Smart 词汇记忆组群82
stumble vi. ①绊倒,绊脚:I stumbled over a tree root. ②跌跌撞撞地走:A drunk stumbled past US.一个醉汉跌跌撞撞地从我们身边走过。③结结巴巴
stumble across/on碰巧发现:Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drug ring。警方在调查税收欺诈案件时意外发现了一个贩毒集团。
tumble v. ①跌倒,摔下:tumble down the stairs ②翻滚:The puppy was tumbling about thefloor.小狗在地上打滚。③暴跌:Shave prices tumbled on the stockmarket.股市股价暴跌。④不由自主地卷入
n. 跌倒,摔倒:have a nasty tumble重重地摔了一跤
tumble to明白,领悟:I tumbled to him when l saw the letter.看到信,我才知道他的为人。
slide v. ①滑动,下滑:The ship slid into the water.船滑入水中。②悄悄地移动:She slid a coin into his hand.她悄悄把硬币塞人他手中。
let slide放任自流:She got depressed and began to let things slide.她情绪低落,一切听之任之。
slip vi. ①滑,滑落;②溜走:The thief slippedout.小偷溜了出来。
vt. 悄悄放进:slip the waiter a tip 悄悄给服务员小费
slip up 失误,出差错:I slipped up and gave you the wrong number.我错给了你电话号码。
Slippery a. ①滑的:Dont run on such a slippery floor.②狡猾的,不可靠的:Tell you the truth,he is a slippery man. 实话告诉你,他不可靠。
slipper n. 拖鞋
wear vt. ①穿着,带着,留:she was wearing sunglasses.她戴着墨镜。②面带,呈现:The house wore a neglected look.这房子好象没有人照管。
vi. ①穿破,磨损 ②耐穿,耐磨:You should choose a fabric that will wear well.你要挑条耐穿的裤子。
n. ①穿,戴②服装,穿戴物③磨损,损坏
wear away①磨损,磨去 ②消磨,流逝:The coin has been worn away by using.硬币被用得磨损了。
wear off 渐渐减少,逐渐消失:The pain is slowly wearing off.痛苦正逐渐消失。
wear out①穿破,用坏:I wore out a pair of shoes.② 疲乏, 耗尽:They were worn out after a long walk.长途后,他们累坏了。
cloth n. 布,织物,衣料
clothe vt. ①给穿衣 ②覆盖:The sun clothed the hill with light.阳光覆照在小山上。
clothes n. 衣服,服装:a suit of clothes
clothing n. 衣服,衣着
coat vt. 涂上,覆盖
n. ①外衣,外套 ②表皮,皮毛③覆盖物,层:give sth. a second coat of paint给上第二层颜料
overcoat n. 外衣,大衣
cloak n. 斗篷;覆盖(物)
dress n. ①连衣裙 ②衣服,服装
vt. ①给穿衣:He takes ages to dress.他穿衣要用很长时间。②包扎(伤口):Nurse dressed the wounded man.护士为伤员包扎。③给加作料
dress up ①穿上盛装,精心打扮:Children like dressing up. 孩子都爱打扮。②装饰,修饰
jacket n. 短上衣,茄克衫
gown n. 长袍,长外衣
sweater n. 厚运动衫,毛线衫
robe n. 长袍
vest n. 汗衫;背心
skirt n. ①裙子 ②边缘:We walk along the skirt of the river. 我们沿着河边走。③郊区
cotton n. ①棉,棉花 ②棉线,棉纱:a needle and cotton 针和线
fabric n. ①织物,织品 ②构造,组织:The entire fabric of the house needs renovation. 这座房子的全部结构需要维修翻新。
fibre n. 纤维,纤维质
linen n. 亚麻布;亚麻织物
nylon n. 尼龙
silk n. 蚕丝,丝,丝织品
velvet n. 丝绒,天鹅绒
textile n. ①纺织品:This factory produces a range of textiles. 这个工厂生产各种纺织品。②纺织业:She got a job in textiles. 她在纺织业中找到了份工作。
a. 纺织的:the textile industry 纺织工业
wool n. ①羊毛 ②毛线,毛织品:a ball of knitting wool 一团毛线
woolen a. 羊毛制的,毛线的
rag n. ①破布,碎布 ②破旧衣服: I met a ramp dressed in rags and tatters in the street. 我在街上遇到了一个衣衫褴褛的流浪汉。
canvas n. 粗帆布;一块油画布
sock n. 短袜
stocking n. 长(统)袜
boot n. ①靴 ②行李箱:Be sure to put the luggage in the boot. ③解雇:Tom got the boot because of his rudeness to the customer.
