可互换的 interchangeable
可与相比 is comparable with
普遍的 prevailing;common;prevalent
是一个对比 is a sharp contrast to
比作 is likened to;is compared
根据 according to;on the basis of;on the ground of ;in the light of;in line with;in accordance with
逃避问题 evade the question
增大 enlarge;extend;aggrandize
澄清 clarify;make clear
赔偿 compensate for;giveas compensation for
实现 carry out;implement;realize;makecome true
假定 suppose;assume;postulate;hypothesize
极端的 radical;extreme
极端的措施 drastic measures
剩下的 the rest;the remainder;what is left
换言之 in other words;put another way
结果 result;aftermath;consequence
优点 advantage;strength;strong point;merit;benefit
简言之 put simply;in short;in brief;in a nutshell
举例而言 for instance;for example;to illustrate;let us cite
特别是 especially;more than others;particularly;in particular
既然now that;seeing that
迹象 inkling;hint;clue;a slight suggestion
缺点 disadvantage;demerit;shortcoming;drawback;weakness
除去 do away with;eliminate;remove;get rid of
缺少 for lack of;for a deficiency of
毕竟 after all;all in all
范围 scope;field;realm
潜力 potential;
行为 conduct;behavior;doings
隔绝 isolate;insulate
分辨出 identify;recognize
不易懂的 elusive;hard to understand
展开 unfold
回馈 feedback
主导的人物 a dominant figure;a controlling man;the most influential person
观点 viewpoint;point of view;perspective;standpoint
正在进行中 is underway
只是一种姿态 is merely a gesture
立场 position;stand;stance
意向 inclination;leaning;intention
特权 privilege;a special right
可互换的 interchangeable
可与相比 is comparable with
普遍的 prevailing;common;prevalent
是一个对比 is a sharp contrast to
比作 is likened to;is compared
根据 according to;on the basis of;on the ground of ;in the light of;in line with;in accordance with
逃避问题 evade the question
增大 enlarge;extend;aggrandize
澄清 clarify;make clear
赔偿 compensate for;giveas compensation for
实现 carry out;implement;realize;makecome true
假定 suppose;assume;postulate;hypothesize
极端的 radical;extreme
极端的措施 drastic measures
剩下的 the rest;the remainder;what is left
换言之 in other words;put another way
结果 result;aftermath;consequence
优点 advantage;strength;strong point;merit;benefit
简言之 put simply;in short;in brief;in a nutshell
举例而言 for instance;for example;to illustrate;let us cite
特别是 especially;more than others;particularly;in particular
既然now that;seeing that
迹象 inkling;hint;clue;a slight suggestion
缺点 disadvantage;demerit;shortcoming;drawback;weakness
除去 do away with;eliminate;remove;get rid of
缺少 for lack of;for a deficiency of
毕竟 after all;all in all
范围 scope;field;realm
潜力 potential;
行为 conduct;behavior;doings
隔绝 isolate;insulate
分辨出 identify;recognize
不易懂的 elusive;hard to understand
展开 unfold
回馈 feedback
主导的人物 a dominant figure;a controlling man;the most influential person
观点 viewpoint;point of view;perspective;standpoint
正在进行中 is underway
只是一种姿态 is merely a gesture
立场 position;stand;stance
意向 inclination;leaning;intention
特权 privilege;a special right