除了片语动词、动词短语等之外,这里要介绍一种三位一体的词组,我把它们命名为三合一惯用语,由名词+名词、动词+动词、形容词+形容词以及副词+副词合组而成。有时两个词之间不用 and而用or。三合一惯用语数目不算多,但已渐渐在增长中,相当配合时尚,可以多加留意,尽量学用。
㈠ 名词+名词
● rules and regulations(各种条例)
One should pay attention to all the rules and regulations of a working place.
● law and order(法律秩序;法纪)
The polices job is to maintain law and order of a country.
● facts and figures(事实和数字)
Traditional teaching tends to cram students with facts and figures for memorisation and regurigitation.
● dos and donts (应注意的事项)
Try to be familiar with the dos and donts of an organisation.
● merits and demerits(优缺点)
To evaluate a system, one has to take into account both its merits and demerits.
● bag and baggage(连同全部财物)
The rascal was turned out of the room bag and baggage.
● pros and cons(赞成和反对的理由)
It is important to consider the pros and cons of a matter before coming to a decision.
● doom and gloom(失望与不快)
All the reports on world economy are full of doom and gloom.
● ways and means (各种方法)
Some addicts seem to have ways and means of getting the drugs for unending consumption.
㈡ 动词+动词
● aid and abet(唆使别人干坏事)
Those aiding and abetting terrorists will be severely punished
● groan and moan(不停地埋怨)
When a person is used to groaning and moaning, he wont find life worth living.
● forgive and forget(宽恕他人)
Lets learn to forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones.
● give and take(互相让步)
To solve a problem, the parties concerned must be prepared to give and take.
● pick and choose(细心选择;挑剔)
Susan picked and chose her dresses, but did not buy any.
㈢ 形容词+形容词
● fair and square(公平地)
All are advised to play fair and square.
● safe and sound(安全地)
The fishermen managed to escape the storm and returned home safe and sound.
● hale and hearty(健壮活泼地)
Though an old man, Jack is still hale and hearty.
㈣ 副词+副词
● first and foremost(首先)
There are many ways of keeping fit. First and foremost, one must live a proper life.
● far and away(远远地)
Jason is far and away the best teacher in this school.
● here and there(到处)
Once you go out, you can see cars here and there.
除了片语动词、动词短语等之外,这里要介绍一种三位一体的词组,我把它们命名为三合一惯用语,由名词+名词、动词+动词、形容词+形容词以及副词+副词合组而成。有时两个词之间不用 and而用or。三合一惯用语数目不算多,但已渐渐在增长中,相当配合时尚,可以多加留意,尽量学用。
㈠ 名词+名词
● rules and regulations(各种条例)
One should pay attention to all the rules and regulations of a working place.
● law and order(法律秩序;法纪)
The polices job is to maintain law and order of a country.
● facts and figures(事实和数字)
Traditional teaching tends to cram students with facts and figures for memorisation and regurigitation.
● dos and donts (应注意的事项)
Try to be familiar with the dos and donts of an organisation.
● merits and demerits(优缺点)
To evaluate a system, one has to take into account both its merits and demerits.
● bag and baggage(连同全部财物)
The rascal was turned out of the room bag and baggage.
● pros and cons(赞成和反对的理由)
It is important to consider the pros and cons of a matter before coming to a decision.
● doom and gloom(失望与不快)
All the reports on world economy are full of doom and gloom.
● ways and means (各种方法)
Some addicts seem to have ways and means of getting the drugs for unending consumption.
㈡ 动词+动词
● aid and abet(唆使别人干坏事)
Those aiding and abetting terrorists will be severely punished
● groan and moan(不停地埋怨)
When a person is used to groaning and moaning, he wont find life worth living.
● forgive and forget(宽恕他人)
Lets learn to forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones.
● give and take(互相让步)
To solve a problem, the parties concerned must be prepared to give and take.
● pick and choose(细心选择;挑剔)
Susan picked and chose her dresses, but did not buy any.
㈢ 形容词+形容词
● fair and square(公平地)
All are advised to play fair and square.
● safe and sound(安全地)
The fishermen managed to escape the storm and returned home safe and sound.
● hale and hearty(健壮活泼地)
Though an old man, Jack is still hale and hearty.
㈣ 副词+副词
● first and foremost(首先)
There are many ways of keeping fit. First and foremost, one must live a proper life.
● far and away(远远地)
Jason is far and away the best teacher in this school.
● here and there(到处)
Once you go out, you can see cars here and there.