屠呦呦 诺贝尔奖和毛主席的号召
BEIJING — During the upheaval of China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, when many of thecountry’s Western-trained scientists were shunned and persecuted, the government had anurgent scientific problem that needed attention.
North Vietnam, an important ally that was in the middle of war with the United States, hadasked for a way to reduce the deaths of its soldiers from malaria, which had become resistantto the drug chloroquine. Malaria was also killing large numbers of people in southern China.
Mao Zedong set up a secret military project, Project 523 — named after its starting date, May23, 1967 — to find a solution. But China’s top expert in the field of malaria research, likelegions of other Chinese in this time of high political turmoil, had been labeled a “rightist andshunted aside.
After making little headway on the problem, the government turned to the Academy ofTraditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and to a little-known scientist, Tu Youyou, who hadstudied both Western and Chinese medicine — and who found the solution in traditionalChinese healing.
Dr. Tu, 84, on Monday became the first citizen of the People’s Republic of China to win a NobelPrize in the sciences, for discovering artemisinin, a drug that is now part of standard antimalarialregimens. She shared the Nobel for medicine or physiology with two scientists who alsodeveloped antiparasitic drugs.
Dr. Tu, through the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica at the Academy of Chinese MedicalSciences where she works, issued a statement about the value of artemisinin and traditionalChinese medicine.
“Artemisinin is a gift for the world’s people from traditional Chinese medicine, the statementsaid.
Four Chinese scientists born in Chinese mainland have been awarded the Nobel in physics, butonly after making their careers in the West. The Chinese government has long wanted a Nobelin the sciences for the sake of prestige and as a confirmation of the quality of its educationsystem.
The Chinese government and state-run news media celebrated Dr. Tu’s prize as anacknowledgment of the rising strength of Chinese science as well as a vindication of the valueof traditional Chinese medicine. But some scientists and commentators also said that untilnow, China’s scientific establishment had treated Dr. Tu somewhat dismissively.
Prime Minister Li Keqiang said that Dr. Tu’s Nobel “was an expression of the prosperity andprogress of Chinese science, and of the huge contribution that Chinese traditional medicineand pharmacy has made to the health of humankind.
But Dr. Tu had been denied a place as an academician in China’s highest honorary body forscientists, apparently because of her lack of foreign training and a doctoral degree, othercommentators noted.
“I think that Tu Youyou’s prize should lead to deeper reflection about China’s scientificefforts, Wang Yuanfeng, a professor in Beijing said in an online commentary. “There are manyproblems in the institutions and mechanisms of scientific work in China.
At the start of her research for Project 523, Dr. Tu, then 39, was sent to Hainan Island, in thesouthernmost region of China, to see how the disease was affecting the population. Herhusband had been purged during the Cultural Revolution, and she put her 4-year-old daughterinto a nursery. Her visit to Hainan was the start of a decade of work, she told New Scientist inan interview in 2011.
She visited traditional medical practitioners across China, and from those conversations,compiled a notebook, “A Collection of Single Practical Prescriptions for Anti-Malaria. Among2,000 traditional Chinese recipes, she said, one compound was found to be effective: sweetwormwood, or Artemisia annua, which was used for “intermittent fevers, a hallmark ofmalaria.
In the interview, Dr. Tu told New Scientist that she reread a particular recipe, written morethan 1,600 years ago in a text titled “Emergency Prescriptions Kept Up One’s Sleeve. Thedirections were to soak one bunch of wormwood in water and then drink the juice.
But Dr. Tu said she realized that her method of preparation — boiling the wormwood —probably damaged the active ingredient. So she made another preparation using an ether-based solvent, which boils at 35 degrees Celsius, or 95 degrees Fahrenheit. When tested onmice and monkeys, she said, it proved 100 percent effective.
After the successful animal tests, Dr. Tu volunteered to be the first human subject, along withtwo colleagues. Satisfied that she had suffered no ill effects, she conducted clinical trials withpatients.
“We had just cured drug-resistant malaria, Dr. Tu told New Scientist. “We were very excited.
Ten years after Mao founded Project 523, her work was published, though anonymously.
Western aid agencies did not take advantage of artemisinin for decades, even after itseffectiveness was established. Older drugs were cheaper, but resistance to them was growingand some experts said the delay endangered lives.
The Nobel is not the first recognition for Dr. Tu’s work. In 2011, when she won the $250,000Lasker Award for clinical medical research, which named her the discoverer of artemisinin, someChinese and Western malaria experts protested.
Dr. Nicholas J. White, a prominent malaria researcher at Oxford, said that others involved inthe research equally deserved the honor. He suggested that the clinical trial leader, Dr. LiGuoqiao, and a chemist, Li Ying, had contributed just as much. A malaria researcher from HongKong, Dr. Keith Arnold, agreed.
牛津大学著名的疟疾研究员尼古拉斯·J·怀特(Nicholas J. White)博士说,其他参与研究的人员同样应该获奖。他表示,临床试验负责人李国桥、化学家李英做出了同样多的贡献。香港的疟疾研究员基思·阿诺德(KeithArnold)博士同意这一观点。
But Dr. Tu said in an interview that she had done the decisive work. As the leader of a smallteam within the large Project 523, she was the first to isolate the active ingredient, and theone who had thought of using ether to extract it rather than the boiling method, she said.
The Lasker citation had noted that the research under Project 523 was collaborative. In 1978,she was singled out to accept an award from the Chinese government to Project 523.
