date back to / date from的区别
1、cut短语归纳1)用作动词:get one’s hair cut 理发;cut a figure in stone 雕刻石像;cut the price 降价;
cut down on smoking 减少吸烟;cut in 插嘴,插入,cut in with a few words 插嘴讲几句话;
cut off a corner切掉一角;cut off electricity切断电源;cut off three sentences删去三个句子;
cut out切掉,删掉;cut out the last part of the play把剧本的最后一部分删掉;cut…open切开;
cut a loaf of bread in two 把一块面包一切为二;cut the article 删节文章;cut down trees 伐树。
2) 用作名词:the cuts on one’s arms 臂上的伤口:make big cuts削减,降价
[应用]介、副词填空Big cuts have been made____the prices of medicine.
②The strong wind cut_____the electricity of the whole city.
③The chairman spoke so fast that nobody could cut____.
④All the trees were cut_____.They will have to answer for their foolish action
Key:①in ②off ③in ④down
2、date back to / date from
The tower dates back to 1173.这座塔起始于1173年。
The old church dates from the first century A.d.这座古老的教堂起始于公元1世纪。
My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays.从学生时代起,我对集邮就开始感兴趣。3、day by day / day after day
day by day一天天地day after day日复一日,一天又一天Day by day he seems to grow a little stronger.
②I have to do this work day after day.
date back to / date from的区别
1、cut短语归纳1)用作动词:get one’s hair cut 理发;cut a figure in stone 雕刻石像;cut the price 降价;
cut down on smoking 减少吸烟;cut in 插嘴,插入,cut in with a few words 插嘴讲几句话;
cut off a corner切掉一角;cut off electricity切断电源;cut off three sentences删去三个句子;
cut out切掉,删掉;cut out the last part of the play把剧本的最后一部分删掉;cut…open切开;
cut a loaf of bread in two 把一块面包一切为二;cut the article 删节文章;cut down trees 伐树。
2) 用作名词:the cuts on one’s arms 臂上的伤口:make big cuts削减,降价
[应用]介、副词填空Big cuts have been made____the prices of medicine.
②The strong wind cut_____the electricity of the whole city.
③The chairman spoke so fast that nobody could cut____.
④All the trees were cut_____.They will have to answer for their foolish action
Key:①in ②off ③in ④down
2、date back to / date from
The tower dates back to 1173.这座塔起始于1173年。
The old church dates from the first century A.d.这座古老的教堂起始于公元1世纪。
My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays.从学生时代起,我对集邮就开始感兴趣。3、day by day / day after day
day by day一天天地day after day日复一日,一天又一天Day by day he seems to grow a little stronger.
②I have to do this work day after day.