commercial business tax 商业营业税
commodity circulation tax 商业流通税
commodity excise tax 商品国内消费税
commodity tax 货物税
company income tax 公司所得税
compensating tariff 补偿关税
comprehensive income tax 综合所得税
consolidated tax 综合税
consumption tax 消费税
contingent duty 应变关税
contract tax 契约税
corn duty 谷物税
corporate income tax 法人所得税
corporate inhabitant tax 法人居民税
corporate licensing tax 公司执照税
corporate profit tax 公司利润税
corporation franchise tax 法人登记税
corporation tax 公司税,法人税
coupon tax 息票利息税
customs duties 关税
death duty 遗产税
deed tax 契税
defense surtax 防卫附加税
defense tax 国防税
development land tax 改良土地税
development tax 开发税
direct consumption tax 直接消费税
dividend tax 股息税
document tax 凭证熟
domestic rates 住宅税
donation tax 赠与税
earmarked tax 专用目的税
earned income tax 劳物所得税
easement tax 地役权税
education duty 教育税
electricity and gas tax 电力煤气税
emergency import duties 临时进口税
emergency special tax 非常特别税
emergency tariff 非常关税
employment tax 就业税
commercial business tax 商业营业税
commodity circulation tax 商业流通税
commodity excise tax 商品国内消费税
commodity tax 货物税
company income tax 公司所得税
compensating tariff 补偿关税
comprehensive income tax 综合所得税
consolidated tax 综合税
consumption tax 消费税
contingent duty 应变关税
contract tax 契约税
corn duty 谷物税
corporate income tax 法人所得税
corporate inhabitant tax 法人居民税
corporate licensing tax 公司执照税
corporate profit tax 公司利润税
corporation franchise tax 法人登记税
corporation tax 公司税,法人税
coupon tax 息票利息税
customs duties 关税
death duty 遗产税
deed tax 契税
defense surtax 防卫附加税
defense tax 国防税
development land tax 改良土地税
development tax 开发税
direct consumption tax 直接消费税
dividend tax 股息税
document tax 凭证熟
domestic rates 住宅税
donation tax 赠与税
earmarked tax 专用目的税
earned income tax 劳物所得税
easement tax 地役权税
education duty 教育税
electricity and gas tax 电力煤气税
emergency import duties 临时进口税
emergency special tax 非常特别税
emergency tariff 非常关税
employment tax 就业税