447.什么事那么好笑? Whats so funny?
448.不要告诉别人喔! Dont tell anyone!
449.你凭什么指使我? What right do you have to tell me what to do?
450.不要再找借口了! Stop looking for excuses.
451.果然不出我所料。 Just what I thought.
452.够了,不要再说了! Enough! I dont want to hear it!
453.怎么不说你自己? Look whos talking!
454.我还会不知道吗? Wouldnt I know?
455.现实总是残酷的。 The truth hurts.
456.嘴巴放干净一点! Wash your mouth out with soap!
457.没有其他可能了。 Theres no other way.
458. 不然这样好不好? How about this instead?
459. 不要紧,没什么事。 Dont worry! Its nothing.
460. 怎样? 我没说错吧! What? Im right, arent I?
461. 我指使闹着玩的。 Im just kidding.
462. 这是命运的安排。 This is destiny.
463. 一个巴掌拍不响。 It takes two to tango.
464. 你竟敢放我鸽子! How dare you stand me up!
465. 你以为现在几点? What time do you think it is?
466. 怎么那么死脑筋? How can you be so stubborn?
467. 你会死得很难看。 Youll die a horrible death.
468. 这事就交给我吧。 Leave it up to me!
469. 好好考虑一下吧! Think it over!
470. 别管我!不要理我! Leave me alone!
447.什么事那么好笑? Whats so funny?
448.不要告诉别人喔! Dont tell anyone!
449.你凭什么指使我? What right do you have to tell me what to do?
450.不要再找借口了! Stop looking for excuses.
451.果然不出我所料。 Just what I thought.
452.够了,不要再说了! Enough! I dont want to hear it!
453.怎么不说你自己? Look whos talking!
454.我还会不知道吗? Wouldnt I know?
455.现实总是残酷的。 The truth hurts.
456.嘴巴放干净一点! Wash your mouth out with soap!
457.没有其他可能了。 Theres no other way.
458. 不然这样好不好? How about this instead?
459. 不要紧,没什么事。 Dont worry! Its nothing.
460. 怎样? 我没说错吧! What? Im right, arent I?
461. 我指使闹着玩的。 Im just kidding.
462. 这是命运的安排。 This is destiny.
463. 一个巴掌拍不响。 It takes two to tango.
464. 你竟敢放我鸽子! How dare you stand me up!
465. 你以为现在几点? What time do you think it is?
466. 怎么那么死脑筋? How can you be so stubborn?
467. 你会死得很难看。 Youll die a horrible death.
468. 这事就交给我吧。 Leave it up to me!
469. 好好考虑一下吧! Think it over!
470. 别管我!不要理我! Leave me alone!