奥巴马政府重新开门 补发工资
back pay
因欠债而关门半个多月的奥巴马政府终于又重新开门了,美国政府停摆期间所有被迫休假的联邦雇员都将补发工资。补发工资的英文表达就是back pay。
A common remedy for wage violations is an order that the employer make up the difference between what the employee was paid and the amount he or she should have been paid . The amount of this sum is often referred to as back pay.
违反工资条例的一个普遍的补偿方式是命令雇主补足应付给雇员的那部分工资。这部分工资通常被称为back pay(补发工资)。
All federal employees furloughed during the partial government shutdown will get back pay. Some state senators claims that state employees should be treated fairly and receive back pay just like federal employees.