Did you answer the question thoughtfully?
Did you take a forceful and interesting position?
Did you develop your response logically?
Did you give strong, specific examples or provide meaningful explanations?
Did you organize the essay around a clear thesis?
Did you relate each paragraph to that thesis?
Did you use paragraphs effectively?
Did you provide transitions between paragraphs when necessary?
Did you provide a thoughtful introduction?
Did you conclude the essay appropriately?
Did you use precise language?
Did you explain all terms or ideas that you needed to?
Did you use strong verbs and nouns?
Did you avoid overuse of the verb to be?
Did you avoid the passive voice?
Did you avoid cliche?
Did you avoid redundancy?
Did you vary sentence length, structure, and syntax for impact?
Did you avoid needless repetition of terms?
Were you creative?
Did you use humor?
Did you use effective vocabulary?
Did you answer the question thoughtfully?
Did you take a forceful and interesting position?
Did you develop your response logically?
Did you give strong, specific examples or provide meaningful explanations?
Did you organize the essay around a clear thesis?
Did you relate each paragraph to that thesis?
Did you use paragraphs effectively?
Did you provide transitions between paragraphs when necessary?
Did you provide a thoughtful introduction?
Did you conclude the essay appropriately?
Did you use precise language?
Did you explain all terms or ideas that you needed to?
Did you use strong verbs and nouns?
Did you avoid overuse of the verb to be?
Did you avoid the passive voice?
Did you avoid cliche?
Did you avoid redundancy?
Did you vary sentence length, structure, and syntax for impact?
Did you avoid needless repetition of terms?
Were you creative?
Did you use humor?
Did you use effective vocabulary?