Greece and its creditors are close to reaching anoutline deal this week on the debt-laden country’s86bn rescue programme, amid signs of growingGerman isolation over its tough stance towardsAthens.
Significant concessions by Alexis Tsipras and hisnegotiators in the past month have encouragedother hawkish eurozone members such as Finland to break with Berlin, which wants to hold outlonger to squeeze more reforms from Athens.
过去一个月期间,亚历克西斯倠溟拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)及其谈判代表作出的重大让步,鼓励了芬兰等其他鹰派欧元区成员国与德国分道扬镳,后者希望拖延更长时间,迫使希腊承诺更多改革措施。
Even previously sceptical EU diplomats now say that a full agreement could be reached by theAugust 20 deadline, when Athens must make a 3.2bn debt repayment to the European CentralBank.
The cautious optimism contrasts sharply with the acrimony at last month’s eurozonesummit, which came close to ushering Greece out of the currency bloc before agreeing tonegotiate a deal. The main elements of the proposed deal include spending cuts, administrativereform and privatisations. Remaining sticking points between Athens and its creditors includedetails of a 50bn privatisation plan and proposals for raising the planned budget surplus,excluding debt interest, to 3.5 per cent in 2023 from zero this year.
Officials in Brussels said an early deal was “ambitious but feasible. But they emphasised thatwhile this was the “preferable way forward, the option of a 5bn bridging loan to givenegotiators more time, championed by Berlin, was still on the table.
Greece and its creditors are close to reaching anoutline deal this week on the debt-laden country’s86bn rescue programme, amid signs of growingGerman isolation over its tough stance towardsAthens.
Significant concessions by Alexis Tsipras and hisnegotiators in the past month have encouragedother hawkish eurozone members such as Finland to break with Berlin, which wants to hold outlonger to squeeze more reforms from Athens.
过去一个月期间,亚历克西斯倠溟拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)及其谈判代表作出的重大让步,鼓励了芬兰等其他鹰派欧元区成员国与德国分道扬镳,后者希望拖延更长时间,迫使希腊承诺更多改革措施。
Even previously sceptical EU diplomats now say that a full agreement could be reached by theAugust 20 deadline, when Athens must make a 3.2bn debt repayment to the European CentralBank.
The cautious optimism contrasts sharply with the acrimony at last month’s eurozonesummit, which came close to ushering Greece out of the currency bloc before agreeing tonegotiate a deal. The main elements of the proposed deal include spending cuts, administrativereform and privatisations. Remaining sticking points between Athens and its creditors includedetails of a 50bn privatisation plan and proposals for raising the planned budget surplus,excluding debt interest, to 3.5 per cent in 2023 from zero this year.
Officials in Brussels said an early deal was “ambitious but feasible. But they emphasised thatwhile this was the “preferable way forward, the option of a 5bn bridging loan to givenegotiators more time, championed by Berlin, was still on the table.