BEIJING — During the upheaval of China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, when many of thecountry’s Western-trained scientists were shunned and persecuted, the government had anurgent scientific problem that needed attention.
North Vietnam, an important ally that was in the middle of war with the United States, hadasked for a way to reduce the deaths of its soldiers from malaria, which had become resistantto the drug chloroquine. Malaria was also killing large numbers of people in southern China.
Mao Zedong set up a secret military project, Project 523 — named after its starting date, May23, 1967 — to find a solution. But China’s top expert in the field of malaria research, likelegions of other Chinese in this time of high political turmoil, had been labeled a “rightist andshunted aside.
After making little headway on the problem, the government turned to the Academy ofTraditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, and to a little-known scientist, Tu Youyou, who hadstudied both Western and Chinese medicine — and who found the solution in traditionalChinese healing.
Dr. Tu, 84, on Monday became the first citizen of the People’s Republic of China to win a NobelPrize in the sciences, for discovering artemisinin, a drug that is now part of standard antimalarialregimens. She shared the Nobel for medicine or physiology with two scientists who alsodeveloped antiparasitic drugs.
Dr. Tu, through the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica at the Academy of Chinese MedicalSciences where she works, issued a statement about the value of artemisinin and traditionalChinese medicine.
“Artemisinin is a gift for the world’s people from traditional Chinese medicine, the statementsaid.
Four Chinese scientists born in Chinese mainland have been awarded the Nobel in physics, butonly after making their careers in the West. The Chinese government has long wanted a Nobelin the sciences for the sake of prestige and as a confirmation of the quality of its educationsystem.
The Chinese government and state-run news media celebrated Dr. Tu’s prize as anacknowledgment of the rising strength of Chinese science as well as a vindication of the valueof traditional Chinese medicine. But some scientists and commentators also said that untilnow, China’s scientific establishment had treated Dr. Tu somewhat dismissively.
Prime Minister Li Keqiang said that Dr. Tu’s Nobel “was an expression of the prosperity andprogress of Chinese science, and of the huge contribution that Chinese traditional medicineand pharmacy has made to the health of humankind.
But Dr. Tu had been denied a place as an academician in China’s highest honorary body forscientists, apparently because of her lack of foreign training and a doctoral degree, othercommentators noted.
“I think that Tu Youyou’s prize should lead to deeper reflection about China’s scientificefforts, Wang Yuanfeng, a professor in Beijing said in an online commentary. “There are manyproblems in the institutions and mechanisms of scientific work in China.
At the start of her research for Project 523, Dr. Tu, then 39, was sent to Hainan Island, in thesouthernmost region of China, to see how the disease was affecting the population. Herhusband had been purged during the Cultural Revolution, and she put her 4-year-old daughterinto a nursery. Her visit to Hainan was the start of a decade of work, she told New Scientist inan interview in 2011.
She visited traditional medical practitioners across China, and from those conversations,compiled a notebook, “A Collection of Single Practical Prescriptions for Anti-Malaria. Among2,000 traditional Chinese recipes, she said, one compound was found to be effective: sweetwormwood, or Artemisia annua, which was used for “intermittent fevers, a hallmark ofmalaria.
In the interview, Dr. Tu told New Scientist that she reread a particular recipe, written morethan 1,600 years ago in a text titled “Emergency Prescriptions Kept Up One’s Sleeve. Thedirections were to soak one bunch of wormwood in water and then drink the juice.
But Dr. Tu said she realized that her method of preparation — boiling the wormwood —probably damaged the active ingredient. So she made another preparation using an ether-based solvent, which boils at 35 degrees Celsius, or 95 degrees Fahrenheit. When tested onmice and monkeys, she said, it proved 100 percent effective.
After the successful animal tests, Dr. Tu volunteered to be the first human subject, along withtwo colleagues. Satisfied that she had suffered no ill effects, she conducted clinical trials withpatients.
“We had just cured drug-resistant malaria, Dr. Tu told New Scientist. “We were very excited.
Ten years after Mao founded Project 523, her work was published, though anonymously.
Western aid agencies did not take advantage of artemisinin for decades, even after itseffectiveness was established. Older drugs were cheaper, but resistance to them was growingand some experts said the delay endangered lives.
The Nobel is not the first recognition for Dr. Tu’s work. In 2011, when she won the $250,000Lasker Award for clinical medical research, which named her the discoverer of artemisinin, someChinese and Western malaria experts protested.
Dr. Nicholas J. White, a prominent malaria researcher at Oxford, said that others involved inthe research equally deserved the honor. He suggested that the clinical trial leader, Dr. LiGuoqiao, and a chemist, Li Ying, had contributed just as much. A malaria researcher from HongKong, Dr. Keith Arnold, agreed.
牛津大学著名的疟疾研究员尼古拉斯·J·怀特(Nicholas J. White)博士说,其他参与研究的人员同样应该获奖。他表示,临床试验负责人李国桥、化学家李英做出了同样多的贡献。香港的疟疾研究员基思·阿诺德(KeithArnold)博士同意这一观点。
But Dr. Tu said in an interview that she had done the decisive work. As the leader of a smallteam within the large Project 523, she was the first to isolate the active ingredient, and theone who had thought of using ether to extract it rather than the boiling method, she said.
The Lasker citation had noted that the research under Project 523 was collaborative. In 1978,she was singled out to accept an award from the Chinese government to Project 523.