本课您将学到:For better or worse ,take off(不只是起飞)
这是一个激烈竞争的社会,这是一个讲求速度的时代,就连吃,也没有理由悠闲地浪费时间了。遍布大街小巷的快餐店(fast-food restaurant)、便利店(convenience stores)提供了各种各样的速食品(instant prepared food),而他们的先驱就是方便面(instant noodles)。
They have become a basic(基本的) part of many peoples lives. They are cheap and easy to prepare. What would we do without ramen(泡面), or instant noodles?
It was created in 1958 at a humble food stall in Japan.
许多人都不看好这种产品,认为根本没有前途(they have no future),因为市面上卖的面条比方便面的价钱便宜许多。可是他们错了。
The instant noodles were popular from the start, and then sales really took off in 1971 after the company decided to sell them in a cup. Along with instant coffee, ramen marked the beginning of the age of the instant food.
For better or worse, he succeeded, and dinner can be only three minutes away.
到你家的厨房搜一搜,一定能找到几包方便面,这种便宜又食用方便的(They are cheap and easy to prepare.)食品,已经成了许多人生活中不可缺少的一部分(They have become a basic part of many peoples lives.)。basic这个词用得恰当,虽然的意思可以理解为important,可basic更强调必不可少的意思。任何东西都要有基础,而最基本的要素是组成这个东西的一部分,少了它是绝对不行的。如果一条资讯说:These poor people in Iraq lack the basic necessities of life.(伊拉克的穷人缺乏生活的基本必需品。)那就表示,他们随时面临死亡的威胁。由此可见方便面有多么重要!以至于我们难以想象,没有方便面的生活会是什么样?(What would we do without ramen, or instant noodles?)
humble是形容词,意思是(东西)粗糙的,简陋的,比如:The family lived in a humble cottage.这户人家住在一所简陋的农舍里。同时,它还可以表示谦逊的,Many famous people are surprisingly humble.许多知名人士都出奇地谦恭。
Stall指货摊,There are traders stalls on both sides of the street.(这条街的两边都有生意人的货摊。)1958年,第一包方便面就诞生在这里。(It was created in 1958 at a humble food stall in Japan.)
刚开始方便面就大受欢迎,(The instant noodles were popular from the start)当公司在1971决定将方便面和一个纸杯一同出售时,(in 1971 after the company decided to sell them in a cup)销售额一路彪升。(then sales really took off)
take off本来是指飞机起飞,如:The plane will take off soon.飞机马上就要起飞了。这里借以指销售状况的惊人成就,犹如腾空而起的飞机,直冲云霄。是不是很形象呢?
Along with是与在一起;在以外的意思,泡面(ramen)和即溶咖啡(instant coffee)一起,mark速食时代的开端。Mark做名词时表示标志、记号,动词的意思就是做记号于,记下,录下。如:The box of eggs was marked With Care.(这个鸡蛋盒标上了小心字样。)说泡面和即溶咖啡一起做了速食时代开端的标志,实际就是说:他们的产生标志着速食时代的来临。
Age除了可以表示人的年龄,还可以表示历史上一段时间,也就是时代。现代社会又被称作信息时代,就是the age of information,还可以叫做技术时代,就是the age of technology,这个时代来临的标志是什么呢?也许是因特网的出现吧:The appearance of Internet marked the beginning of the age of information.
速食时代的来临,究竟是好事还是坏事呢?也许两者皆有吧!所以,不论是好事坏,(For better or worse)有一点他办到了,(he succeeded)只需三分钟,晚饭就搞定。(dinner can be only three minutes away)
something is sometime away表示只需时间就,如:The finals are 2 weeks away.还有两周就期末考了。
for better or wore不论是好是坏
For better or worse, a lot of Chinese teenagers go aboard every day.(不论是好是坏,每天都有许多中国的青少年走出国门。)
He promised to take her for better or worse.
本课您将学到:For better or worse ,take off(不只是起飞)
这是一个激烈竞争的社会,这是一个讲求速度的时代,就连吃,也没有理由悠闲地浪费时间了。遍布大街小巷的快餐店(fast-food restaurant)、便利店(convenience stores)提供了各种各样的速食品(instant prepared food),而他们的先驱就是方便面(instant noodles)。
They have become a basic(基本的) part of many peoples lives. They are cheap and easy to prepare. What would we do without ramen(泡面), or instant noodles?
It was created in 1958 at a humble food stall in Japan.
许多人都不看好这种产品,认为根本没有前途(they have no future),因为市面上卖的面条比方便面的价钱便宜许多。可是他们错了。
The instant noodles were popular from the start, and then sales really took off in 1971 after the company decided to sell them in a cup. Along with instant coffee, ramen marked the beginning of the age of the instant food.
For better or worse, he succeeded, and dinner can be only three minutes away.
到你家的厨房搜一搜,一定能找到几包方便面,这种便宜又食用方便的(They are cheap and easy to prepare.)食品,已经成了许多人生活中不可缺少的一部分(They have become a basic part of many peoples lives.)。basic这个词用得恰当,虽然的意思可以理解为important,可basic更强调必不可少的意思。任何东西都要有基础,而最基本的要素是组成这个东西的一部分,少了它是绝对不行的。如果一条资讯说:These poor people in Iraq lack the basic necessities of life.(伊拉克的穷人缺乏生活的基本必需品。)那就表示,他们随时面临死亡的威胁。由此可见方便面有多么重要!以至于我们难以想象,没有方便面的生活会是什么样?(What would we do without ramen, or instant noodles?)
humble是形容词,意思是(东西)粗糙的,简陋的,比如:The family lived in a humble cottage.这户人家住在一所简陋的农舍里。同时,它还可以表示谦逊的,Many famous people are surprisingly humble.许多知名人士都出奇地谦恭。
Stall指货摊,There are traders stalls on both sides of the street.(这条街的两边都有生意人的货摊。)1958年,第一包方便面就诞生在这里。(It was created in 1958 at a humble food stall in Japan.)
刚开始方便面就大受欢迎,(The instant noodles were popular from the start)当公司在1971决定将方便面和一个纸杯一同出售时,(in 1971 after the company decided to sell them in a cup)销售额一路彪升。(then sales really took off)
take off本来是指飞机起飞,如:The plane will take off soon.飞机马上就要起飞了。这里借以指销售状况的惊人成就,犹如腾空而起的飞机,直冲云霄。是不是很形象呢?
Along with是与在一起;在以外的意思,泡面(ramen)和即溶咖啡(instant coffee)一起,mark速食时代的开端。Mark做名词时表示标志、记号,动词的意思就是做记号于,记下,录下。如:The box of eggs was marked With Care.(这个鸡蛋盒标上了小心字样。)说泡面和即溶咖啡一起做了速食时代开端的标志,实际就是说:他们的产生标志着速食时代的来临。
Age除了可以表示人的年龄,还可以表示历史上一段时间,也就是时代。现代社会又被称作信息时代,就是the age of information,还可以叫做技术时代,就是the age of technology,这个时代来临的标志是什么呢?也许是因特网的出现吧:The appearance of Internet marked the beginning of the age of information.
速食时代的来临,究竟是好事还是坏事呢?也许两者皆有吧!所以,不论是好事坏,(For better or worse)有一点他办到了,(he succeeded)只需三分钟,晚饭就搞定。(dinner can be only three minutes away)
something is sometime away表示只需时间就,如:The finals are 2 weeks away.还有两周就期末考了。
for better or wore不论是好是坏
For better or worse, a lot of Chinese teenagers go aboard every day.(不论是好是坏,每天都有许多中国的青少年走出国门。)
He promised to take her for better or worse.