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  时尚潮流风云变幻,我们是做dressed to kill 迷死人的时尚达人,还是沦为fashion victim,掌握fashion的度是第一要义。

  dressed to kill

  Dressed to kill 的意思当然不是穿上蒙面的紧身衣去干杀人的勾当; dressed to kill用来dressed extremely well; wearing fashionable clothing 穿着出众,打扮时尚。

  这个俚语是从何而来的呢?The idea is that your appearance could be so strong and powerful that you would kill (dominate, defeat, knock over) anyone who sees you. 漂亮的打扮迷死众生,让人甘拜在你的石榴裙下。

  一般来说,女孩子dressed exceptionally well都是为了应对比较特殊的场合for a special event of one kind or another。比如说约会或者参加舞会。请看下面的两个例句:

  例句:Tina was dressed to kill for her date on Saturday night.


  例句:It took Mary two hours to get ready, but it was worth it--she was dressed to kill and the center of attention. Everyone was saying she was the most beautiful woman at the prom.


  fashion victim

  A fashion victim is someone who always wears the most fashionable clothes, or follows the latest fads. 这些人总是追随最新时尚潮流,但怎么就成了victim受害者呢?

  Because they wear things which dont suit them, or look ridiculous, just because they are in fashion. A fashion victim might wear something very unflattering. 说她们是时尚的牺牲品,因为这些人为了时尚而时尚,她们穿着不适合自己的衣服,突显了自己的缺点。

  意大利时尚品牌Versace的创始人说,When a woman alters her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.


  A: Look at Lucy. Doesnt she look ridiculous in that dress? It doesnt suit her at all.

  B: Yeah shes only wearing it because she saw it in a magazine. Shes such a fashion victim.

  Fashion victims commonly cross the line from the sublime to the ridiculous. 如果对时尚理解不透,就容易由新潮的着装沦为可笑的装束,最终被人讥讽为时尚的牺牲者。


  时尚潮流风云变幻,我们是做dressed to kill 迷死人的时尚达人,还是沦为fashion victim,掌握fashion的度是第一要义。

  dressed to kill

  Dressed to kill 的意思当然不是穿上蒙面的紧身衣去干杀人的勾当; dressed to kill用来dressed extremely well; wearing fashionable clothing 穿着出众,打扮时尚。

  这个俚语是从何而来的呢?The idea is that your appearance could be so strong and powerful that you would kill (dominate, defeat, knock over) anyone who sees you. 漂亮的打扮迷死众生,让人甘拜在你的石榴裙下。

  一般来说,女孩子dressed exceptionally well都是为了应对比较特殊的场合for a special event of one kind or another。比如说约会或者参加舞会。请看下面的两个例句:

  例句:Tina was dressed to kill for her date on Saturday night.


  例句:It took Mary two hours to get ready, but it was worth it--she was dressed to kill and the center of attention. Everyone was saying she was the most beautiful woman at the prom.


  fashion victim

  A fashion victim is someone who always wears the most fashionable clothes, or follows the latest fads. 这些人总是追随最新时尚潮流,但怎么就成了victim受害者呢?

  Because they wear things which dont suit them, or look ridiculous, just because they are in fashion. A fashion victim might wear something very unflattering. 说她们是时尚的牺牲品,因为这些人为了时尚而时尚,她们穿着不适合自己的衣服,突显了自己的缺点。

  意大利时尚品牌Versace的创始人说,When a woman alters her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.


  A: Look at Lucy. Doesnt she look ridiculous in that dress? It doesnt suit her at all.

  B: Yeah shes only wearing it because she saw it in a magazine. Shes such a fashion victim.

  Fashion victims commonly cross the line from the sublime to the ridiculous. 如果对时尚理解不透,就容易由新潮的着装沦为可笑的装束,最终被人讥讽为时尚的牺牲者。