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  Rob: Hello and welcome to the English We Speak. My name is Rob.

  欢迎收听地道英语(英语口语)。 我是Rob。

  Helen: And hello, my name is Helen.


  Rob: Hold on Helen, hold on. We cant hear you properly. I think yourmicrophone is playing up.

  等一下,Helen。 我听不清楚你在说什么 我觉得你的麦克风可能在playing up(出故障)了。

  Helen: Playing up?

  Playing up?

  Rob: Sorry, I didnt quite catch that.


  Helen: Let me just push this button. There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?

  让我来按一下这个按钮。 好了 嗨, 你说我的麦克风在playing up?

  Rob: Thats right. It wasnt working properly. If something isnt working as it should be, we sometimes say its playing up.

  没错, (你的麦克风)出了问题。 假如什么东西不像它本来应该那样正常运作,我们就称之为 playing up。

  Helen: Up not down?


  Rob: No,playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.

  不是,playing down(贬低;淡化)的意思完全不一样。

  Helen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?

  哦。 也就是说如果我家的电视画面闪个不停的话,我也可以说TV出故障咯?

  Rob: Exactly. Lets hear about some other things that are playing up

  没错啦 让我们来听听例句,看看是什么东西失灵了:

  I dont think Ill be able to give you a lift to work today, my cars been playing up.


  My phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

  我的电话出了点小故障 每次我拨号的时候,总是自动关机。

  Helen: That sounds like my phone! So if something isnt doing what is should do then its misbehaving?

  听起来好像说的我的电话 也就是说如果什么东西没有正常运作,我们就可以说它在捣蛋使坏咯?

  Rob: Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. Its just like people. When they misbehave we can say theyre playing up. Like this

  哈哈! 呃,也可以这样说。 就好像人一样。 当他们捣蛋的时候,我们就可以称之为playing up, 就像这样:

  Sorry but Im going to be late. The children have been playing up and Ive still got so much to do.

  对不起,我可能会迟到。 家里的小孩不听话,我一时忙不过来!

  Helen: Children are very good at playing up; its usually because they want attention.


  Rob: Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body thats not working properly.

  现在,Helen,你也要注意一下,因为playing up同时也可以用来描述身体上某部分不对劲。

  Ow! Im going to have to lie down; my backs playing up again.

  哎呦, 我得躺下;我的背又开始作怪了!

  Count me out of this weekends football match; my legs playing up so I need to rest it.


  Helen: So it seems playing up refers to anything thats not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my legs also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?

  看起来playing up好像可以指任何没有正常运作的东西。 哦,Rob,我的腿也出毛病了所以我在想,你是否可以用你的车送我回家呢?

  Rob: No way - oh it looks like my microphones playing up now!


  Helen: No Rob, its you whos playing up - now switch it back on!

  停下来,Rob。瞧现在谁在playing up(使坏)了?把(麦克风)重新打开!

  Rob: Oh, oh OK then Helen!

  哦, 哦,好吧,Helen。

  Helen: Lets go then. Bye!

  一起走吧。 再见!

  Rob: Bye.

  再见! Rob: Hello and welcome to the English We Speak. My name is Rob.

  欢迎收听地道英语(英语口语)。 我是Rob。

  Helen: And hello, my name is Helen.


  Rob: Hold on Helen, hold on. We cant hear you properly. I think your microphone is playing up.

  等一下,Helen。 我听不清楚你在说什么 我觉得你的麦克风可能在playing up(出故障)了。

  Helen: Playing up?

  Playing up?

  Rob: Sorry, I didnt quite catch that.


  Helen: Let me just push this button. There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?

  让我来按一下这个按钮。 好了 嗨, 你说我的麦克风在playing up?

  Rob: Thats right. It wasnt working properly. If something isnt working as it should be, we sometimes say its playing up.

  没错, (你的麦克风)出了问题。 假如什么东西不像它本来应该那样正常运作,我们就称之为 playing up。

  Helen: Up not down?


  Rob: No,playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.

  不是,playing down(贬低;淡化)的意思完全不一样。

  Helen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?

