流利美语随你讲 Lesson39-天气与季节3

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流利美语随你讲 Lesson39-天气与季节3

【Dialogue 3】

A: What's the weather like during summer --1--?

B: It's usually hot, wet and --2--.

A: Then which season of the year do you like best?

B: I love the autumn weather. It's usually bright, sunny, and --3--.



The temperature has climbed up again.

The temperature has soared again.

It is becoming hotter and hotter.

It will reach a high of 30 degrees.


韩国的天气属于大陆性气候(continental climate),在降水量上属于季风气候。韩国气候特点是四季分明。春季从3月持续到5月,气候温暖,鲜花遍地,是户外旅游的好去处。夏季从6月持续到9月,炎热潮湿,很多韩国人选择在此季节度假。秋季从9月持续到11月,天气温和,秋景非常迷人,是旅游的好季节。冬季从12月持续到3月中旬,受西伯利亚冷空气影响,非常寒冷。