shoe n. 鞋
in sb.s shoes 处于的地位(或境地):I would quit the job if I were in your shoes.
button n. ①扣子:lose a button ②按钮
vt. 扣紧,扣上:Debbys dress buttons at the back.戴比的裙子是在后面系扣的。
clasp n. 扣子,钩子;别针
pin n. ①大头针,别针 ②徽章,像覃:a tie-pin 一个领带夹 ③销子,闩
v. 别住,固定住:Ken pinned the papers together incase of losing it.
pin down ①(使)明确说明:Jeff is a difficult person to pin down.杰夫这个人说话办事没个准儿。②确定,证实:Theres something wrong, but I cant pin it down。
collar n. ①衣领,领子:white collar ②项圈
pocket n. ①衣袋,小袋 ②钱,财力:Im hard on the pocket now. 我现在手头拮据。
vt. 把装入口 袋:She pocketed the paper,她把考卷装进口袋.
a. 袖珍的,小型的:pocket book 小型记事本
sleeve n. 袖子,袖套
tie n. ①领带,领结 ②纽带,联系:the ties of friendship 友谊的纽带 ③束缚
vt. ①拴,扎,捆 ②把打结,系上:tie an apron 系上围裙 ③连接,使有关联
vi. 不分胜负:The two teams tied.
tie down 限制,牵制:I dont like to be tied down by things.我不喜欢被事情所牵制。
tie in with 与一致,配合:The report ties in with what we know.这个报道与我们所知的一致。
tie up ①拴住,捆牢 ②使难以动用,阻碍:Most of Gills money is tied up in property.吉尔的大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用。
veil n. 面纱,面罩;遮蔽物
knit v. ①编织:We knitted a sweater for her son.②使紧密地结合,使紧凑:knit ones brows ③愈合:The broken bones have knitted well. 断骨已愈合良好。
needle n. 针,编织针
sew v. 缝(纫):sew round the hem 缝边
sew up ①缝合:sew up a hole in a sock把袜子上的洞补好。②确保的成功:By the end of the mooting everything, should be nicely sewn up.会议结束时一切应妥善解决。
patch n. ①补片,补丁:He wears a coat with patches on the elbows.他穿了一件肘部有补了的衣服。②斑:Lisa has a black dog with a white patch on its neck.③一小块地:Jim has an onion patch.
vt. 补,修补:Lucy was patching a hole in her pants.
patch up①解决:Its hard to patch up their differences. ②修补:They patched up their old car and sold it.
weave v. 织,编:I like the cloth woven from silk and wool.我喜欢用丝和毛混纺的料子。
stitch n. ①一针,线迹 ②缝法,针法,编结法:She is very good at chain-stitch.她很擅长链形缝法。③突然剧痛:I got a stitch when running.
