A viral video on the evils of social media has ironically taken the internet by storm, with it's sentimental story of a love that never happened thanks to one boy's infatuation with his phone.
一个“控诉” 社交网络危害的视频短片日前红遍网络,短片讲述了一个关于爱情的伤感故事:一个沉迷手机的男孩,错过了一段一生挚爱。
The video titled 'Look Up' features a spoken work poem by London writer-director Gary Turk who advises viewers to 'look up from your phone, shut down the display, take in your surroundings, make the most of today'.
'Look Up' was posted to YouTube on April 25, and just 10 days later already has over 14 million views.