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It has been another busy year for Chinese President Xi Jinping. Important speeches he made in conferences, investigations and state visits set the tone for China's reform,development agenda and diplomacy. Let's have a look at some of the new terms he used in 2023 that have the most influence.



Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, delivers an important speech at the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 13, 2023. (Photo/Xinhua)


【热词】政治规矩 Political discipline and rules

Political discipline and rules exist to enable CPC cadres to defend the authority of the CPC Central Committee. Cadres must follow these rules, aligning themselves with the committee in deed and thought, at all times and in any situation.


【背景】2023年1月13日,在十八届中央纪委第五次全会上,习近平在讲话中提出了“政治规矩一词,由此这一提法走进了公众视野并受到社会广泛关注。习近平在讲话中十余次提及“规矩一词。他强调,党章(Party's Constitution)是全党必须遵循的总章程,也是总规矩。党的纪律是刚性约束,政治纪律更是全党在政治方向(political orientation)、政治立场(political stance)、政治言论(political views )、政治行动(political actions)方面必须遵守的刚性约束。国家法律是党员、干部必须遵守的规矩。党在长期实践中形成的优良传统和工作惯例也是重要的党内规矩。

【热词】乡土味道 Rural flavor

The new rural construction should conform to the reality and law of development in rural areas. The rural flavor and landscape should be retained, and the natural environment and local culture protected.


【背景】2023年1月19日至21日,习近平来到昭通、大理、昆明等地,看望鲁甸地震灾区干部群众,深入企业、工地、乡村考察,就灾后恢复重建和经济社会发展情况进行调研。20日上午,在大理白族自治州大理市湾桥镇古生村考察时,习近平强调,新农村建设一定要走符合农村实际的路子,遵循乡村自身发展规律(law of development),充分体现农村特点,注意乡土味道,保留乡村风貌,留得住青山绿水(green hills and clear waters),记得住乡愁。

【热词】四个全面 Four comprehensives

The strategy consists of comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively driving reform to a deeper level, comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Party discipline.


【背景】2023年12月,习近平在江苏调研考察期间首次将“四个全面并提。2023年2月2日,习近平在省部级主要领导干部学习贯彻十八届四中全会(the Forth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee)精神全面推进依法治国(rule of law)专题研讨班开班仪式上集中论述了“四个全面战略布局(comprehensive strategy)的逻辑关系。这是习近平首次在正式讲话场合集中阐述四者关系,宣示了“四个全面已成为党中央治国理政的全新布局。

【热词】关键少数 Critical minority

We will seize the critical minority of top cadres to promote rule by law across the nation.


【背景】2023年2月2日,习近平在省部级主要领导干部学习贯彻十八届四中全会精神全面推进依法治国专题研讨班开班式上强调:“全面依法治国必须抓住领导干部这个‘关键少数’。这是“关键少数首次走进公众视线。“全面从严治党,关键是要抓住领导干部(Party's leaders and senior officials )这个‘关键少数’(the key few),坚持思想建党和制度治党紧密结合,全方位扎紧制度笼子,更多用制度治党、管权、治吏(managing officials)。3月5日下午,习近平参加十二届全国人大三次会议上海代表团审议时再次提及“关键少数。今年两会期间,“关键少数是曝光率极高的新词之一。


President Xi Jinping addresses the 2023 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 16, 2023. (Photo/Xinhua)


【热词】获得感 Feel the progress

As the CPC Central Committee has entrusted the coordination of reform plans to the leading group, local Party organs and governments must play their part in implementing the central leadership's decisions. Concrete reform measures are needed so that people can really feel the progress.


