SAT作文题目解析 利用一个人故事的不同部分来论证
当你看到SAT作文题目时,首先是审题。看下面这个题目比较简单,不放弃自然比较好写。笔者上课讲过美国自行车员Lance Armstrong,他得了癌症,但是从不放弃,因为心中有个梦想环法冠军。 接下来给大家准备了他的生平简单介绍,看的过程中大家可以学习如何利用一个人故事的不同部分论证众多种SAT作文题目。
Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people give up if they are not making progress?
By age thirteen, Lance had proved himself to be a good runner and an excellent swimmer. He was always on the bike, pedaling away. So when he saw an advertisement for a junior triathlon called Iron Kids, it seemed like a perfect fit.
A triathlon is a race with three parts. Competitors begin the race with a swim, then climb onto bikes for a long ride. At the end of the ride, the racers jump off their bikes and begin a distance run. Triathlon is an exhausting sport for which few people are suited. But it was perfect for Lance.
He entered more adult triathlons and started winning some of them. Soon, Trianthlete magazine named him the national Rookie of the Year in sprint triathlons. But as he continued to train, he felt more and more comfortable on the bike. Soon, dreams of being a professional road racer replaced his dreams of being a star in triathlon.
论证题目:Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else?
1990 Lance moved out on his own. He settled in Austin, Texas, where he rented an apartment. He also joined the U.S. national cycling team under coach Chris Carmichael.
He was stubborn. He didnt understand the strategy of holding a little energy in reserve.
First race: 1990 Amateur World Championship in Japan. The race, held on a very hot day, was 115 miles long with a difficult uphill section. Chris wanted Lance to draft--- to stay behind other riders and save some energy for the end of the race.
But Lance didnt listen to his coach. He was overconfident and quickly pedaled to a big lead. The lead grew to almost 90 seconds, but Lance was exhausting himself. He got tired and slowed down. His lead fell to a minute, than to 30 seconds. Soon the peloton had caught him. Lance couldnt mount a charge at the end. He could only slide back into the draft and finish eleventh.
当你看到SAT作文题目时,首先是审题。看下面这个题目比较简单,不放弃自然比较好写。笔者上课讲过美国自行车员Lance Armstrong,他得了癌症,但是从不放弃,因为心中有个梦想环法冠军。 接下来给大家准备了他的生平简单介绍,看的过程中大家可以学习如何利用一个人故事的不同部分论证众多种SAT作文题目。
Is striving to achieve a goal always the best course of action, or should people give up if they are not making progress?
By age thirteen, Lance had proved himself to be a good runner and an excellent swimmer. He was always on the bike, pedaling away. So when he saw an advertisement for a junior triathlon called Iron Kids, it seemed like a perfect fit.
A triathlon is a race with three parts. Competitors begin the race with a swim, then climb onto bikes for a long ride. At the end of the ride, the racers jump off their bikes and begin a distance run. Triathlon is an exhausting sport for which few people are suited. But it was perfect for Lance.
He entered more adult triathlons and started winning some of them. Soon, Trianthlete magazine named him the national Rookie of the Year in sprint triathlons. But as he continued to train, he felt more and more comfortable on the bike. Soon, dreams of being a professional road racer replaced his dreams of being a star in triathlon.
论证题目:Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and developing that attribute above all else?
1990 Lance moved out on his own. He settled in Austin, Texas, where he rented an apartment. He also joined the U.S. national cycling team under coach Chris Carmichael.
He was stubborn. He didnt understand the strategy of holding a little energy in reserve.
First race: 1990 Amateur World Championship in Japan. The race, held on a very hot day, was 115 miles long with a difficult uphill section. Chris wanted Lance to draft--- to stay behind other riders and save some energy for the end of the race.
But Lance didnt listen to his coach. He was overconfident and quickly pedaled to a big lead. The lead grew to almost 90 seconds, but Lance was exhausting himself. He got tired and slowed down. His lead fell to a minute, than to 30 seconds. Soon the peloton had caught him. Lance couldnt mount a charge at the end. He could only slide back into the draft and finish eleventh.