v. 缝,绣:She is stitching a shirt by candlelight,她正在烛光下缝衬衣。
tailor vt. ①裁剪,缝制:He got a well-tailored suit as his birthday present.他的生日礼物是一件做工考究的西装。②使适应:These homes are tailored to the needs of the elderly.这些是专门为老人建立的养老院。
n. 裁缝
tail=to cut
tail n. 尾巴,尾部
detail n. 细节,详情
v. 详述 specify
in detail 详细地
Smart 词汇记忆组群82
stumble vi. ①绊倒,绊脚:I stumbled over a tree root. ②跌跌撞撞地走:A drunk stumbled past US.一个醉汉跌跌撞撞地从我们身边走过。③结结巴巴
stumble across/on碰巧发现:Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drug ring。警方在调查税收欺诈案件时意外发现了一个贩毒集团。
tumble v. ①跌倒,摔下:tumble down the stairs ②翻滚:The puppy was tumbling about thefloor.小狗在地上打滚。③暴跌:Shave prices tumbled on the stockmarket.股市股价暴跌。④不由自主地卷入
n. 跌倒,摔倒:have a nasty tumble重重地摔了一跤
tumble to明白,领悟:I tumbled to him when l saw the letter.看到信,我才知道他的为人。
slide v. ①滑动,下滑:The ship slid into the water.船滑入水中。②悄悄地移动:She slid a coin into his hand.她悄悄把硬币塞人他手中。
let slide放任自流:She got depressed and began to let things slide.她情绪低落,一切听之任之。
slip vi. ①滑,滑落;②溜走:The thief slippedout.小偷溜了出来。
vt. 悄悄放进:slip the waiter a tip 悄悄给服务员小费
slip up 失误,出差错:I slipped up and gave you the wrong number.我错给了你电话号码。
Slippery a. ①滑的:Dont run on such a slippery floor.②狡猾的,不可靠的:Tell you the truth,he is a slippery man. 实话告诉你,他不可靠。
slipper n. 拖鞋
wear vt. ①穿着,带着,留:she was wearing sunglasses.她戴着墨镜。②面带,呈现:The house wore a neglected look.这房子好象没有人照管。
vi. ①穿破,磨损 ②耐穿,耐磨:You should choose a fabric that will wear well.你要挑条耐穿的裤子。
n. ①穿,戴②服装,穿戴物③磨损,损坏
wear away①磨损,磨去 ②消磨,流逝:The coin has been worn away by using.硬币被用得磨损了。
wear off 渐渐减少,逐渐消失:The pain is slowly wearing off.痛苦正逐渐消失。
wear out①穿破,用坏:I wore out a pair of shoes.② 疲乏, 耗尽:They were worn out after a long walk.长途后,他们累坏了。
cloth n. 布,织物,衣料
clothe vt. ①给穿衣 ②覆盖:The sun clothed the hill with light.阳光覆照在小山上。
clothes n. 衣服,服装:a suit of clothes
clothing n. 衣服,衣着
coat vt. 涂上,覆盖
n. ①外衣,外套 ②表皮,皮毛③覆盖物,层:give sth. a second coat of paint给上第二层颜料
overcoat n. 外衣,大衣
cloak n. 斗篷;覆盖(物)
dress n. ①连衣裙 ②衣服,服装
vt. ①给穿衣:He takes ages to dress.他穿衣要用很长时间。②包扎(伤口):Nurse dressed the wounded man.护士为伤员包扎。③给加作料
dress up ①穿上盛装,精心打扮:Children like dressing up. 孩子都爱打扮。②装饰,修饰
jacket n. 短上衣,茄克衫
gown n. 长袍,长外衣
sweater n. 厚运动衫,毛线衫
robe n. 长袍
vest n. 汗衫;背心
skirt n. ①裙子 ②边缘:We walk along the skirt of the river. 我们沿着河边走。③郊区
cotton n. ①棉,棉花 ②棉线,棉纱:a needle and cotton 针和线
fabric n. ①织物,织品 ②构造,组织:The entire fabric of the house needs renovation. 这座房子的全部结构需要维修翻新。
fibre n. 纤维,纤维质
linen n. 亚麻布;亚麻织物
nylon n. 尼龙
silk n. 蚕丝,丝,丝织品
velvet n. 丝绒,天鹅绒
textile n. ①纺织品:This factory produces a range of textiles. 这个工厂生产各种纺织品。②纺织业:She got a job in textiles. 她在纺织业中找到了份工作。
a. 纺织的:the textile industry 纺织工业
wool n. ①羊毛 ②毛线,毛织品:a ball of knitting wool 一团毛线
woolen a. 羊毛制的,毛线的
rag n. ①破布,碎布 ②破旧衣服: I met a ramp dressed in rags and tatters in the street. 我在街上遇到了一个衣衫褴褛的流浪汉。
canvas n. 粗帆布;一块油画布
sock n. 短袜
stocking n. 长(统)袜
boot n. ①靴 ②行李箱:Be sure to put the luggage in the boot. ③解雇:Tom got the boot because of his rudeness to the customer.
