Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) 请看相关报道: Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday prescribed his remedies to restore peace in the Middle East and promote development in the Arab world.
这里开处方(prescribe a remedy)是指,习近平针对恢复中东和平和促进阿拉伯世界发展给出中国的解决方案。也可以用 offer remedy 表示。
在演讲中,习近平对中东问题给出了一系列中国方案。他指出,中东是一块富饶的土地(land of abundance),但迄今仍未摆脱战争和冲突。少一些冲突和苦难,多一点安宁和尊严,这是中东人民的向往(The people here want less conflict and suffering, more peace and dignity)。为此,习近平提出:化解分歧,关键要加强对话(enhance dialogue)。破解难题,关键要加快发展(accelerate development)。道路选择,关键要符合国情(the key to choosing a right path is to make sure that it suits the national conditions)。
在巴勒斯坦问题(Palestinian issue)上,习近平强调,维护巴勒斯坦人民合法民族权益是阿盟的神圣使命,也是国际社会的共同责任(To uphold the lawful national rights and interests of the Palestinian people is the lofty mission of the Arab League and the shared responsibility of the international community)。他指出,中国坚定支持中东和平进程(firmly support the Middle East peace process)。对于叙利亚问题,他强调,解决热点问题,停火(ceasefire)是当务之急,政治对话是根本之道(political dialogue is the path to a fundamental solution),人道主义救援刻不容缓(humanitarian assistance brooks no delay)。
习近平强调,中阿共建“一带一路、“1+2+3合作格局(“1+2+3 cooperation pattern)已经有了早期收获。为此,他提出以下建议:高举和平对话旗帜(hold high the banner of peace and dialogue),开展促进稳定行动。推进结构调整(advance structural adjustment),开展创新合作行动。促进中东工业化(advance industrialization in the Middle East),开展产能对接行动。倡导文明交流互鉴(strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning),开展增进友好行动。
他强调,“我们在中东不找代理人,而是劝和促谈;不搞势力范围,而是推动大家一起加入“一带一路朋友圈;不谋求填补“真空,而是编织互利共赢的合作伙伴网络。(Instead of looking for a proxy in the Middle East, we promote peace talks; instead of seeking any sphere of influence, we call on all parties to join the circle of friends for the Belt and Road Initiative; instead of attempting to fill the 'vacuum', we build a cooperative partnership network for win-win outcomes)。中国要抓住关键时期共建“一带一路,确立和平、创新、引领、治理、交融的行动理念(set out the guiding principles of peace, innovation, guidance, governance and integration),做中东和平的建设者、中东发展的推动者、中东工业化的助推者、中东稳定的支持者、中东民心交融的合作伙伴(be builders of peace, promoters of development, boosters of industrialization, supporters of stability and partners of people-to-people exchanges in the Middle East)。
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) 请看相关报道: Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday prescribed his remedies to restore peace in the Middle East and promote development in the Arab world.
这里开处方(prescribe a remedy)是指,习近平针对恢复中东和平和促进阿拉伯世界发展给出中国的解决方案。也可以用 offer remedy 表示。
在演讲中,习近平对中东问题给出了一系列中国方案。他指出,中东是一块富饶的土地(land of abundance),但迄今仍未摆脱战争和冲突。少一些冲突和苦难,多一点安宁和尊严,这是中东人民的向往(The people here want less conflict and suffering, more peace and dignity)。为此,习近平提出:化解分歧,关键要加强对话(enhance dialogue)。破解难题,关键要加快发展(accelerate development)。道路选择,关键要符合国情(the key to choosing a right path is to make sure that it suits the national conditions)。
在巴勒斯坦问题(Palestinian issue)上,习近平强调,维护巴勒斯坦人民合法民族权益是阿盟的神圣使命,也是国际社会的共同责任(To uphold the lawful national rights and interests of the Palestinian people is the lofty mission of the Arab League and the shared responsibility of the international community)。他指出,中国坚定支持中东和平进程(firmly support the Middle East peace process)。对于叙利亚问题,他强调,解决热点问题,停火(ceasefire)是当务之急,政治对话是根本之道(political dialogue is the path to a fundamental solution),人道主义救援刻不容缓(humanitarian assistance brooks no delay)。
习近平强调,中阿共建“一带一路、“1+2+3合作格局(“1+2+3 cooperation pattern)已经有了早期收获。为此,他提出以下建议:高举和平对话旗帜(hold high the banner of peace and dialogue),开展促进稳定行动。推进结构调整(advance structural adjustment),开展创新合作行动。促进中东工业化(advance industrialization in the Middle East),开展产能对接行动。倡导文明交流互鉴(strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning),开展增进友好行动。
他强调,“我们在中东不找代理人,而是劝和促谈;不搞势力范围,而是推动大家一起加入“一带一路朋友圈;不谋求填补“真空,而是编织互利共赢的合作伙伴网络。(Instead of looking for a proxy in the Middle East, we promote peace talks; instead of seeking any sphere of influence, we call on all parties to join the circle of friends for the Belt and Road Initiative; instead of attempting to fill the 'vacuum', we build a cooperative partnership network for win-win outcomes)。中国要抓住关键时期共建“一带一路,确立和平、创新、引领、治理、交融的行动理念(set out the guiding principles of peace, innovation, guidance, governance and integration),做中东和平的建设者、中东发展的推动者、中东工业化的助推者、中东稳定的支持者、中东民心交融的合作伙伴(be builders of peace, promoters of development, boosters of industrialization, supporters of stability and partners of people-to-people exchanges in the Middle East)。