Hijack, Hijacking 劫持(动词和动名词)
Li: 大家好我是杨莉。欢迎收听《你问我答》节目。今天的问题来自 Wu Yi,请我的同事Carol 代读。
Can ‘hijacking’ and ‘hijack’ both mean forcefully taking over a plane? What’s the difference?
Li: Wu Yi 想知道 ‘hijacking’ 和 ‘hijack’ 这两个词是不是都表示劫持这个意思。最好我们永远都不会遇到被劫持的事情,Wu Yi 你说呢? 不过回答你的第一个问题,是的,这两个词的意思都是劫持。两者的区别在于词性不同,一个是动名词,一个是动词。请听一段想象的资讯标题:
And news just in: a passenger plane has been hijacked. Unconfirmed reports suggest several people have been injured.
Li: A passenger plane has been hijacked. 一架客机被劫持。在这句话里 hijacked是动词,是和被动语态连用的过去分词。被劫持了或遭到劫持。Hijack 是动词原形,它的过去式和过去分词都是 hijacked. 我们再听一遍:
And news just in: a passenger plane has been hijacked. Unconfirmed reports suggest several people have been injured.
Li: 非常戏剧性的资讯!下面是同一个故事的跟踪报道。
And now an update on the London hijacking: Three people are confirmed dead.
Li: The London hijacking. 有关伦敦劫持事件的最新进展。单词 ‘hijacking’ 在此处是作为一个动名词来使用的。我们再听一遍:
And now an update on the London hijacking: Three people are confirmed dead.
Li: 在英语里人们经常在一个动词的后面加上 ‘i-n-g’ 使之成为一个动名词。比如动词shoot 射击、枪击,如果后面加上 i-n-g 词性就变了,变成了一个名词,请听下面这一段。
It’s believed the hijackers have threatened to shoot the passengers if their demands are not met. But the army has moved in - and we can hear the sounds of shooting!
Li: 这里我们听到了动词 ‘shoot’, 还有动名词 shooting. 你听没听到另一个词 hijackers劫持者? 我们再听一遍:
It’s believed the hijackers have threatened to shoot the passengers if their demands are not met. But the army has moved in - and we can hear the sounds of shooting!
Li: 好了,请大家不要紧张,因为刚才全是虚构的报道。不过希望你已经对 hijack 这个词的几个变形词语有了一定的了解。在后面加上 i-n-g 就是动名词。 不过我想提醒大家的是 ‘hijack’ 偶尔也可以作为名词来用。请听例句:
The hijack lasted for three days.
Li: The hijack lasted for three days. 劫持事情持续了三天。
好了 Wu Yi, 希望以上讲解对你有帮助。学单词归学单词,千万不要真的遇上劫持事件!现在我想对收音机前的听众朋友说,提问题也是学习提高的一部分,所以我鼓励,号召大家都来贡献一个英语学习的问题,我们的邮箱是questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. 谢谢大家收听,我们下次节目再会!
Li: 大家好我是杨莉。欢迎收听《你问我答》节目。今天的问题来自 Wu Yi,请我的同事Carol 代读。
Can ‘hijacking’ and ‘hijack’ both mean forcefully taking over a plane? What’s the difference?
Li: Wu Yi 想知道 ‘hijacking’ 和 ‘hijack’ 这两个词是不是都表示劫持这个意思。最好我们永远都不会遇到被劫持的事情,Wu Yi 你说呢? 不过回答你的第一个问题,是的,这两个词的意思都是劫持。两者的区别在于词性不同,一个是动名词,一个是动词。请听一段想象的资讯标题:
And news just in: a passenger plane has been hijacked. Unconfirmed reports suggest several people have been injured.
Li: A passenger plane has been hijacked. 一架客机被劫持。在这句话里 hijacked是动词,是和被动语态连用的过去分词。被劫持了或遭到劫持。Hijack 是动词原形,它的过去式和过去分词都是 hijacked. 我们再听一遍:
And news just in: a passenger plane has been hijacked. Unconfirmed reports suggest several people have been injured.
Li: 非常戏剧性的资讯!下面是同一个故事的跟踪报道。
And now an update on the London hijacking: Three people are confirmed dead.
Li: The London hijacking. 有关伦敦劫持事件的最新进展。单词 ‘hijacking’ 在此处是作为一个动名词来使用的。我们再听一遍:
And now an update on the London hijacking: Three people are confirmed dead.
Li: 在英语里人们经常在一个动词的后面加上 ‘i-n-g’ 使之成为一个动名词。比如动词shoot 射击、枪击,如果后面加上 i-n-g 词性就变了,变成了一个名词,请听下面这一段。
It’s believed the hijackers have threatened to shoot the passengers if their demands are not met. But the army has moved in - and we can hear the sounds of shooting!
Li: 这里我们听到了动词 ‘shoot’, 还有动名词 shooting. 你听没听到另一个词 hijackers劫持者? 我们再听一遍:
It’s believed the hijackers have threatened to shoot the passengers if their demands are not met. But the army has moved in - and we can hear the sounds of shooting!
Li: 好了,请大家不要紧张,因为刚才全是虚构的报道。不过希望你已经对 hijack 这个词的几个变形词语有了一定的了解。在后面加上 i-n-g 就是动名词。 不过我想提醒大家的是 ‘hijack’ 偶尔也可以作为名词来用。请听例句:
The hijack lasted for three days.
Li: The hijack lasted for three days. 劫持事情持续了三天。
好了 Wu Yi, 希望以上讲解对你有帮助。学单词归学单词,千万不要真的遇上劫持事件!现在我想对收音机前的听众朋友说,提问题也是学习提高的一部分,所以我鼓励,号召大家都来贡献一个英语学习的问题,我们的邮箱是questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. 谢谢大家收听,我们下次节目再会!