What may soon be streaming at the Chinese videosite Youku Tudou are tears of relief.
Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce company, has offered to buy the 82 percent of Youkuthat it doesn’t already own, at a 30 percent premium to the market price. A deal would endYouku’s unprofitable run as a public company and help Alibaba realize its multiscreenstrategy. The move should also create value. Though that bit is most likely an afterthought.
Youku is the dominant force in Chinese online video — effectively the YouTube of the People’sRepublic. Like YouTube, it has never reported a profit. Aside from advertising fees, Youku isnow charging users to watch its best content, but that means giving them something worthwatching.
The fees Youku paid for content increased 78 percent over the last year to 744 million renminbi,or about $117 million, in the latest quarter. Larger rivals like Baidu, a search engine that alsoowns an online video site, can swallow those costs with ease. That’s not the case for tinyYouku.
It may seem petty to consider whether the deal creates value for Alibaba shareholders, but, asit happens, it probably does. The 30 percent premium is worth around $1.2 billion. Yet Youku’sbandwidth costs alone — what it pays for telecoms and data storage — are an annualized $213million. If the data colossus Alibaba can eliminate those, the savings, taxed at Youku’s 15percent rate and capitalized, are worth more than $1.8 billion.
Beyond that, the benefits of the deal are fairly abstract. Perhaps Alibaba will create a Chineseanswer to Netflix. Perhaps it will sell more video advertising spots to its online merchants.Alibaba and Youku may even be able to use data about shoppers’ online habits to createprogramming relevant to their activities.
But really, who cares? Youku is less than 3 percent of the combined companies’ market value.And approval is more than likely a given, since almost 60 percent of the shares are held byAlibaba and its supporters, such as Victor Koo, a Youku founder, who will also receive anundisclosed package for staying on as chairman.
What may soon be streaming at the Chinese videosite Youku Tudou are tears of relief.
Alibaba, China’s biggest e-commerce company, has offered to buy the 82 percent of Youkuthat it doesn’t already own, at a 30 percent premium to the market price. A deal would endYouku’s unprofitable run as a public company and help Alibaba realize its multiscreenstrategy. The move should also create value. Though that bit is most likely an afterthought.
Youku is the dominant force in Chinese online video — effectively the YouTube of the People’sRepublic. Like YouTube, it has never reported a profit. Aside from advertising fees, Youku isnow charging users to watch its best content, but that means giving them something worthwatching.
The fees Youku paid for content increased 78 percent over the last year to 744 million renminbi,or about $117 million, in the latest quarter. Larger rivals like Baidu, a search engine that alsoowns an online video site, can swallow those costs with ease. That’s not the case for tinyYouku.
It may seem petty to consider whether the deal creates value for Alibaba shareholders, but, asit happens, it probably does. The 30 percent premium is worth around $1.2 billion. Yet Youku’sbandwidth costs alone — what it pays for telecoms and data storage — are an annualized $213million. If the data colossus Alibaba can eliminate those, the savings, taxed at Youku’s 15percent rate and capitalized, are worth more than $1.8 billion.
Beyond that, the benefits of the deal are fairly abstract. Perhaps Alibaba will create a Chineseanswer to Netflix. Perhaps it will sell more video advertising spots to its online merchants.Alibaba and Youku may even be able to use data about shoppers’ online habits to createprogramming relevant to their activities.
But really, who cares? Youku is less than 3 percent of the combined companies’ market value.And approval is more than likely a given, since almost 60 percent of the shares are held byAlibaba and its supporters, such as Victor Koo, a Youku founder, who will also receive anundisclosed package for staying on as chairman.