shoe n. 鞋
in sb.s shoes 处于的地位(或境地):I would quit the job if I were in your shoes.
button n. ①扣子:lose a button ②按钮
vt. 扣紧,扣上:Debbys dress buttons at the back.戴比的裙子是在后面系扣的。
clasp n. 扣子,钩子;别针
pin n. ①大头针,别针 ②徽章,像覃:a tie-pin 一个领带夹 ③销子,闩
v. 别住,固定住:Ken pinned the papers together incase of losing it.
pin down ①(使)明确说明:Jeff is a difficult person to pin down.杰夫这个人说话办事没个准儿。②确定,证实:Theres something wrong, but I cant pin it down。
collar n. ①衣领,领子:white collar ②项圈
pocket n. ①衣袋,小袋 ②钱,财力:Im hard on the pocket now. 我现在手头拮据。
vt. 把装入口 袋:She pocketed the paper,她把考卷装进口袋.
a. 袖珍的,小型的:pocket book 小型记事本
sleeve n. 袖子,袖套
tie n. ①领带,领结 ②纽带,联系:the ties of friendship 友谊的纽带 ③束缚
vt. ①拴,扎,捆 ②把打结,系上:tie an apron 系上围裙 ③连接,使有关联
vi. 不分胜负:The two teams tied.
tie down 限制,牵制:I dont like to be tied down by things.我不喜欢被事情所牵制。
tie in with 与一致,配合:The report ties in with what we know.这个报道与我们所知的一致。
tie up ①拴住,捆牢 ②使难以动用,阻碍:Most of Gills money is tied up in property.吉尔的大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用。
veil n. 面纱,面罩;遮蔽物
knit v. ①编织:We knitted a sweater for her son.②使紧密地结合,使紧凑:knit ones brows ③愈合:The broken bones have knitted well. 断骨已愈合良好。
needle n. 针,编织针
sew v. 缝(纫):sew round the hem 缝边
sew up ①缝合:sew up a hole in a sock把袜子上的洞补好。②确保的成功:By the end of the mooting everything, should be nicely sewn up.会议结束时一切应妥善解决。
patch n. ①补片,补丁:He wears a coat with patches on the elbows.他穿了一件肘部有补了的衣服。②斑:Lisa has a black dog with a white patch on its neck.③一小块地:Jim has an onion patch.
vt. 补,修补:Lucy was patching a hole in her pants.
patch up①解决:Its hard to patch up their differences. ②修补:They patched up their old car and sold it.
weave v. 织,编:I like the cloth woven from silk and wool.我喜欢用丝和毛混纺的料子。
stitch n. ①一针,线迹 ②缝法,针法,编结法:She is very good at chain-stitch.她很擅长链形缝法。③突然剧痛:I got a stitch when running.
v. 缝,绣:She is stitching a shirt by candlelight,她正在烛光下缝衬衣。
tailor vt. ①裁剪,缝制:He got a well-tailored suit as his birthday present.他的生日礼物是一件做工考究的西装。②使适应:These homes are tailored to the needs of the elderly.这些是专门为老人建立的养老院。
n. 裁缝
tail=to cut
tail n. 尾巴,尾部
detail n. 细节,详情
v. 详述 specify
in detail 详细地