2月5日,英国皇室成员威廉凯特夫妇和哈里王子参加了伦敦马拉松训练日活动,三人比试赛跑,为代表“Heads Together”慈善组织参赛的选手加油鼓劲。Heads Together是由三人联合发起的旨在消除人们对精神疾病患者的偏见的慈善运动。
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge went head to head in a relay race this afternoon alongside Prince Harry as they turned out to support a training day for runners who are taking part in this year’s London Marathon, although they won’t be donning their trainers for the 25 mile course themselves.
Competitive Kate tied her hair back as she pelted full throttle along side her husband during the 100m sprint which took part at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (QEOP) in London on Sunday.
Despite her efforts the Duchess, 35, lost out to her brother in-law who came in first followed by Prince William who came second thanks to the encouragement of well-wishers from the sidelines.
It seems that the mother-of-two might have missed the memo this afternoon as she arriving in a pair of jeans which might have been to blame for her loss.
Kate joined her husband the Duke of Cambridge and brother-in-law Prince Harry for a training day with the runners who are taking part in the 2024 Virgin Money London Marathon for Heads Together, the official Charity of the Year.
凯特威廉夫妇以及哈里王子和2024维珍理财伦敦马拉松赛事的选手一同参加训练,这些选手代表官方年度慈善活动“Heads Together”参赛。
The training day is for Team Heads Together which is the campaign to change the conversation on mental health which is spearheaded by the royal trio.
本次训练日针对的是参赛队伍“Team Heads Together”。由威廉凯特夫妇和哈里王子所倡导的Heads Together活动致力于改变人们对于心理健康问题的看法。
Prince Harry appeared to have looked to his sister-in-law for style advice also pictured in a puffa jacket in navy blue and appeared, too, to have shunned joggers in favour of jeans.
Equally Prince William appeared to have forgotten his kit showing up in a pair of khaki chino style trousers and a navy woolen jumper.
Approximately 150 runners took part in the training day, which includes a run around QEOP and a training session on the London Marathon Community Track, beside the former Olympic Stadium.
Team Heads Together runners also received advice and encouragement on how they can lead from the front in achieving the campaign mission of starting millions of conversations on mental health in 2024.
Heads Together队的选手们还收获了一些建议和鼓励,关于他们如何带头完成Heads Together的使命,在2024年开启围绕心理健康问题的数百万次对话。
During a cool down at the Copper Box Arena the Duke gave a few words of encouragement to Team Heads Together runners.
在铜箱竞技场做舒缓拉伸运动时,威廉王子用几句话鼓舞了Heads Together团队的选手。
The Duke of Cambridge said: 'We want to normalise mental health, we want to get people talking about it, to make it more normal and to reduce the stigma. What you are doing and having so many of you here today, you’ve already seen the benefit of joining in, by being part of this marathon, we want to make it a mental health marathon.
威廉王子说:“我们希望人们能够正常对待心理健康问题,我们想让大家谈论这个问题,让其变得更加寻常,消除人们对心理健康问题的歧视。你们现在的所作所为以及今天能够有这么多人来到这里,已经让你们看到了参与其中的好处,通过参与这次马拉松比赛,我们希望Heads Together活动成为一场心理健康问题的马拉松。”
'You are crucial to making this happen and we can’t do it without you. We really hope your training goes very well. Good luck with the training and we look forward to seeing you on the big day.'
Those who raced with the royals today included Pippa, Henrietta and Will Creasey who are running to raise money for CALM, after Henri and Will’s father and Pippa’s husband Dr Terry Creasy committed suicide following an acute struggle with depression.
当日和三位皇室成员一同赛跑的还有正在为CALM组织筹集资金的皮帕 Their Royal Highnesses were joined by Paula Radcliffe, the current Marathon World Record Holder and three-time London Marathon winner.
British 400m Record Holder and London Marathon regular, Iwan Thomas, also joined the training day as part of the Team Heads Together team running this year’s Marathon.
