一 . 固定搭配
Im sorry for putting you to so much trouble .
Tom was absent from school because of the illness .
We offered him our congratulations on his passing the college entrance exams .
二 . 考查介词本身的含义
大部分介词都有它本身的含义,在有些题目中,考生只需根据这些基本含义就可解出题目。如 against,它的基本含义是反面;对着。如:
He stood against the wall .
The mountains look grey against the blue sky .
The Great Wall runs across deserts,through valleys and over mountains .
The space ________ desks is too small for a teacher to pass .
A. between B. about C. as D. among
析:答案为 A 项。教师通不过去的原因是课桌两两之间的间距太小,而不是三个或三个以上的桌子之间,因此只能用 between .
三 . 巧合
People would suffer ________ our Party .
He had been in Beijing _______ November .
suffer 常和 from 连用,表示受之苦。此句不可能表示人民将受到党的折磨之意,因此,只有填 without 才合题意。而第二句中月份常和 in 连用,而句子的时态是过去完成式,也不能用 since ,只有填 before .
The facts he had been looking forward _____ to light .
A. to coming B. to come C. to came D. came
析:答案为 C 项。 to 和 came 是分属于主句和从句的两个词,两者没有介宾关系,但命题人故意把这两个词连在一起来误导考生,以此来检查考生对句子结构的分析能力。再如:
The subject he devoted most of his time to is difficult .
四 . 考查不同介词和同一名词搭配的不同含义
He has gone away ______ the weekend .
The worker put the goods on the shelves _____ sale .
第一句中的 weekend 常与介词 at 搭配,但此处很明显不是表示在周末,而是表示走的目的是度周末,因此应用 for .第二句中, on 和 for 均可和 sale 搭配, on sale 表示出售;廉价出售;而 for sale 表示待售,因此应用 for .
The meeting went on well .
The meeting went off successfully .
河南 张运涛
一 . 固定搭配
Im sorry for putting you to so much trouble .
Tom was absent from school because of the illness .
We offered him our congratulations on his passing the college entrance exams .
二 . 考查介词本身的含义
大部分介词都有它本身的含义,在有些题目中,考生只需根据这些基本含义就可解出题目。如 against,它的基本含义是反面;对着。如:
He stood against the wall .
The mountains look grey against the blue sky .
The Great Wall runs across deserts,through valleys and over mountains .
The space ________ desks is too small for a teacher to pass .
A. between B. about C. as D. among
析:答案为 A 项。教师通不过去的原因是课桌两两之间的间距太小,而不是三个或三个以上的桌子之间,因此只能用 between .
三 . 巧合
People would suffer ________ our Party .
He had been in Beijing _______ November .
suffer 常和 from 连用,表示受之苦。此句不可能表示人民将受到党的折磨之意,因此,只有填 without 才合题意。而第二句中月份常和 in 连用,而句子的时态是过去完成式,也不能用 since ,只有填 before .
The facts he had been looking forward _____ to light .
A. to coming B. to come C. to came D. came
析:答案为 C 项。 to 和 came 是分属于主句和从句的两个词,两者没有介宾关系,但命题人故意把这两个词连在一起来误导考生,以此来检查考生对句子结构的分析能力。再如:
The subject he devoted most of his time to is difficult .
四 . 考查不同介词和同一名词搭配的不同含义
He has gone away ______ the weekend .
The worker put the goods on the shelves _____ sale .
第一句中的 weekend 常与介词 at 搭配,但此处很明显不是表示在周末,而是表示走的目的是度周末,因此应用 for .第二句中, on 和 for 均可和 sale 搭配, on sale 表示出售;廉价出售;而 for sale 表示待售,因此应用 for .
The meeting went on well .
The meeting went off successfully .
河南 张运涛