catch 的短语与句式
1 . catch at 抓住,采纳。如:
A drowning man will catch a straw. 快淹死的人一根稻草也要抓。
They caught at the idea. 他们采纳了这个意见。
2 . catch on
Her coat caught on the nail. 她的大衣给钉子钩住了。
The new song caught on quickly. 那首歌很快就流行开来。
He is very quick to catch on. 他理解得很快。
I dont quite catch on to what he is saying. 我不大理解他在讲什么。
3 . catch sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事。如:
The teacher caught him sleeping in class. 老师发现他在上课时睡觉。
We caught him stealing. 他正在行窃被我们逮个正着。
4 . catch sb out 发现某人有错。如:
Ask me anything you like --- you wont catch me out. 你尽管问吧,决问不倒我。
5 . catch up 赶上,追上。如:
If you miss a lot of lessons, its very difficult to catch up. 要是你耽误很多课,你会很难上赶上的。
Will we catch up with Japan industrial production? 我们能在工业生产上赶上日本吗?
注:catch sb up 常可与 catch up with sb 互换。如:
You go ahead and I will catch you up [catch up with you]later. 我一会儿就会赶上你的。
6 . catch up on sth 赶做,弥补。如:
Ive a lot of work to catch up on. 我有很多工作要赶做。
I have to catch up on writing letters tonight so I cant go out. 今晚我要赶写几封信,所以不能出去。
catch 的短语与句式
1 . catch at 抓住,采纳。如:
A drowning man will catch a straw. 快淹死的人一根稻草也要抓。
They caught at the idea. 他们采纳了这个意见。
2 . catch on
Her coat caught on the nail. 她的大衣给钉子钩住了。
The new song caught on quickly. 那首歌很快就流行开来。
He is very quick to catch on. 他理解得很快。
I dont quite catch on to what he is saying. 我不大理解他在讲什么。
3 . catch sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事。如:
The teacher caught him sleeping in class. 老师发现他在上课时睡觉。
We caught him stealing. 他正在行窃被我们逮个正着。
4 . catch sb out 发现某人有错。如:
Ask me anything you like --- you wont catch me out. 你尽管问吧,决问不倒我。
5 . catch up 赶上,追上。如:
If you miss a lot of lessons, its very difficult to catch up. 要是你耽误很多课,你会很难上赶上的。
Will we catch up with Japan industrial production? 我们能在工业生产上赶上日本吗?
注:catch sb up 常可与 catch up with sb 互换。如:
You go ahead and I will catch you up [catch up with you]later. 我一会儿就会赶上你的。
6 . catch up on sth 赶做,弥补。如:
Ive a lot of work to catch up on. 我有很多工作要赶做。
I have to catch up on writing letters tonight so I cant go out. 今晚我要赶写几封信,所以不能出去。