古诗翻译之李白: 听蜀僧浚弹琴

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古诗翻译之李白: 听蜀僧浚弹琴



蜀僧抱绿绮, 西下峨眉峰;

为我一挥手, 如听万壑松。

客心洗流水, 余响入霜钟。

不觉碧山暮, 秋云暗几重?

Li Bai

The monk from Shu with his green silk lute-case,

Walking west down Omei Mountain,

Has brought me by one touch of the strings

The breath of pines in a thousand valleys.

I hear him in the cleansing brook,

I hear him in the icy bells;

And I feel no change though the mountain darken

And cloudy autumn heaps the sky.