随着科技的突飞猛进以及电脑资讯的普及,科学术语、电脑词汇与日俱增;即使同一个字,有时意思在增加,用途也在扩大。工业或行政上的 input 和 output 和电脑上的意思,哪会完全相同?小孩时期看到在地上跑的 mouse 和现在出现在电脑旁的 mouse,形状相似,但意思也一样吗?
由于一词多义在英语词汇的运用上非常重要,这里不厌其烦地再举一个家喻户晓的常用字 break,以加强我对这点的重视。
作为动词,break 有下列 12 个常用意思:
① 打破、断,如:(a) If you drop the cup, you will break it. (b) The rope suddenly broke.
② 违反、违约,如:(a) Dont break the law. (b) Tom is notorious for breaking promises.
③ 伤、毁,如:(a) Tony broke Janes heart by not marrying her. (b) Judy dropped her watch and broke it.
④ 中断、打断,如:(a) The barking of the dog broke our sleep. (b) The stranger rushed in and broke our conversation.
⑤ 破晓,如:They arrived at the airport just as the day was breaking.
⑥ 放弃,如:It is hard to break the habit of smoking.
⑦ 开路,如:We sometimes saw voluntary workers help break paths in villages.
⑧ 毫无得失,如:He bought the sewing machine at $700 and sold it at the same price. He broke even on the deal.
⑨ 闯入,如:A thief broke into my neigbours house and ran away with some valuables.
⑩ 爆发,如:If a new world war breaks out, can you imagine the consequences?
11. 突破,如:The soldiers tried to break through the enemys line.
12. 停止,如:The meeting suddenly broke up.
当名词时,break 有 5 个常见义,如下:
① 裂口:Please send for a plumber to repair the break in the water pipe.
② 拂晓:Fish mongers start work at the break of the day.
③ 吃茶点时间:A few of us have a tea-break at 11am every day.
④ 休息:There is one-hour break for lunch.
⑤ 变动:The bankrupt man has a break in his way of living.
随着科技的突飞猛进以及电脑资讯的普及,科学术语、电脑词汇与日俱增;即使同一个字,有时意思在增加,用途也在扩大。工业或行政上的 input 和 output 和电脑上的意思,哪会完全相同?小孩时期看到在地上跑的 mouse 和现在出现在电脑旁的 mouse,形状相似,但意思也一样吗?
由于一词多义在英语词汇的运用上非常重要,这里不厌其烦地再举一个家喻户晓的常用字 break,以加强我对这点的重视。
作为动词,break 有下列 12 个常用意思:
① 打破、断,如:(a) If you drop the cup, you will break it. (b) The rope suddenly broke.
② 违反、违约,如:(a) Dont break the law. (b) Tom is notorious for breaking promises.
③ 伤、毁,如:(a) Tony broke Janes heart by not marrying her. (b) Judy dropped her watch and broke it.
④ 中断、打断,如:(a) The barking of the dog broke our sleep. (b) The stranger rushed in and broke our conversation.
⑤ 破晓,如:They arrived at the airport just as the day was breaking.
⑥ 放弃,如:It is hard to break the habit of smoking.
⑦ 开路,如:We sometimes saw voluntary workers help break paths in villages.
⑧ 毫无得失,如:He bought the sewing machine at $700 and sold it at the same price. He broke even on the deal.
⑨ 闯入,如:A thief broke into my neigbours house and ran away with some valuables.
⑩ 爆发,如:If a new world war breaks out, can you imagine the consequences?
11. 突破,如:The soldiers tried to break through the enemys line.
12. 停止,如:The meeting suddenly broke up.
当名词时,break 有 5 个常见义,如下:
① 裂口:Please send for a plumber to repair the break in the water pipe.
② 拂晓:Fish mongers start work at the break of the day.
③ 吃茶点时间:A few of us have a tea-break at 11am every day.
④ 休息:There is one-hour break for lunch.
⑤ 变动:The bankrupt man has a break in his way of living.