本课您将学到:ignore(忽视),keep sb. + adj. 句型
Zeus was the king of the gods, and he thought it would be cool to have a lot of girlfriends. Zeus did not want his wife, Hera, to find out about his girlfriends. He told Echo to talk to Hera and keep her busy. But Hera found out about the plan, and to punish(惩罚) Echo, she kept her from speaking for herself; she could only repeat the words of other people.
Echo fell in love with a beautiful young man named Narcissus. When he ignored(忽视) Echo, she became very sad. She ran away and hid in the mountains.
Later, Narcissus died. Then Echo was so sad that she did not eat or sleep. She got so thin that soon her voice was the only thing left of her.
That is why, when you go to the mountains, you can never see Echo, but only hear her calling back to you.
宙斯(Zeus)是众神之王,喜欢过三妻四妾的生活,因为他觉得有许多女朋友一定很酷。(he thought it would be cool to have a lot of girlfriends)这里的would,有虚拟、假设的色彩,意思是将会、就会,如:If I were younger, I would join you in the expedition to the Antarctic.(如果我年轻些, 我就会跟你们一起去南极探险。)
妻子一定不会同意,所以,宙斯想方设法瞒着他太太赫拉(Hera),他的办法就是:让Echo去和赫拉聊天,(talk to Hera)让她忙个不停。(keep her busy)
可赫拉也不是傻子,一下子就发现了,然而丈夫是天神,自己的力量没有他强大,就只好拿Echo出气,使她不再能为自己辩护,(kept her from speaking for herself)只能重复别人的话。(she could only repeat the words of other people)这里的keep是使保持某种状态的意思,from有远离的意思,使人保持远离的状态,也就是防止去做,对吗?所以from 后面要接的就是要去防止的那件事。比如:Robbie couldnt keep the child from yelling.(罗比没法使孩子不大叫大嚷。)文中,speak for onself短语的意思是说明自己的想法,而赫拉kept her from speaking for herself,也就是是她不能再说自己想说的话。
不幸的是,Echo爱上了英俊少年Narcissus,可他却对她视而不见,(he ignored Echo)此时,她非常难过,于是逃到山里躲了起来。(She ran away and hid in the mountains)ignore是忽视的意思,可以指无意的忽视,如:Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.(甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。)也可以指有意的不理会,如:I ignored the sound of the television in the next room.(我不理会隔壁的电视声。)
后来,Narcissus死了,(变成了水仙花)Echo茶不思饭不想,睡也睡不着,(Echo was so sad that she did not eat or sleep)变得骨瘦如柴,不久人们就只能听到她的声音而看不见她的人了。(She got so thin that soon her voice was the only thing left of her)这两个句子,都很恰当的使用了sothat句型,你会用了吗?
这就是为什么你到山林里去的时候,你从来看不到Echo而只能听到她的回声的原因。Why在这里有reason的意思,再如:Robbie always asks the whys and wherefores when he is told to do something.(如果要罗比做事,他总爱问个究竟。)
keep sb.+ adj.
Those toys kept the children amused.
She kept the child quiet.
本课您将学到:ignore(忽视),keep sb. + adj. 句型
Zeus was the king of the gods, and he thought it would be cool to have a lot of girlfriends. Zeus did not want his wife, Hera, to find out about his girlfriends. He told Echo to talk to Hera and keep her busy. But Hera found out about the plan, and to punish(惩罚) Echo, she kept her from speaking for herself; she could only repeat the words of other people.
Echo fell in love with a beautiful young man named Narcissus. When he ignored(忽视) Echo, she became very sad. She ran away and hid in the mountains.
Later, Narcissus died. Then Echo was so sad that she did not eat or sleep. She got so thin that soon her voice was the only thing left of her.
That is why, when you go to the mountains, you can never see Echo, but only hear her calling back to you.
宙斯(Zeus)是众神之王,喜欢过三妻四妾的生活,因为他觉得有许多女朋友一定很酷。(he thought it would be cool to have a lot of girlfriends)这里的would,有虚拟、假设的色彩,意思是将会、就会,如:If I were younger, I would join you in the expedition to the Antarctic.(如果我年轻些, 我就会跟你们一起去南极探险。)
妻子一定不会同意,所以,宙斯想方设法瞒着他太太赫拉(Hera),他的办法就是:让Echo去和赫拉聊天,(talk to Hera)让她忙个不停。(keep her busy)
可赫拉也不是傻子,一下子就发现了,然而丈夫是天神,自己的力量没有他强大,就只好拿Echo出气,使她不再能为自己辩护,(kept her from speaking for herself)只能重复别人的话。(she could only repeat the words of other people)这里的keep是使保持某种状态的意思,from有远离的意思,使人保持远离的状态,也就是防止去做,对吗?所以from 后面要接的就是要去防止的那件事。比如:Robbie couldnt keep the child from yelling.(罗比没法使孩子不大叫大嚷。)文中,speak for onself短语的意思是说明自己的想法,而赫拉kept her from speaking for herself,也就是是她不能再说自己想说的话。
不幸的是,Echo爱上了英俊少年Narcissus,可他却对她视而不见,(he ignored Echo)此时,她非常难过,于是逃到山里躲了起来。(She ran away and hid in the mountains)ignore是忽视的意思,可以指无意的忽视,如:Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.(甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。)也可以指有意的不理会,如:I ignored the sound of the television in the next room.(我不理会隔壁的电视声。)
后来,Narcissus死了,(变成了水仙花)Echo茶不思饭不想,睡也睡不着,(Echo was so sad that she did not eat or sleep)变得骨瘦如柴,不久人们就只能听到她的声音而看不见她的人了。(She got so thin that soon her voice was the only thing left of her)这两个句子,都很恰当的使用了sothat句型,你会用了吗?
这就是为什么你到山林里去的时候,你从来看不到Echo而只能听到她的回声的原因。Why在这里有reason的意思,再如:Robbie always asks the whys and wherefores when he is told to do something.(如果要罗比做事,他总爱问个究竟。)
keep sb.+ adj.
Those toys kept the children amused.
She kept the child quiet.