一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。CHINADAILY手机报新一期热词榜发榜啦!
1. 中阿友谊
China-Arab friendship
Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (R front) taste traditional Arab coffee during his visit to the Murabba' Palace, named after its square form of 400 by 400 meters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan 20, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]
For six decades, China-Arab friendship and cooperation have undergone historic transformation and we have gained much valuable experience.
19日,在对埃及进行国事访问之际,国家主席习近平在埃及《金字塔报》发表题为《让中阿友谊如尼罗河水奔涌向前》(let China-Arab friendship surge forward like the Nile)的署名文章。文章开篇,习近平就对此次访问提出了这样的期待:我将同埃及和阿拉伯朋友共叙友情(renew friendship)、共商合作、共话发展(discuss cooperation and development),期待此访成为一次友谊之旅、合作之旅、共赢之旅(a trip of friendship, cooperation and mutual benefit)。
习近平在文章中,这样谈到中埃关系的历史:中国和埃及同为文明古国(ancient civilization),两国人民友好交往(friendly exchanges between our peoples)追溯久远(date back to antiquity)。近代以来(in the modern times),中埃两国人民在反殖民、反霸权的斗争中(in the fight against colonialism and hegemony)同声相应、同气相求(have stood together)。
文章提出了中阿合作四点主张:中阿要做自主发展道路的实践者(pursue independent paths of development),世上没有包治百病的万能灵药(there is no panacea in the world),也没有普世皆准的发展模式(nor a universal model for development);中阿要做地区和平的捍卫者(defend regional peace);中阿要做互利合作的推动者(carry out mutually beneficial cooperation);中阿要做文明多样性的倡导者(advocate cultural diversity)。
地区风云变幻 changing regional landscapes
局部动荡 regional turmoil
合作共赢 win-win cooperation
民族复兴 national renewal
民族振兴 national rejuvenation
经济援助 economic assistance
文明多样性 cultural diversity
国情 national conditions
发展道路 development path
改革动力 momentum for reform
2. 寒潮
cold snap, cold front
Photo taken on Jan 21, 2023 shows the snow scenery in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu province. The city saw a snowfall on Wednesday evening. [Photo/Xinhua]
Many parts of China are forecast to experience their lowest temperatures in decades over the weekend, with heavy snowstorms expected to persist in eastern and central areas. Internet users have called the cold front a "bossy cold wave" for its strength and reach.
人们通常用cold snap、cold wave、cold front、cold spell来表达寒潮。所谓寒潮,是指来自高纬度(high latitude)地区的冷空气(cold air),在特定的天气形势下迅速加强并向中低纬度地区侵入,造成沿途地区剧烈降温(steep drop in temperatures)、大风和雨雪天气,多发生在秋末、冬季、初春时节。
中央气象台(the National Meteorological Center)22日6时继续发布寒潮黄色预警(issue a yellow alert for a strong cold front)。寒潮来袭,各地市政部门也纷纷采取防范措施(take precautions)。安徽、浙江、江西部分地区中小学校已经提前放寒假(start winter holiday ahead of schedule);江西省内多处景区(scenic areas)暂时关闭(be temporarily closed)。浙江省民政厅则紧急部署,救助流浪乞讨人员(homeless vagrants),已开放避灾临时安置场所(temporary shelters)8900多家。
地方农业部门(agricultural authorities)则提醒农民增施有机肥(add organic fertilizers),以防止庄稼和蔬菜受冻害(keep crops and vegetables from being damaged by frost),并加强温室管理(reinforce plastic greenhouses)。部分省份的电力公司(electricity companies)已出台应急计划(have made emergency plans),对关键设备除冰(remove ice from key facilities)。
极端天气也令不少地区出现了市民排长队抢货的场景。杭州、合肥等地都出现了市民大量囤货"备战"极端天气(stock up on supplies ahead of extreme weather conditions)的情况,超市货架上的蔬菜被抢购一空(supermarket shelves are emptied of vegetables),超市工作人员不断补货。专家称,此次寒潮的持续时间较短(the cold period will be shorter),造成类似于2008年南方冰雪灾害的可能性不大。
暴风雪 blizzard
冰雹 hail
雨夹雪 sleet
冷气团 cold air mass
集中供暖 central heating
作物损失 crop loss
停电 power failure, blackout
停课 suspend school, halt lessons
四色分级天气预警制度 four-tier color-coded weather warning system
3. 光棍危机
bachelor crisis
The ratio of male to female births in China has decreased for seven years in a row, but it is still likely that more than 30m males will have to stay single, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics. These statistics highlight the country's bachelor crisis.
一般来说,造成一个国家和地区的性别比失衡(unbalanced sex ratio)有两大主要原因:移民和出生性别比失衡。由于移民比例很小,中国人口性别比失衡的根本原因是出生性别比(sex ratio at birth)失衡。正常自然情况下的出生性别比(the biologically natural sex ratios at birth)一般介于103和107之间(range from 103 to 107 boys for every 100 girls)。
国家卫计委在2023年初表示,目前中国出生性别比整体水平依然偏高,其后果已经显现(adverse effects are already showing),风险进一步扩大(risk is further expanding)。"婚姻挤出"(marriage squeeze)很形象地显示了性别比失衡(gender imbalance)对婚姻的影响——原本相对稳定平衡的婚姻市场(marriage market)因为多出数千万男性变得拥挤,使得多出的男性被挤压出去,被迫成为光棍(bachelor)。
男女比例失衡亦会引起就业性别挤压(increase the imbalance of genders in the workplace),男性劳动力过剩(surplus male labor)会增强劳动力就业市场的竞争(intensify the competition in the labor job market),加大女性就业难度(increase the difficulty for women to get a job)。男性人口过剩(large surplus male population)还容易滋生各种社会犯罪现象,可能会给社会稳定造成威胁(pose a threat to social stability)。
适婚年龄 marriageable age
人口出生率 fertility rate
中老年未婚女子 spinster
剩男 leftover men
4. 数字货币
digital currency/money
The headquarters of the People's Bank of China in Beijing. [Photo by Shi Yan/China Daily]
China's central bank on Wednesday announced that it will try to issue digital currency "as soon as possible."
