Jessia 在北京学中文,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是于苗要问的:山寨
YM: Jessica, 你看我这块儿手表怎么样?
Jessica:LV 的! Nice! Did you win the lottery?
Jessica: Ah? What do you mean?
YM: 山寨,就是, 啊not a real LV,a fake one
Jessica: Oh, I see! The watch is a knockoff ! k-n-o-c-k-o-f-f, knockoff.
YM: 哦~~~原来山寨版的假名牌儿就是 knockoff.
Jessica: Right. 朋友都告诉我 Xiushui Market is the place to go for designer knockoffs.
YM: 没错,好多人都特爱去秀水买假名牌!对了,我带上这假LV,觉得自己特有明星范儿,别人也说我是山寨版的章子怡,那我就是 knockoff Zhang Ziyi 喽?
Jessica: (Hahaha...) No, in that case, you say youre a Zhang Ziyi lookalike!
YM: lookalike , look后面跟alike,就是山寨明星脸! 哦,Jessica, 我早就想告诉你, Youre a Lady GaGa lookalike .
Jessica:Thanks! Im flattered!
YM: 对了,待会儿我要去看话剧,叫作《阿凡提.达》。
Jessica: 阿凡达? Avatar, the movie?
YM: 不是,这个话剧要模仿Avatar,搞笑的,是山寨版的阿凡达。
Jessica: Oh! You mean a spoof. That means you will imitate the movies style, but in a humorous or sarcastic way.
YM: 原来这种有点恶搞的山寨版艺术作品叫 spoof .
Jessica: Thats right! s-p-o-o-f, spoof.
YM: 我来总结一下啊,山寨版的假名牌是knockoff; 山寨明星脸是lookalike; 山寨的艺术作品是spoof 。
Jessia 在北京学中文,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是于苗要问的:山寨
YM: Jessica, 你看我这块儿手表怎么样?
Jessica:LV 的! Nice! Did you win the lottery?
Jessica: Ah? What do you mean?
YM: 山寨,就是, 啊not a real LV,a fake one
Jessica: Oh, I see! The watch is a knockoff ! k-n-o-c-k-o-f-f, knockoff.
YM: 哦~~~原来山寨版的假名牌儿就是 knockoff.
Jessica: Right. 朋友都告诉我 Xiushui Market is the place to go for designer knockoffs.
YM: 没错,好多人都特爱去秀水买假名牌!对了,我带上这假LV,觉得自己特有明星范儿,别人也说我是山寨版的章子怡,那我就是 knockoff Zhang Ziyi 喽?
Jessica: (Hahaha...) No, in that case, you say youre a Zhang Ziyi lookalike!
YM: lookalike , look后面跟alike,就是山寨明星脸! 哦,Jessica, 我早就想告诉你, Youre a Lady GaGa lookalike .
Jessica:Thanks! Im flattered!
YM: 对了,待会儿我要去看话剧,叫作《阿凡提.达》。
Jessica: 阿凡达? Avatar, the movie?
YM: 不是,这个话剧要模仿Avatar,搞笑的,是山寨版的阿凡达。
Jessica: Oh! You mean a spoof. That means you will imitate the movies style, but in a humorous or sarcastic way.
YM: 原来这种有点恶搞的山寨版艺术作品叫 spoof .
Jessica: Thats right! s-p-o-o-f, spoof.
YM: 我来总结一下啊,山寨版的假名牌是knockoff; 山寨明星脸是lookalike; 山寨的艺术作品是spoof 。