做的事。安格尔是康斯坦察当地一个从未受过教育的恶棍,他在东欧剧变之后通过售卖从铁轨和其他废气设施偷得的废金属而发家。   The scandal comes just five months before presidential elections in which Mr Basescu cannotrun again. It is a final blow to a scattered centre-right and a boon to the Social Democraticprime minister, Victor Ponta, who now hopes to become president himself. Mr Ponta and hisallies have called on Mr Basescu to step down early in order to preserve the independenceof the judiciary. I think that not only Traian Basescu, but any president in a Europeancountry, faced with such a situation, should resign immediately in order to dispel anydoubts that from his position he can influence the probe, he said.   丑闻在离总统选举前仅五个月的时候曝光,而伯塞斯库也无法再参选了。这是给原本已经支离破碎的中右翼政党的最后一击,也是给社会民主党的总理维克多彭塔的福利,他希望自己可以当选总理。庞塔和他的伙伴曾拜访伯塞斯库希望他早点辞职以维护司法独立性。我认为不仅仅是特拉扬伯塞斯库,欧洲所有国家面临过这种境况的总统都会立即辞职来打消认为他利用职位之便影响调查的任何怀疑。他认为。   Yet at least for now, Mr Basescu refuses to quit, since there is no evidence of his interveningin the Anghel case. His election in 2004 was based not just on his popular stand againstcorruption, but also on hopes that he would help to shepherd Romania into the EuropeanUnion, which it joined three years later. His nemesis and predecessor, Adrian Nastase, wasput behind bars for corruption, along with many other ministers, MPs and judges caughtred-handed.   但至少目前,伯塞斯库拒绝辞职,因为并没有他干涉安格尔案子的证据。他赢得2004年选举不仅是因为他反对腐败这个受欢迎的立场,还因为他希望他可以带领罗马尼亚加入欧盟,三年之后他确实做到了这一点。他的主要对手同时也是前辈艾德里安纳斯塔斯曾因为贪污被监禁,与艾德里安一起被抓正在作案的还有很多其他的部长、国会议员与法官。   Yet his rivals and opponents have always accused Mr Basescu of going only after politicalenemies, turning a blind eye to corruption in his own party ranks. Laura Stefan from ExpertForum, a Bucharest-based think-tank, says the Anghel case shows that justice is finallyworking independently, since even the president s brother is being put behind bars. Surelythis is no pleasant situation. Many politicians would choose differently and rather back theirfriends and relatives, she says. She is sceptical that the case will be a big issue in thepresidential election.   但他的对手和反对者们经常指责伯塞斯库只顾对政敌揪着不放,对于自己党派的贪污视而不见。位于布加勒斯特的智库专家论坛的专家劳拉斯蒂芬认为安格尔的案子说明司法体系最终正在独立运行,因为就连总统的弟弟也没能逃脱制裁。这确实不是一个好境况。很多政治家会做出其他选择而而宁愿袒护他们犯错的亲友。她称。同时她也怀疑这个案子会成为总统选举的一个大事件。   The Social Democrats are riding high in opinion polls, they don t need this agenda. Mr Pontabasically has no counter-candidate, says Ms Stefan. Opinion polls put Mr Ponta at over 45-51% in voters preference. The economy is improving, as is the country s ability to absorbEU funds. The recent arrest of a media-owning businessman has stirred concerns overfreedom of the press, but to many voters it is a welcome sign of an improving judicialsystem.   社会民主党在民意调查中遥遥领先,他们不需要操心工作议程。庞塔基本没有重要对手。斯蒂芬认为。民意调查显示庞塔拥有约45%50%的民意支持。经济正在提升,这也是罗马尼亚吸收欧盟基金的能力体现。最近对经营媒体的商人引发了人们对资讯自由的担忧,但对于很多选民来讲,这正是司法体系正在改进的体现。   An attempt to reunite parts of the centre-right, with the Liberal Democrats joining forces withthe Liberals, formerly allies of Mr Ponta s, may be the only real threat. This group wants toput Klaus Johannis, an ethnic German who is mayor of the Transylvanian city of Sibiu,forward against Mr Ponta. Mr Johannis has done some controversial property deals, but heis the country s second-most popular politician. Even so, at around 23-26%, he is farbehind Mr Ponta, who looks almost certain to succeed the sea captain in the winter.   将中右翼党派团结起来的一个尝试因为自由民主党加入自由党,即庞塔党派之前的同盟党,这或许是唯一真正的威胁。这个组织想要将一个德意志民族的人、同时也是锡比乌县特兰西瓦尼亚市市长克劳斯约翰尼斯推出来对抗庞塔。约翰尼斯有过一些有争议的房地产交易,但他是罗马尼亚第二受欢迎的政治家。即便这样,他的支持率只有23%26%,远低于庞塔的支持率。看样子庞塔已经基本上可以确定今年冬天可以获得胜利了。   词语解释   1.need to 需要做   Cmos need to get personally involved.   首席营销官需要亲身参与。   That s all you need to do!   别的什么都不用做!   2.accuse of 指责,控告   Even the salafis while able to mobilize hundreds for protests against people who they accuseof insulting their religion have yet to convene around a single political ideology or party.   即使是沙拉菲派-同时能够调动人们谁对他们的侮辱他们的宗教指责抗议数百-尚未召开围绕一个单一的政治意识形态或政党。   In cairo, as in alexandria, protesters marched on presidential palaces determined toremove a leader they accuse of oppressing them.   在开罗和亚历山大,抗议者涌向总统官邸,决心要把这位领导人赶下台,他们指控穆巴拉克压迫人民。   3.help to 有助于,促进   But the following may help to visualize one conception.   但是,以下观点将帮助人们更形象地了解一个观点。   If the fund is repackaged in that way, it may help to ease investor fears.   如果该基金能据此重新设计,将有助于缓解投资者的忧虑情绪。   4.hope to 希望   I expect and hope to see more companies started.   我预计、而且也希望看到更多的企业进入这个领域。   What do you hope to learn from this boss?   你想从这位上司身上学到什么?