  哦。 也就是说如果我家的电视画面闪个不停的话,我也可以说TV出故障咯?

  Rob: Exactly. Lets hear about some other things that are playing up

  没错啦 让我们来听听例句,看看是什么东西失灵了:

  I dont think Ill be able to give you a lift to work today; my cars been playing up.


  My phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

  我的电话出了点小故障 每次我拨号的时候,总是自动关机。

  Helen: That sounds like my phone! So if something isnt doing what is should do then its misbehaving?

  听起来好像说的我的电话 也就是说如果什么东西没有正常运作,我们就可以说它在捣蛋使坏咯?

  Rob: Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. Its just like people. When they misbehave we can say theyre playing up. Like this

  哈哈! 呃,也可以这样说。 就好像人一样。 当他们捣蛋的时候,我们就可以称之为playing up, 就像这样:

  Sorry but Im going to be late. The children have been playing up and Ive still got so much to do.

  对不起,我可能会迟到。 家里的小孩不听话,我一时忙不过来!

  Helen: Children are very good at playing up; its usually because they want attention.


  Rob: Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body thats not working properly.

  现在,Helen,你也要注意一下,因为playing up同时也可以用来描述身体上某部分不对劲。

  Ow! Im going to have to lie down; my backs playing up again.

  哎呦, 我得躺下;我的背又开始作怪了!

  Count me out of this weekends football match; my legs playing up so I need to rest it.


  Helen: So it seems playing up refers to anything thats not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my legs also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?

  看起来playing up好像可以指任何没有正常运作的东西。 哦,Rob,我的腿也出毛病了所以我在想,你是否可以用你的车送我回家呢?

  Rob: No way - oh it looks like my microphones playing up now!


  Helen: No Rob, its you whos playing up - now switch it back on!

  停下来,Rob。瞧现在谁在playing up(使坏)了?把(麦克风)重新打开!

  Rob: Oh, oh OK then Helen!

  哦, 哦,好吧,Helen。

  Helen: Lets go then. Bye!

  一起走吧。 再见!

  Rob: Bye.



  Rob: Hello and welcome to the English We Speak. My name is Rob.

  欢迎收听地道英语(英语口语)。 我是Rob。

  Helen: And hello, my name is Helen.


  Rob: Hold on Helen, hold on. We cant hear you properly. I think yourmicrophone is playing up.

  等一下,Helen。 我听不清楚你在说什么 我觉得你的麦克风可能在playing up(出故障)了。

  Helen: Playing up?

  Playing up?

  Rob: Sorry, I didnt quite catch that.


  Helen: Let me just push this button. There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?

  让我来按一下这个按钮。 好了 嗨, 你说我的麦克风在playing up?

  Rob: Thats right. It wasnt working properly. If something isnt working as it should be, we sometimes say its playing up.

  没错, (你的麦克风)出了问题。 假如什么东西不像它本来应该那样正常运作,我们就称之为 playing up。

  Helen: Up not down?


  Rob: No,playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.

  不是,playing down(贬低;淡化)的意思完全不一样。

  Helen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?

  哦。 也就是说如果我家的电视画面闪个不停的话,我也可以说TV出故障咯?

  Rob: Exactly. Lets hear about some other things that are playing up

  没错啦 让我们来听听例句,看看是什么东西失灵了:

  I dont think Ill be able to give you a lift to work today, my cars been playing up.


  My phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

  我的电话出了点小故障 每次我拨号的时候,总是自动关机。

  Helen: That sounds like my phone! So if something isnt doing what is should do then its misbehaving?

  听起来好像说的我的电话 也就是说如果什么东西没有正常运作,我们就可以说它在捣蛋使坏咯?

  Rob: Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. Its just like people. When they misbehave we can say theyre playing up. Like this

  哈哈! 呃,也可以这样说。 就好像人一样。 当他们捣蛋的时候,我们就可以称之为playing up, 就像这样:

  Sorry but Im going to be late. The children have been playing up and Ive still got so much to do.

  对不起,我可能会迟到。 家里的小孩不听话,我一时忙不过来!