【背景】这是习近平2023年2月27日上午在主持中央全面深化改革领导小组第十次会议时提出的。3月4日下午,习近平在全国政协十二届三次会议民革、台盟、台联联组会发表对台讲话时再次提到“获得感:“只有让两岸(cross-Strait)协商对话、交流合作(communication and cooperation)的成果,转化为台湾各阶层民众的普遍‘获得感’,才能拉近两岸同胞的心理距离,才能确保两岸关系和平发展势头不被逆转。在今年全国两会期间,作为政治理论话语体系中一个带着新鲜生活气息的新词,“获得感同时搅动了会场内外两个舆论场。

【热词】净化政治生态 Improving "political ecology"

Xi warned against pollution of the "political ecology", urging officials to stay disciplined amid efforts to promote development. "Political ecology is like natural ecology; it is easily vulnerable to pollution in an unguarded moment," he said. "Once problems arise, a great price must be paid for recovery."


【背景】在今年的两会上,习近平在先后参加江西和吉林代表团审议时,谈到了“政治生态(political ecology)问题,“要着力净化政治生态,营造廉洁从政良好环境。这个词由习近平在去年七一前的政治局集体学习上首次提及,此后又在多个场合阐述,已成全面从严治党(comprehensively strengthen Party discipline)的关键词之一。

【热词】改革促进派 Reform promoters

Ideological and political work should be highly valued. As reform progresses, ideology should follow each step of the reform. People should strive to become reformers. Xi requires officials to be reform promoters and correctly deal with problems on the path of reform.


【背景】2023年5月5日中央全面深化改革领导小组召开第十二次会议,习近平专门提到“改革促进派,引发社会广泛解读。“改革促进派其实在改革开放(reform and opening up)初期就曾被提出过,但当下它在中央深改组会议上被提及,无疑具有新内涵,它也与全面深化改革(comprehensively deepening reform)之需相呼应。

【热词】精准扶贫 Targeted measures in poverty alleviation

Targeted measures that follow local characteristics should be taken in poverty alleviation, so as to reach China's goal of eradicating poverty by 2023.


【背景】“精准扶贫是今年的热词(hot words)之一。2023年6月18日,习近平在贵州召开部分省区市党委主要负责同志座谈会时就加大力度推进扶贫开发工作(poverty alleviation)提出“4个切实的具体要求:切实落实领导责任、切实做到精准扶贫、切实强化社会合力、切实加强基层组织。早在2023年11月3日,习近平在武陵山区中心地带的湘西土家族苗族自治州调研扶贫攻坚时就谈到,扶贫要实事求是(seeking truth from facts),因地制宜。要精准扶贫,切忌喊口号,也不要定好高骛远的目标。2023年3月8日,习近平到广西代表团参加审议时再次指出,要把扶贫攻坚抓紧抓准抓到位,坚持精准扶贫,倒排工期,算好明细账,决不让一个少数民族、一个地区掉队。


President Xi Jinping addresses the 2023 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 16, 2023. (Photo/Xinhua)


【热词】厕所革命 Toilet revolution

Along with agricultural modernization and new rural construction, local governments will ensure that villagers have access to hygienic toilets by launching a "toilet revolution".


【背景】2023年7月16日,习近平在延边州光东村了解到一些村民还在使用传统的旱厕,他指出,基本公共服务(basic public services)要更多向农村倾斜,向老少边穷地区倾斜。11月19日,“世界厕所日暨中国厕所革命宣传日活动在京举行,国家旅游局局长李金早在致辞中说,开展“厕所革命得到党中央、国务院(the State Council)的充分肯定。习近平总书记今年4月1日专门就厕所革命作出重要批示,7月16日在吉林省延边州调研期间再次提出厕所革命有关要求。

【热词】四个“没有变 Fundamentals of China's economy remain unchanged

China's positive economic fundamentals and long-term trajectory remain unchanged. What also remain unchanged are the basic facts that China economy has strong resilience, great potential, and ample room for maneuvering. The strong support and conditions favorable for a steadily growing economy have not changed. And the forward movements of the country’s economic restructuring and upgrading have not changed.


