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  GRE issue 评分标准无非一个字概括complexity.





  In my opinion, teachers have more influence on students, because it is teachers who have the knowledge, which plays an important part in personal development of students. For example, Socrates uses questioning and his dialectic way of thinking to inspire his students to think independently. It is hard to imagine the achievement of Plato would be like if Socrates were a mere snob who braggers about the abundant knowledge he possesses rather than enlighten Platos critical thinking aptitude. On the other hand, the classmates of the same age cannot offer better understanding of the world to one and another, and therefore, it is impossible to replace teachers function in the pass-on of knowledge.


  这个就好比是《暮光之城》。同样是好莱坞的大片,但相比Inception便是彻底的烂片。为什么?故事情节极其简单粗暴。首先,一看Belle出场,那双苦涩的双眼,就知道她要纠结,最是那一低头的娇羞,一看就知道是雄性动物都躲不过她那双可怜楚楚的双眼。你开头,我就猜结尾,爱情至上,执子之手,与子偕老。主题句有了,就是太俗。之后,男人都挺着发达的胸肌,一个开X60沃尔沃,青面却不獠牙,一个骑着摩托说:I am hotter. 然后视觉动画也有了,苦情爱情也有了,经典的爱情桥段也有了,凝视,侧脸吻,一切的一切,都能够为主题服务,但是不得不讲,看这个电影,口味重的女生是为了看肌肉给力男,口味轻最近又感情挫败的女生是为了弥补心灵创伤,男人多半陪女人看。但不管多么不一样,我们都是知道故事结局的,口水要流,眼泪也有,趁机递上纸巾,唯独不动的是脑子。



  To begin with, students, if willing to accept the positive influence from their teachers, will benefit a lot from the teaching. Judging from the unanimously agreed professional requirement of a teacher, not only academically must he or she excel but also virtuously so that the treasure of human civilization can last and prosper. Yet, if this major premise is undermined--that is--some teachers are not academically or virtuously excellent, students should recognize the teachers contamination of knowledge and morality and spare no effort to defend the intellectual territory of rationality and integrity. One of the most famous disparity of philosophy is the confrontation between Plato, the teacher, and Aristotle, the student, marked by the saying, I love not Plato less but Truth more. Aristotle challenged Platos idealistic theory of the essence of the Universe by stating that individual and earthly existence are prior to the concept in mind. Let us leave the right-or-wrong judgement between Plato and Aristotle to the snobbish philosophers, and focus on Aristotles inheritance of critical thinking and his steadfastness of his own realm of knowledge.




  有没有感觉像Inception多层梦的重叠,第一层,大家先去绑架了Fischer,然后再入一层梦,引入新概念,让Fischer知道他在梦中,开始第二步的解构,这次解构是去解构Fischer的梦里的他叔叔的概念。哇,刺激的不得了,越解构发现对于问题的探讨越复杂,但是往往也就越深刻。GRE 虽然是对statement同意反对的考察,但是随着我们对于概念的解构分析,同意反对也变得是在场域中才能成立的命题。


  当然,Inception的给力之处还是有好莱坞的其他常态,比如枪战,追车,裸露等等。就好比我写的东西也注意句式,用词还有例子。这个是卖座电影的必备要素,毕竟很多人去看电影是因为莱昂纳多那张帅帅的脸庞,从一个正太说you jump, I jump,变成了一个蜀黍,说you jump and I watch.



  GRE issue 评分标准无非一个字概括complexity.





  In my opinion, teachers have more influence on students, because it is teachers who have the knowledge, which plays an important part in personal development of students. For example, Socrates uses questioning and his dialectic way of thinking to inspire his students to think independently. It is hard to imagine the achievement of Plato would be like if Socrates were a mere snob who braggers about the abundant knowledge he possesses rather than enlighten Platos critical thinking aptitude. On the other hand, the classmates of the same age cannot offer better understanding of the world to one and another, and therefore, it is impossible to replace teachers function in the pass-on of knowledge.


  这个就好比是《暮光之城》。同样是好莱坞的大片,但相比Inception便是彻底的烂片。为什么?故事情节极其简单粗暴。首先,一看Belle出场,那双苦涩的双眼,就知道她要纠结,最是那一低头的娇羞,一看就知道是雄性动物都躲不过她那双可怜楚楚的双眼。你开头,我就猜结尾,爱情至上,执子之手,与子偕老。主题句有了,就是太俗。之后,男人都挺着发达的胸肌,一个开X60沃尔沃,青面却不獠牙,一个骑着摩托说:I am hotter. 然后视觉动画也有了,苦情爱情也有了,经典的爱情桥段也有了,凝视,侧脸吻,一切的一切,都能够为主题服务,但是不得不讲,看这个电影,口味重的女生是为了看肌肉给力男,口味轻最近又感情挫败的女生是为了弥补心灵创伤,男人多半陪女人看。但不管多么不一样,我们都是知道故事结局的,口水要流,眼泪也有,趁机递上纸巾,唯独不动的是脑子。



  To begin with, students, if willing to accept the positive influence from their teachers, will benefit a lot from the teaching. Judging from the unanimously agreed professional requirement of a teacher, not only academically must he or she excel but also virtuously so that the treasure of human civilization can last and prosper. Yet, if this major premise is undermined--that is--some teachers are not academically or virtuously excellent, students should recognize the teachers contamination of knowledge and morality and spare no effort to defend the intellectual territory of rationality and integrity. One of the most famous disparity of philosophy is the confrontation between Plato, the teacher, and Aristotle, the student, marked by the saying, I love not Plato less but Truth more. Aristotle challenged Platos idealistic theory of the essence of the Universe by stating that individual and earthly existence are prior to the concept in mind. Let us leave the right-or-wrong judgement between Plato and Aristotle to the snobbish philosophers, and focus on Aristotles inheritance of critical thinking and his steadfastness of his own realm of knowledge.




  有没有感觉像Inception多层梦的重叠,第一层,大家先去绑架了Fischer,然后再入一层梦,引入新概念,让Fischer知道他在梦中,开始第二步的解构,这次解构是去解构Fischer的梦里的他叔叔的概念。哇,刺激的不得了,越解构发现对于问题的探讨越复杂,但是往往也就越深刻。GRE 虽然是对statement同意反对的考察,但是随着我们对于概念的解构分析,同意反对也变得是在场域中才能成立的命题。


  当然,Inception的给力之处还是有好莱坞的其他常态,比如枪战,追车,裸露等等。就好比我写的东西也注意句式,用词还有例子。这个是卖座电影的必备要素,毕竟很多人去看电影是因为莱昂纳多那张帅帅的脸庞,从一个正太说you jump, I jump,变成了一个蜀黍,说you jump and I watch.