  Helen: Children are very good at playing up; its usually because they want attention.


  Rob: Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body thats not working properly.

  现在,Helen,你也要注意一下,因为playing up同时也可以用来描述身体上某部分不对劲。

  Ow! Im going to have to lie down; my backs playing up again.

  哎呦, 我得躺下;我的背又开始作怪了!

  Count me out of this weekends football match; my legs playing up so I need to rest it.


  Helen: So it seems playing up refers to anything thats not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my legs also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?

  看起来playing up好像可以指任何没有正常运作的东西。 哦,Rob,我的腿也出毛病了所以我在想,你是否可以用你的车送我回家呢?

  Rob: No way - oh it looks like my microphones playing up now!


  Helen: No Rob, its you whos playing up - now switch it back on!

  停下来,Rob。瞧现在谁在playing up(使坏)了?把(麦克风)重新打开!

  Rob: Oh, oh OK then Helen!

  哦, 哦,好吧,Helen。

  Helen: Lets go then. Bye!

  一起走吧。 再见!

  Rob: Bye.

  再见! Rob: Hello and welcome to the English We Speak. My name is Rob.

  欢迎收听地道英语(英语口语)。 我是Rob。

  Helen: And hello, my name is Helen.


  Rob: Hold on Helen, hold on. We cant hear you properly. I think your microphone is playing up.

  等一下,Helen。 我听不清楚你在说什么 我觉得你的麦克风可能在playing up(出故障)了。

  Helen: Playing up?

  Playing up?

  Rob: Sorry, I didnt quite catch that.


  Helen: Let me just push this button. There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?

  让我来按一下这个按钮。 好了 嗨, 你说我的麦克风在playing up?

  Rob: Thats right. It wasnt working properly. If something isnt working as it should be, we sometimes say its playing up.

  没错, (你的麦克风)出了问题。 假如什么东西不像它本来应该那样正常运作,我们就称之为 playing up。

  Helen: Up not down?


  Rob: No,playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.

  不是,playing down(贬低;淡化)的意思完全不一样。

  Helen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?

  哦。 也就是说如果我家的电视画面闪个不停的话,我也可以说TV出故障咯?

  Rob: Exactly. Lets hear about some other things that are playing up

  没错啦 让我们来听听例句,看看是什么东西失灵了:

  I dont think Ill be able to give you a lift to work today; my cars been playing up.


  My phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

  我的电话出了点小故障 每次我拨号的时候,总是自动关机。

  Helen: That sounds like my phone! So if something isnt doing what is should do then its misbehaving?

  听起来好像说的我的电话 也就是说如果什么东西没有正常运作,我们就可以说它在捣蛋使坏咯?

  Rob: Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. Its just like people. When they misbehave we can say theyre playing up. Like this

  哈哈! 呃,也可以这样说。 就好像人一样。 当他们捣蛋的时候,我们就可以称之为playing up, 就像这样:

  Sorry but Im going to be late. The children have been playing up and Ive still got so much to do.

  对不起,我可能会迟到。 家里的小孩不听话,我一时忙不过来!

  Helen: Children are very good at playing up; its usually because they want attention.


  Rob: Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body thats not working properly.

  现在,Helen,你也要注意一下,因为playing up同时也可以用来描述身体上某部分不对劲。

  Ow! Im going to have to lie down; my backs playing up again.

  哎呦, 我得躺下;我的背又开始作怪了!

  Count me out of this weekends football match; my legs playing up so I need to rest it.


  Helen: So it seems playing up refers to anything thats not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my legs also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?

  看起来playing up好像可以指任何没有正常运作的东西。 哦,Rob,我的腿也出毛病了所以我在想,你是否可以用你的车送我回家呢?

  Rob: No way - oh it looks like my microphones playing up now!


  Helen: No Rob, its you whos playing up - now switch it back on!

  停下来,Rob。瞧现在谁在playing up(使坏)了?把(麦克风)重新打开!

  Rob: Oh, oh OK then Helen!

  哦, 哦,好吧,Helen。

  Helen: Lets go then. Bye!

  一起走吧。 再见!

  Rob: Bye.
