That doesn't make any sense.
Look at it this way.
sense “意义”、 “意思”。make sense “有意义”、 “合理”。
way “做法”、 “方法”。
Think of it this way.
Think of it like this.
怎么样, 我告诉过你的。
You're right; the spaghetti was terrible.
(你说得对, 意大利面条真难吃。)
See, I told you.
(怎么样, 我告诉过你的。)
terrible “可怕的”、 “糟糕的”, 这里指“难吃的”。
这里的see是为了促使对方注意, “是吧”、 “怎么样”的意思。
I told you so.
I warned you about that.
warn “警告”、 “提醒”。
I really shouldn't have said that.
Use your brain.
brain “脑”、 “头”。
Use your head.
Get it together.
get it together “镇静”、 “领悟”、 “振作”、 “踏实”。
You'd better be careful.
I am being careful.
had better 指“最好……”, 表示劝告, 语气较强。
You'd better watch out.
watch out “小心”。
You should be careful.
Be careful!
I got here one minute early.
That was close.
这里的close是形容词, 从“接近”、 “逼进”的意思引申为“千钧一发”的意思。
That was too close for comfort.
comfort “放松的心情”。
Phew! That was a close one.
(哇, 太危险了。)
Do you think I should get this?
Don't waste your money.
waste “浪费”。
It's a waste of your money.
It's not worth your money.
worth “值得”。
You shouldn't waste your money.
That doesn't make any sense.
Look at it this way.
sense “意义”、 “意思”。make sense “有意义”、 “合理”。
way “做法”、 “方法”。
Think of it this way.
Think of it like this.
怎么样, 我告诉过你的。
You're right; the spaghetti was terrible.
(你说得对, 意大利面条真难吃。)
See, I told you.
(怎么样, 我告诉过你的。)
terrible “可怕的”、 “糟糕的”, 这里指“难吃的”。
这里的see是为了促使对方注意, “是吧”、 “怎么样”的意思。
I told you so.
I warned you about that.
warn “警告”、 “提醒”。
I really shouldn't have said that.
Use your brain.
brain “脑”、 “头”。
Use your head.
Get it together.
get it together “镇静”、 “领悟”、 “振作”、 “踏实”。
You'd better be careful.
I am being careful.
had better 指“最好……”, 表示劝告, 语气较强。
You'd better watch out.
watch out “小心”。
You should be careful.
Be careful!
I got here one minute early.
That was close.
这里的close是形容词, 从“接近”、 “逼进”的意思引申为“千钧一发”的意思。
That was too close for comfort.
comfort “放松的心情”。
Phew! That was a close one.
(哇, 太危险了。)
Do you think I should get this?
Don't waste your money.
waste “浪费”。
It's a waste of your money.
It's not worth your money.
worth “值得”。
You shouldn't waste your money.