GRE Issue写作提纲思路与分析5
编辑点评: GRE作文的Issue部分很注重大家分析问题的能力和逻辑思维的展开,本文选取真题例子,为大家一一分析针对这样的题目应该怎么分析和列提纲并且让自己的思路完整地展现在考官面前。
社会道德:连同性恋都合法了,都被社会承认了,怎么可能没选择?科技: 弦论 。教育:每个人都有根据自己兴趣爱好而选择学习专业的权利。
3、个人自己一生的发展中,其实也面临着不同的选择. 以自己的亲身经历为例、从小到大,从我们个人的角度说,我们几乎每天都在做出大大小小的选择。我们选择几点起床,选择吃什么样的早饭,选择乘什么交通工具去上学,选择所学的课程。常识也告诉我们人们是自由的,拥有自由的意志,伴随而来的必然有选择的权利。除了那些监狱里的人和精神有问题的人,没有选择的情况真的很罕见。
4、让步,我们的选择是有条件的选择,不能泛滥,否则有危害。原因有二:1 是资源所限2 是必须在法律允许的范围内,否则社会混乱;
【题目】 In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.
1 television can impart and disseminate temporal and new events more rapidly than books. In the political realm, the citizens could understand the political proceedings as soon as possible by watching television broadcasting.
2 in the business field, consumers could know the necessary information about the products by the advertisements on TV
3 books are far more portable than television sets and main approach for most people to gain knowledge in their primary time, and cultivate good reading habits
4 the controllers of the television stations always withhold some information from audiences but books do not.
编辑点评: GRE作文的Issue部分很注重大家分析问题的能力和逻辑思维的展开,本文选取真题例子,为大家一一分析针对这样的题目应该怎么分析和列提纲并且让自己的思路完整地展现在考官面前。
社会道德:连同性恋都合法了,都被社会承认了,怎么可能没选择?科技: 弦论 。教育:每个人都有根据自己兴趣爱好而选择学习专业的权利。
3、个人自己一生的发展中,其实也面临着不同的选择. 以自己的亲身经历为例、从小到大,从我们个人的角度说,我们几乎每天都在做出大大小小的选择。我们选择几点起床,选择吃什么样的早饭,选择乘什么交通工具去上学,选择所学的课程。常识也告诉我们人们是自由的,拥有自由的意志,伴随而来的必然有选择的权利。除了那些监狱里的人和精神有问题的人,没有选择的情况真的很罕见。
4、让步,我们的选择是有条件的选择,不能泛滥,否则有危害。原因有二:1 是资源所限2 是必须在法律允许的范围内,否则社会混乱;
【题目】 In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.
1 television can impart and disseminate temporal and new events more rapidly than books. In the political realm, the citizens could understand the political proceedings as soon as possible by watching television broadcasting.
2 in the business field, consumers could know the necessary information about the products by the advertisements on TV
3 books are far more portable than television sets and main approach for most people to gain knowledge in their primary time, and cultivate good reading habits
4 the controllers of the television stations always withhold some information from audiences but books do not.