作为今年马拉松参赛队伍Team Heads Together的一员,英国400米纪录保持者、伦敦马拉松常客伊万·托马斯也参加了训练日活动。
2月5日,英国皇室成员威廉凯特夫妇和哈里王子参加了伦敦马拉松训练日活动,三人比试赛跑,为代表“Heads Together”慈善组织参赛的选手加油鼓劲。Heads Together是由三人联合发起的旨在消除人们对精神疾病患者的偏见的慈善运动。
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge went head to head in a relay race this afternoon alongside Prince Harry as they turned out to support a training day for runners who are taking part in this year’s London Marathon, although they won’t be donning their trainers for the 25 mile course themselves.
Competitive Kate tied her hair back as she pelted full throttle along side her husband during the 100m sprint which took part at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (QEOP) in London on Sunday.
Despite her efforts the Duchess, 35, lost out to her brother in-law who came in first followed by Prince William who came second thanks to the encouragement of well-wishers from the sidelines.
It seems that the mother-of-two might have missed the memo this afternoon as she arriving in a pair of jeans which might have been to blame for her loss.
Kate joined her husband the Duke of Cambridge and brother-in-law Prince Harry for a training day with the runners who are taking part in the 2024 Virgin Money London Marathon for Heads Together, the official Charity of the Year.
凯特威廉夫妇以及哈里王子和2024维珍理财伦敦马拉松赛事的选手一同参加训练,这些选手代表官方年度慈善活动“Heads Together”参赛。
The training day is for Team Heads Together which is the campaign to change the conversation on mental health which is spearheaded by the royal trio.
本次训练日针对的是参赛队伍“Team Heads Together”。由威廉凯特夫妇和哈里王子所倡导的Heads Together活动致力于改变人们对于心理健康问题的看法。
Prince Harry appeared to have looked to his sister-in-law for style advice also pictured in a puffa jacket in navy blue and appeared, too, to have shunned joggers in favour of jeans.
Equally Prince William appeared to have forgotten his kit showing up in a pair of khaki chino style trousers and a navy woolen jumper.
Approximately 150 runners took part in the training day, which includes a run around QEOP and a training session on the London Marathon Community Track, beside the former Olympic Stadium.
Team Heads Together runners also received advice and encouragement on how they can lead from the front in achieving the campaign mission of starting millions of conversations on mental health in 2024.
Heads Together队的选手们还收获了一些建议和鼓励,关于他们如何带头完成Heads Together的使命,在2024年开启围绕心理健康问题的数百万次对话。
During a cool down at the Copper Box Arena the Duke gave a few words of encouragement to Team Heads Together runners.
在铜箱竞技场做舒缓拉伸运动时,威廉王子用几句话鼓舞了Heads Together团队的选手。
The Duke of Cambridge said: 'We want to normalise mental health, we want to get people talking about it, to make it more normal and to reduce the stigma. What you are doing and having so many of you here today, you’ve already seen the benefit of joining in, by being part of this marathon, we want to make it a mental health marathon.
威廉王子说:“我们希望人们能够正常对待心理健康问题,我们想让大家谈论这个问题,让其变得更加寻常,消除人们对心理健康问题的歧视。你们现在的所作所为以及今天能够有这么多人来到这里,已经让你们看到了参与其中的好处,通过参与这次马拉松比赛,我们希望Heads Together活动成为一场心理健康问题的马拉松。”
'You are crucial to making this happen and we can’t do it without you. We really hope your training goes very well. Good luck with the training and we look forward to seeing you on the big day.'
Those who raced with the royals today included Pippa, Henrietta and Will Creasey who are running to raise money for CALM, after Henri and Will’s father and Pippa’s husband Dr Terry Creasy committed suicide following an acute struggle with depression.
当日和三位皇室成员一同赛跑的还有正在为CALM组织筹集资金的皮帕 Their Royal Highnesses were joined by Paula Radcliffe, the current Marathon World Record Holder and three-time London Marathon winner.
British 400m Record Holder and London Marathon regular, Iwan Thomas, also joined the training day as part of the Team Heads Together team running this year’s Marathon.
作为今年马拉松参赛队伍Team Heads Together的一员,英国400米纪录保持者、伦敦马拉松常客伊万·托马斯也参加了训练日活动。