1月SAT作文讲解 含例文
Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?
关于审题,这是一个难题。同学们在考场上需要从脑海里面把准备的例子迅速想一遍,看看哪个更适合此题目。由于限定了discovery, 笔者班上的同学们应该能快速想到伽利略或者哥白尼。前者做出了伟大的发现,比如两球下降的正确理论;后者发现了日心说。
还是给大家找一篇文章作为素材的参考,写作者是Lily 同学,去年6月考试作为是满分,习作的题目是is it necessary to question the authority?
Another story of Galileo is also a very typical one to explain the importance of challenging the authority. It is known to us all that Aristotle is a great philosopher in ancient Greece and is widely regarded as the most erudite mind so far. His theories, as a result, are firmly believed by almost everyone in the Middle Age.
However, Galileo, a talented physicist at that time, found one of Aristotles theories that the velocities of two falling weights are proportional to their weights incorrect through his thousands of experiments.
He finally decided to show his research results by doing an experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa in front of the public, which later turned out to be a blockbuster in the field of physics.
Galileo dropped two iron balls of different weights to the ground and everybody present witnessed the historic moment that the two balls reached the ground at exactly the same time.
Galileos experiments and discoveries violently challenged that of Aristotle and started a revolutionary debate among scientists. More importantly, he corrected thousands of peoples wrong beliefs and contributed a lot to the modern physics.
实战运用:题目 Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?
Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?
关于审题,这是一个难题。同学们在考场上需要从脑海里面把准备的例子迅速想一遍,看看哪个更适合此题目。由于限定了discovery, 笔者班上的同学们应该能快速想到伽利略或者哥白尼。前者做出了伟大的发现,比如两球下降的正确理论;后者发现了日心说。
还是给大家找一篇文章作为素材的参考,写作者是Lily 同学,去年6月考试作为是满分,习作的题目是is it necessary to question the authority?
Another story of Galileo is also a very typical one to explain the importance of challenging the authority. It is known to us all that Aristotle is a great philosopher in ancient Greece and is widely regarded as the most erudite mind so far. His theories, as a result, are firmly believed by almost everyone in the Middle Age.
However, Galileo, a talented physicist at that time, found one of Aristotles theories that the velocities of two falling weights are proportional to their weights incorrect through his thousands of experiments.
He finally decided to show his research results by doing an experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa in front of the public, which later turned out to be a blockbuster in the field of physics.
Galileo dropped two iron balls of different weights to the ground and everybody present witnessed the historic moment that the two balls reached the ground at exactly the same time.
Galileos experiments and discoveries violently challenged that of Aristotle and started a revolutionary debate among scientists. More importantly, he corrected thousands of peoples wrong beliefs and contributed a lot to the modern physics.
实战运用:题目 Do people make the greatest discoveries by exploring what is unfamiliar to them or by paying close attention to what seems familiar?