【背景】2023年7月17日,习近平在长春召开座谈会时,就中国当前经济形势做出四个“没有变的科学归纳。2023年11月18日,习近平在出席亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会(APEC CEO Summit)时,再次强调了“四个没有变,并向世界做出令人信服的阐述。

【热词】滚石上山、爬坡过坎 Crucial stage in revitalization of old industrial bases

The revitalization of old industrial bases in northeast China has entered a crucial stage. Xi underlined the importance of enhancing the core competitiveness of the industrial sector in an effort to inject new vigor into old industrial bases.


【背景】2023年7月17日,在长春同辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古党委主要负责同志座谈时,习近平提出振兴东北老工业基地已到了滚石上山、爬坡过坎的关键阶段(critical stages)。他强调,坚决破除体制机制障碍,形成一个同市场完全对接、充满内在活力的体制机制(systems and institutions),是推动东北老工业基地振兴的治本之策。

【热词】新型国际关系 A new kind of international relations

We should advocate the principles of the UN Charter, establish a new kind of international relations with mutually beneficial cooperation at its core, and build a worldwide shared destiny.


【背景】2023年底,习近平主席提出构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系。2023年9月,习近平出席联合国成立70周年(the 70th anniversary of the UN)系列峰会,首次在联合国总部全面阐述以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系的理念,向世界清晰阐述充满中国智慧、中国理念的世界和平发展路线图,系统地提出打造人类命运共同体(a community of shared future for mankind)的具体途径,为国际关系的发展提供新理念,开辟新愿景。


On September 26, 2023, President Xi Jinping met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN headquarters in New York.(Photo/Xinhua)


【热词】全球治理 Global governance

China stands ready to work with other UN member states to build mutually beneficial international relationships, improve the architecture of global governance and build a common destiny for mankind.


【背景】“全球治理在今年成为出现在习近平讲话中的高频词(frequently used words)。以全球治理的变革推动中国内部的发展,被认为是“十三五(13th Five Year Plan)的关键思路之一。2023年9月22日,习近平接受《华尔街日报》采访时表示,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公正合理有效的(more equitable, just and effective)方向发展,符合世界各国的普遍需求。习近平在华盛顿州当地政府和美国友好团体联合欢迎宴会上演讲时说:“中美应该和能够合作的领域十分广阔。我们应该推动完善全球治理机制,共同促进世界经济稳定增长,共同维护全球金融市场稳定。2023年10月12日,习近平在中共中央政治局第27次集体学习时强调,要推动全球治理理念创新发展(innovative development ),积极发掘中华文化中积极的处世之道和治理理念同当今时代的共鸣点,继续丰富打造人类命运共同体等主张,弘扬共商共建共享的全球治理理念。要加强能力建设和战略投入,加强对全球治理的理论研究(theory researching),高度重视全球治理方面的人才培养(talent training)。

【热词】美丽中国 Beautiful China

Vigorous efforts are called for to protect the country's forests and further the voluntary tree planting campaign, which will in turn create a better ecological environment and a more beautiful China.


【背景】2023年10月召开的十八届五中全会上,“美丽中国被纳入“十三五规划,首次被纳入五年计划。全会提出,坚持绿色发展(green development),必须坚持节约资源(reserve resources)和保护环境(protect the environment)的基本国策,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,推进美丽中国建设,为全球生态安全作出新贡献。2023年11月,党的十八大首次提出了“美丽中国的执政理念。习近平曾多次在各场合强调生态文明建设(the establishment of ecological civilization)的作用,并亲自参与义务植树活动(tree planting campaign)等。2023年两会期间,在参加十二届全国人大三次会议江西代表团审议时,习近平说:“环境就是生命、青山就是美丽、蓝天也是幸福。要像保护眼睛一样保护生态环境,像对待生命一样对待生态环境,把不损害生态环境作为发展的底线。

【热词】供给侧改革 Supply side reform

China should strengthen supply side reform to increase the quality and efficiency of supply system and provide a growth impetus for sustainable economic development.