The Silent Sharer 只转不评;
The Commenter 评论者;
The Popular One 红人;
The Copycat 抄袭者;
The Creative One 原创者;
The Badge Master 勋章达人;
The Stalker 围观者;
The No-Lifer 抢沙发者
What kind of microblogger are you? 你是哪种微博控?
猪流感 swine flu
疾病控制中心 Disease Control Center
会传染的 contagious
呼吸道疾病 respiratory disease
病毒 virus
流通,传播 circulate
传染 contaminate
流行病 pandemic
肺炎 pneumonias
病例 case
疑似病例 suspected case
爆发 outbreak
人际间传播 human-to-human transmission
咳嗽 cough
打喷嚏 sneeze
抗病毒药物 antiviral drug
症候 symptom
面罩 face mask
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization
病毒监控 screen for the virus
long johns:秋裤, 长内衣裤
例:South Koreas civil servants have been ordered to do their public duty by switching off the heating and donning long johns as the severe cold puts a strain onpower resources, according to officials.
The Silent Sharer 只转不评;
The Commenter 评论者;
The Popular One 红人;
The Copycat 抄袭者;
The Creative One 原创者;
The Badge Master 勋章达人;
The Stalker 围观者;
The No-Lifer 抢沙发者
What kind of microblogger are you? 你是哪种微博控?
猪流感 swine flu
疾病控制中心 Disease Control Center
会传染的 contagious
呼吸道疾病 respiratory disease
病毒 virus
流通,传播 circulate
传染 contaminate
流行病 pandemic
肺炎 pneumonias
病例 case
疑似病例 suspected case
爆发 outbreak
人际间传播 human-to-human transmission
咳嗽 cough
打喷嚏 sneeze
抗病毒药物 antiviral drug
症候 symptom
面罩 face mask
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization
病毒监控 screen for the virus
long johns:秋裤, 长内衣裤
例:South Koreas civil servants have been ordered to do their public duty by switching off the heating and donning long johns as the severe cold puts a strain onpower resources, according to officials.