"数字货币"(digital currency/money)是电子货币形式的替代货币。它不同于虚拟世界中的虚拟货币(virtual money),因为它能被用于真实的商品和服务交易,而不局限在网络游戏中。
央行指出,发行数字货币可以降低传统纸币(traditional paper money)发行、流通的高昂成本,提升经济交易活动的便利性和透明度(boost convenience and transparency of economic activities),减少洗钱(money laundering)、逃漏税(tax evasions)等违法犯罪行为,提升央行对货币供给和货币流通的控制力,更好地支持经济和社会发展,助力普惠金融(inclusive finance)的全面实现。
虚拟货币 virtual currency/money
电子货币 electronic currency/money
加密货币 cryptocurrency
比特币 bitcoin
纸币 banknote
硬币 coin
现金 cash
5. 春晚吉祥物
Spring Festival Gala mascot
请看例句: China Central Television's Spring Festival Gala revealed Kangkang the monkey, as the official mascot for its 2023 gala on its Weibo account. But the 3D version of Kangkang was criticized by netizens as "too ugly".
"康康"的设计原稿(original design)由国家一级美术师、北京奥运会吉祥物"福娃"的创作者韩美林设计,以中国传统水墨画(traditional Chinese ink painting)的艺术形式,生动表现出"猴"的机灵活泼(quick-witted and lively)的特点。但换成立体效果图后,"康康"卖萌的拳头变成了两个大肉瘤,奇特的造型引发网友吐槽。
央视春晚(Spring Festival gala, lunar New Year's Eve gala)从2023年开始,以十二生肖为原型(based on the Chinese zodiac)推出"春晚吉祥物"(Spring Festival Gala mascot),当年的吉祥物谐羊年之音,取名"阳阳",是33年春晚历史上第一次设立吉祥物(the first mascot in 33 years of history in Spring Festival Gala)。
天干 Heavenly Stems
地支 Earthly Branches
孙悟空 Monkey King
骗人的把戏 monkey business
农历 lunar calendar
正月 the 1st month of the lunar year
腊月 the 12th month of the lunar year
6. 贪内助
corrupt spouse
"Corrupt spouse" has already become a noticeable phenomenon in a number of cases involving corrupted government officials. The spouses of officials found to be involved in corruption have often helped their partners take bribes, or take advantage of their spouses' positions to make illegal profits.
正是认识到"贪内助"对领导干部的消极影响(negative influence),许多年以来,有关部门一直重视对"内助"们(officials' spouses)的反腐倡廉建设。
媒体近日报道,厦门市公安局组织近期新提任的22名领导干部携配偶(22 newly promoted officials and their spouses)走进厦门市党风廉政教育基地,共同接受反腐倡廉警示教育(anti-corruption awareness education)。配偶们参观后深有触动,纷纷表示今后要积极做好"廉内助"和"监督员"。此外,关键还是要给官员配偶立规矩(make rules),防止她们滥用权力(abuse of power)。
反腐 anti-corruption
权钱交易 trade between money and power
亲缘腐败 immediate family corruption
公款吃喝 banquets using public funds
官商勾结 collusion among officials and businessmen
腐败官员 corrupt officials
7. 雾霾津贴
smog subsidy
Some 95% of respondents to a survey support a "smog subsidy" for those who work outdoors on smoggy days.
该调查是由河南郑州总工会(Trade Union in Zhengzhou)官方微信发起的,近400人参与调查。调查结果显示,53%认为"雾霾津贴"应由政府和企业共同买单(jointly pay the bill);44%认为应该由中央和地方(central and regional governments)财政补贴。
不过有9%的受访者认为,所有人都受到空气污染(air pollution)的影响,因此,只有从事户外作业的劳动者享受"雾霾津贴"有失公平(unfair)。
对于"雾霾津贴怎么发"的问题,超过一半的受访者(over half of respondents)力挺应采用防霾工具(protective tools)和现金(cash)发放相结合的形式;22%的受访者认为直接发钱最简单(money is the easiest way)。
雾霾 smog
防霾口罩 anti-pollution mask
空气末日 airpocalypse
雾霾费 smog fee
空气质量指数 Air Quality Index, AQI
雾霾险 smog insurance
大气污染防治 air pollution prevention and control
8. 地铁图书馆
Subway Library
Since Beijing launched its Subway Library project a year ago, 40 good books have been recommended to the public through this way and nearly 160,000 commuters have read the books through their mobile devices.
地铁图书馆是北京京港地铁公司和国家图书馆合作推出的大型公益项目(public welfare program),旨在依托地铁这一公共交通出行平台(the platform of public transportation),开放国家图书馆的部分优质图书资源(qualified book resources),让乘客在日常出行中多一个阅读的平台和场所。乘客扫描车厢内的二维码(scan the QR code),可免费在线阅读图书。 国家图书馆副馆长魏大威表示,希望该项目能增加公共设施的人文气息(help increase the public facilities' cultural atmosphere),让阅读和学习成为大众生活中的常态(be alive in people's daily lives)。
目录 catalogue
借书台 delivery desk, circulation desk
借书单 call slip
借出 check out
过期并交罚款 overdue and pay a fine