第三天 6.21
一、 段数量:2~4段之间,一段含4~8个句子
三、 过渡句,承上启下
first second. Third.
In the first place in the second place last but not least
The major problem with this argument is that
Another problem that weakens/ undermines the logic of this
argument is that
Before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out another
flaw that undermines the argument.
四、 攻击的方法:
例证法: for example / instance
假设法: if, even if , given that ,granted that
only when ,unless , in this / that case , even so
Unless the arguer provides substantial evidence regarding /
concerning / as to , the assumption that is unfounded /
problematic / unconvincing
推测法: it is possible that , it is equally possible that , another
possibility is that , it is also likely that
possibly , perhaps
五、 运用闪光句型增加文采: P 88
六、 数据的问题:
1. Begging the question 把有待证实的关键性假设当作已经成立
Circular reasoning 循环论证 P35 2 , P44 37, P53 73
2. Fallacy of missing evidence
Hasty generalization 急于概括
Neglect a relevant evidence 忽略相关证据
P51 66 , P48 56
3. False analogy 只看到表层差异,而忽略深层差异
P63 112 , P42 29
4. False dilemma / either or fallacy 非此即彼的错误
P59 96 , P43 34
5. Non sequitor = non causal relationship
P50 62 , P52 70
In the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to evaluate
However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding
It is very likely that
第三天 6.21
一、 段数量:2~4段之间,一段含4~8个句子
三、 过渡句,承上启下
first second. Third.
In the first place in the second place last but not least
The major problem with this argument is that
Another problem that weakens/ undermines the logic of this
argument is that
Before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out another
flaw that undermines the argument.
四、 攻击的方法:
例证法: for example / instance
假设法: if, even if , given that ,granted that
only when ,unless , in this / that case , even so
Unless the arguer provides substantial evidence regarding /
concerning / as to , the assumption that is unfounded /
problematic / unconvincing
推测法: it is possible that , it is equally possible that , another
possibility is that , it is also likely that
possibly , perhaps
五、 运用闪光句型增加文采: P 88
六、 数据的问题:
1. Begging the question 把有待证实的关键性假设当作已经成立
Circular reasoning 循环论证 P35 2 , P44 37, P53 73
2. Fallacy of missing evidence
Hasty generalization 急于概括
Neglect a relevant evidence 忽略相关证据
P51 66 , P48 56
3. False analogy 只看到表层差异,而忽略深层差异
P63 112 , P42 29
4. False dilemma / either or fallacy 非此即彼的错误
P59 96 , P43 34
5. Non sequitor = non causal relationship
P50 62 , P52 70
In the absence of all this information, it is impossible for us to evaluate
However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding
It is very likely that